MCN6, the Metro Cable Network
9 PM --Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays
as well as 4:30 PM on Sundays
9 AM Mini-Series on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays
MCN6 reaches the Twin Cities seven county area, interconnecting 14 cable systems.
Feb. 24th week -- In honor of Black History Month: To be announced
Feb. 17th week -- In honor of Black History Month: To be announced
Feb. 10th week - In honor of Black History Month: Alan Page on His Foundation, the Page Educational Foundation
Feb. 3rd week -- In honor of Black HIstory Month: Vivian Jenkins Nelsen on Leadership
Jan. 27th week -- Re-airing "The Immigrant Law Center of MN, a great Resourece" w/ Julia Decker, JD, our guest -- See details below.
Jan. 20th week - The Immigrant Law Center of MN, a Great Resource
Guest: Julia Decker, JD -- Decker is an attorney who is the Policy Director at ILCM which is a wonderful resource here in our state. The Center provide services which are free and include visits w/ lawyers if eligible. During our half hour Julia helps us understand all the classifications of immigrants and dispels some of the misinformation that is out there. You can catch this on television at the times in our headings above or on YouTube.
Dec. 30th week -- Lonnie Dupre, explorer, environmentalist and educator, is our guest this week.
For airing times, see above in heading.
Dec. 23 -- Will Steger
Nov. 11th week -- An Unlikely Friendship: Lakota Chieftain & Homestead Cowboy Guest: John Hafnor, awarding winning author, joins Mary to talk about his latest book and debut novel, LAKOTA COWBOY. This book was a Gold Medal winner at the Will Rogers Literary Awards. It is a fascinating story of the friendship between two men whose lives intersect -- John's grandfather, one of the last open range cowboys, and James Stands For Them, one of the last of the nomadic Native American chieftains. Based on true events, it gives the reader great insight into the strengths, challenges and resilience of these two men as well as fascinating details about the history and cultures of this period, the late 1800's and early 1900's. The authors Native American consultant was Jhon Goes In Center, noted Ogala Lakota elder.
Nov. 4th week-- Four in Fifth -- Guests: Four boys who were 10 at the time of this interview -- Chris, Brady, Makai and Max. They talk about their world. We thought it would be a good escape from the tension of the election week. These four were so earnest, thoughtful and sincere! You can also find this on You Tube. This interview is on all this week at 9 PM on Cable Ch. 6, except Thursday as well as 4:30 PM on Sunday, the 10th.
Oct. 28th week - Dealing with Anxiety -- Guest: Tina Feigal, author, trainer, parent educator talks about anxiety in children, but her ideas are also very important and helpful for adults, too, so we are airing her interview this week as it is a tense time in our country.
Oct. 21st week - Attorney Lori Saroya, JD on Leadership -- Lori talks about her work as a City Councilwoman in Blaine, MN; on campaigning; on goals for the city of Blaine where she eo candidate again for the Council; and dealing w/ some "ism's" as a woman of color who is Muslim.
Oct. 14th week -- The Immigration Law Center of Minnesota, a Great Resource -- Guest: Julia Decker, JD -- Decker is an attorney who is the Policy Director at ILCM which is a wonderful resource here in our state. The Center provide services which are free and iinclude visits w/ lawyers if eligible. During our half hour Julia helps us understand all the classifications of immigrants and dispells some of the misinformation that is out there. You can catch this on television at the times above in the heading or on YouTube.
Oct. 7 week -- Pregnancy and Parenting After Loss -- Guests: Joann O’Leary, MS, MPH, PhD, and Cindy Diger -- Joann is an author, researcher and global consultant, and Cindy is a parent who gave birth after having child who lived w/ severe disabilities -- Joann shares new, important research and understanding of the depth of loss parents feel, and Cindy shares her family's story. They both also talk about a wonderful resource for families, the Star Legacy Foundation. You can catch this interview on Cable Channel 6, MCN6. See prime times above in the heading. It will also be available on YouTube. This interview is hot off the press, taped this summer.
Sept. 30 week - Conflict Resolution - Guest: Janet Rowles (Collins), Mediator and Author -
Janet shares ideas that are very helpful in terms of talking honestly w/ people with whom you disagree. Again, a timely topic!
Sept. 23 week - Mindfulness -- Guest: Jeannine Myrvick, LICSW, psycotheapist --
I chose this show as I found it to be stress reducing, and if you use practice this yourself, I bet you will agree. It is a pretty stressful time right now in our country, and I thought it was a good time to re-air this interview w/ Jeannine.
Sept. 16 week -- 40 Years and Counting -- This is a collection of clips showing some guests from the 80's up through 2020 -- Put together by my late editor, Greg Cassidy, in recognition of producing the show for 40 years. 44 now!
Sept. 9 week -- Water -- Our Precious Resource -- Guest: Angie Hong, Senior Water Resource Education Specialist for the East Metro Water Resource Education Program. She not only educates people in Minnesota but has a blog that is popular all over. She also has written a book which just was published this July, 2024, titled Exploring the St.Croix River Valley, and it is a beautiful, informative book for the public. She was a delightful guest to interview, and you will appreciate her positive approach and finding details and surprises in nature to enjoy and learn about! This interview will also be on YouTube. See the airing times for watching on television above.
Sept. 2 week -- Vivian Jenkins Nelsen on Leadership - Guest: the woman who personifies "leadership" is my guest this week. Vivian sits down for the half hour and shares stories about her life, her career and some thoughts about leadership. You can see this every weeknight except Thursday at 9 pm on MCN6 as well as next Sunday, the 8th, at 4:30 pm. This interview can also be found on my YouTube channel.
August 26th week -- George Latimer on State of the State -- Guest: the late George Latimer -- George just died this month, 2024, and in remembrance of him, we are re-airing an interview I did w/ him in 2014. For those who didn't know the former Mayor of Saint Paul who was also a U of MN Regent & a Macalester professor, I think you will see why he was loved by so many people! In this half hour, George talks about topics that are still front and center today in the arena of politics. You can catch this interview at 9 PM every weeknight this wk, except Thursday, plus Sun. afternoon, Sept. 1 at 4:30.
August 19th week -- Lonnie Dupre for the Half Hour -- Guest: In a new follow up interview to last week's show, Dupre is Mary's guest again. In this free wheeling interview, Lonnie talks about plans for his next expedition, his film, AMKA, his relationship w/ Will Steger and the "simple life -- life without indoor plumbing or electricity...."
August 12th week -- Lonnie Dupre Returns to Greenland After 23 Years -- Guest: Arctic expolorer, author and environmentalist, Dupre, shares stories about his return expedition to Greenland. A film has been produced about this trip, and it is called "AMKA." You will see a clip from it in this interview and learn more about how global warming is impacting this northern country's way of life.
July 22 week - Re-airing Larry Long's interview; see listing below.
July 15 week - Larry Long on Social Issues--Guest: Long, singer, songwriter, educator, activist Larry shares clips from some of his performances and talks about major social issues that he has focused on through the years. You will find the interview very timely, though it was taped in 2017. If you missed it, you will find this interview one very interesting and may want to share! Airing times are in the heading above, and note that it is also on YouTube.
July 8 week - HOT OFF THE PRESS - Thi Synavone on Domestic Violence -- Guest: Thi Synavone, Ex. Director of Standpoint MN. This non-profit, formerly known as the Battered Women's Legal Advocacy Project (BWLAP), exists to serve domestic and sexual violence survivors, advocates, attorneys, and other professionals in the state of Minnesota. Legal advice as well as help finding shelter is available for no charge, regardless of income, and Standpoint does training all over the state for advocates and attorneys. Thi herself is an immigrant to the US, fleeing Laos w/ her family, crossing the Mekong River at night. She shares how in her home country, domestic violence was not something people talk about and how that carries out for many in our country, too. Tune in to learn more about this wonderful resource! See the airing times above in the heading and note that it is also on YouTube.
July 1 -- Decisions About College Applications -- Guest: CAROL STACK, former Augsburg and Macalester Admissions Officer and now a consultnt w/ an enrollment consulting firm. Carol knows lots about this subject! I think parents and kids who are wanting to go to college and need to start thinking seriously about it OR need to start applying soon will find this helpful and or interesting. This interview will be on week on July 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th of July at 9 pm as well as on the 7th of July at 4:30 pm.
June 24 -- Zina Poletz Gutmanis interview (see below) this week, too due to "popular demand."
June 17th week - Zina Poletz Gutmanis on Understanding Ukraine's Holodomor Genocide -- Writer/ Director of new documentary titled "Holodomore: Minnesota Memories of Genocide in Ukraine" -- Zina has gathered actual footage from back in the early 1930's when Russia confiscated land from the Ukrainian farmers, killing millions, and exact numbers are still not known, but historians put the number at three to eight million. Zina shares more of this time period with us and talks about life today for Ukrainian Americans from her very personal point of view. This tragic chapter of Ukrainian history is not one that is well known here, and Zina talks some about this. Hopefully, this is Part I of a mini series.
June 10th week -- Marcela Lorca: Evolution of an Artist -- Guest: Lorca, the Artistic Director of the theatre group, Ten Thousand Things - Marcela shares some of her life history, including her early days in Chile, her years at the Guthrie and her relatively new position w/ TTT. She is a true creative force!
June 3rd week -- Mark Rosen is my guest for an additional week. See below.
May 27th week - Mark Rosen, a favorite sports journalist in Minnesota, is my guest this week. Since so many of us are thinking sports (HS and pro!) this week, Mark seemed like the perfect guest to bring back. This half hour was taped in February of 2019. I know you will enjoy hearing more from Mark again here. He is also a regular commentator on KFAN Radio (100.3 AM).
May 20th week - Part II with Will Steger -- DID YOU KNOW that Will received a very special award and joins these recipients -- AMELIA EARHART, Roald AMUNDSEN, ROB'T Peary and JACQUES-YVES COUSTEAU, the other honorees for the prestigious John Oliver La Gorce Medal for “accomplishments in geographic exploration, the sciences, and for public service" from the Nat'l Geographic Society.
In this interview, he vividly describes his most recent solo expedition summarized last wk. He describes the thrill of "living in the moment" almost every day for 60 days. He also talks about his bond w/ the Inuit people who are making huge changes in their lifestyle due to climate change. You can see this interview this week at 9 PM on MCN6, Cable Ch. 6, tonight, May 20th, as well as on Tues, Wed and Fri this week also at 9 PM. You can also find it on my YouTube channel.
May 13th week -- Will Steger's 600 Mile Solo Expedition in 2023 -- Will describes this amazing expedition he completed crossing 600 miles by skis, pulling 280 # of food and supplies on three sleds AND by raft as the temperatures warmed and he took to the rivers, piling his sleds on a raft. It was an unsupported trip across part of the NW Terriitories including Great Bear Lake.
May 6th week -- Will Steger, 2023 -- Guest: Arctic Explorer, Educator, Environmentalist Steger talks about his early life, what drives him and his current thinking about global warming.
April 29th week-- Re-airing interview w/ Dr. Amanda Maltry from this past week.
April 22nd week -- Common Eye Diseases and Prevention Tips -- Guest: Amanda Maltry, MD, ophthalmologist -- Dr. Maltry shared the latest information on the most common eye diseases -- macular degeneration (good news), glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. We also talked a lot about treatment and prevention. She has a wonderful way of explaining complex medical situations in understandable language. You will learn a lot I think. I know I did!
You also may want to check out legislation being discussed at the Capitol currently re. the potential expansion of the treatment options for optometrists. Dr. Maltry, the MMA and the Minnesota Academy of Ophthalmology are very concerned as they feel that only MDs should be doing surgery and eye injections, and optometrists are hoping to expand their options. There are two bills being discussed, HF# 4247 and SF# 4570.
April 15th week -- 40 Years and Counting -- This is a retrospective half hour program w/ clips from The Mary Hanson Show going back to the early days in the 1980's and up to current days. We also included a clip from a movie preview show Mary co-hosted for six years called The Screening Room and a clip from the children's television show she hosted once a week for 14 yr called The Wishing Well. This show was produced by Children's Hospital and Abbott Northwestern Hospital, and it was an hour in length, live and interactive plus the first hospital show in the country for children done so professionally. The Screening Room was started by Brian Lambert and Mary, and the other co-hosts were Randy Adamsick and Ed Staiger.
April 8th week -- The End of Life: Who Gets To Decide -- Guest: Ellen J. Kennedy, Ph.D., family member who has been testifying at the MN State Capitol, in favor of the End-0f-Life Bill (HF #1930 and SF #1813). Ellen is the wife of the late Leigh Lawton, Ph.D., who died in December of 2022 and had a painful and hard death. This bill would give an adult patient who is terminal and alert the right to have more choice in the way his/her life ends. Kennedy is the founder and Ex. Director of World Without Genocide and an Adjunct Professor the the Mitchell Hamline School of Law. PLease see the times in the above heading that this interview will be broadcast on MCN6, Cable Ch. 6.
April 1st week - A Survivor Speaks About the 35W Bridge Collapse -- It is deja vu for those of us who have lived in Mpls/MN the past several years.....thinking of the 35W Bridge tragedy in 2007. We are re-airing an interview I did w/ one of the survivors, Andy Gannon. I think Andy's experience, and ours vicariously, speak to several "layers" -- our fears, resilience, the the needs of our country to pay more attention to our infrastructure, ETC. If you missed it before, you can catch it now on MCN6 this week, the wk of April 1, at 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday. Thank you, Andy, for sharing your story.
March 25th week -- Terry Gips on Leadership -- Hot off the press! The nationally recognized environmentalist, author, consultant and speaker, Terry is the President of the Alliance for Sustainability, a non-profit based here in Minnesota that is now over 40 years old. In this interview Terry shares stories about his early days as an advocate, and he also shares his current thoughts about the fragility of the planet as well as positive ideas and policies we can put into effect.
March 18th week -- Sage Cowles is on this week also. See description from week prior.
March 11th week -- Sage Cowles on Leadership -- Guest: Sage Cowles, DANCER, philanthropist & activist was my guest in this interview taped several years ago. Sage, who died in 2013, had a fascinating career and would be dismayed to hear that the Cowles Center for Dance & the Performing Arts is possibly closing. You can catch this interview om MCN6, Cable Ch. 6, this Friday, the 15th of March at 9 PM or Sunday, the 17th, at 4:30 PM.
March 4 -- Vivian Jenkins Nelsen on Leadership -- Guest: Consultant, speaker and author, Vivian Jenkins Nelsen is our guest this week. In the half hour, Vivian shares stories about her mentors and family. She talks about her work that she has been passionate about, and we talk about racism that she has experienced as well as racism in a broader sense. Surprisingly, in spite of being honored by three different Presidents for her work, she stated that she does not think of herself as a leader, but the rest of us do! See above for airing times this week on MCN6. This interview is also now on YouTube.
February 26th week -- Guest: Civil Rights activist, Josie Johnson -- JOSIE was the subject of a wonderful TPT documentary last wk, and we thought that you might be interested in getting to know her even better, so we are sharing one of my interviews w/ her on MCN6 this wk, the wk of Feb. 26. This interview was taped in 2016, and in it she talks about where race relations have been and are now. The airing times on Ch. 6 are at 9 pm every weeknight except Thursday. You can also catch this at 4:30 pm on Sun, March 3, same channel. So here is “Josie Johnson on Leadership, Part II.” This is also on YouTube. Thank you, so much Josie, for all you have done!
February 19th week -- Reatha Clark King on Race Relations -- Guest: Former President of Metro State University and VP at General Mills shares stories of growing up picking cotton (200 lb/day) as a 12 yr. old, but going on to become a rocket scientist among her many other accomplishments. See above for the airing times.
February 12th week -- Also in honor of Black History Month -- Gen Z Leader: Zarion Irby -- Guest: Irby, HS Senior at Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis, MN, talks about the challenges of HS life and leadership goals he has for himself. The interview then shifts gears, and Mary asks Zarion about a spoken word piece he has written ....and recites in this interview.... a stunning poem called "Breathe." Zarion talks with Mary about the ongoing pressures he feels as a young, Black man today. I think you will find this half hour riviting. The airing dates and times are posted above at the top of this page.
February 5th week -- In recognition and honor of BLACK HISTORY MONTH - MN Teacher of the Year, 2023, Michael Houston
January 29th week -- "Common Challenges Couples Face" with guest, Ronald Asiime, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of MN's Dept of Family Social Science. In practical ways, Dr. Asiime shares ideas about dealing with what are probably considered the most challenging areas for couples -i- money, sex and parenting. Note airing dates and times above in heading. This interview is also now on YouTube.
January 22nd week -- "Will Steger, 2023" -- Due to "popular demand" this week we are re-aring Will's interview that was taped this past fall. See airing times and dates above.
January 15th week -- Will Steger, 2023 -- Guest: Will Steger, Arctic explorer, environmentalist and educator is our guest. In this interview he talks about what he is doing now; he shares values that guide him; some family history; and some stories. A fascinating interview. This will be broadcast at all the evening and late PM times listed above, (Later this winter we will air the second interview he taped w/ Mary recently, and it focuses on the solo, unsupported expedition he did last spring (2023) crossing 500 plus miles of the NW Territories by skis and a raft.
January 8th week -- William Cope Moyers on Addiction -- Guest: Moyers (son of Bill) talks about his struggles w/ addiction and its effect on the whole family, the treatment he utilized and his road to recovery. William is the Vice President of Public Affairs/Community Relations at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. This interview was taped several years ago, but is still very current and timely for those who are serious about making lifestyle changes.
January 1 week -- Patty Wetterling on Hope -- Guest: Patty talks in detail about how she has handled the last few years since Jacob's body was recovered, and she talks about the process that she and Joy Baker, the co-author of her new book, went through to write the book. Dear Jacob, A Mother's Journey of Hope, came out in October of '23, and it is riviting and inspiring. Thank you to Patty for all you have done to keep children safe in our world.
January 2023
January 2 week -- Chuck Slocum on the Suicide of His Son -- Guest: Chuck, well known Minnesota businessman and consultant to several Governors, sits down and talks w/ Mary about the death of his son Judson by suicide. He explains that there is treatment for depression, gives the new Lifeline phone # to call any hour of the day, 988, and gives viewers ideas on how to intervene and be supportive. See airing times directly above.
Week of January 9 -- A Hospice Nurse on the Dying Process -- Guest: Sheila Duddy, RN, M.Ed. -- Mary talks with Sheila, formerly with Allina Health Hospice and Palliative Care, on how to take care of loved ones who are in or will be in hospice. Sheila talks about the benefits of hospice and how it can help people live better during the end of life. She explains how communication changes and helps us know what to expect. See airing times above in heading. (My apologies for this rather late update! I have had the flu and am a bit behind the curve! This is a re-run, but when I saw how many had viewed it on YouTube (24,000 plus), I thought it would be good to re-air as it is a big topic, and Sheila was a great guest.
Week of January 16 -- Pauline Boss on Ambiguous Loss and the Pandemic -- Guest: Pauline Boss, PhD, sits down with Mary to share her ideas and theories about the losses that go along with the Pandemic, many of which are what she calls “ambiguous losses.” Pauline is Professor Emeritus at the U of Minnesota in the Dept of Family Social Science, and she is also an author and researcher. In this half hour, she shares fascinating ideas from her latest book, The Myth of Closure, Ambiguous Loss in a Tme of Pandemic and Change.
Week of January 23 -- Needing to postpone - technical difficulties.... "Polly Mann on Leadership" will be aired later.
Week of January 23 -- Plan B -- Re-Imagine Your Life -- Guest: Richard Leider, author, lecturer, consultant is the guest. This feels like a great topic for the beginning of our new year. Richard is the well known author of some big books including Re-Packing Your Bags For the Rest of Your Life.
For Black History Month:
Week of January 30 -- Violence in the Cities -- Guests: Sondra and Don Samuels -- These two leaders talk about the state of our city and share important ideas on MCN6 w/ Mary the evenings of Jan 30, 31, Feb 1, 3 at 9 PM. Sondra is the CEO of Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ), and Don is the CEO of MicroGrants, and they talk about the serious crime on the north side of Minneapolis, but also about crime all over the metro area. This interview was taped almost a year ago and kicks off Black History Month.
Week of February 6 -- Alan Page on His Foundation -- Guest: Page, one of our leaders who needs no introduction talks about his lifelong focus on education and about the Page Education Foundation that he and his late wife, Diane, founded. He also reminisces w/ Mary about his football and MN Supreme Court years. Please see the heading above to check the times.
Week of February 13 -- W. Harry Davis on Leadership -- Guest: Davis was a long-time Minneapolis School Board member, founder of the Urban Coalition and legendary boxer. Harry died in 2006, and the interview was taped in 2003. You can catch this on Sunday, the 19th, at 4:30 PM. It also aired at 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday this past week. My apologies for accidentally not listing this earlier. I do also post upcoming interviews regularly on my FaceBook page.
Week of February 20 -- Reatha Clark King on Race Relations -- Guest: Mary talks with Reatha Clark King in this interview about race, growing up in segregated Georgia and race relations today. Reatha is a former President of Metro State University and the former Vice President of General Mills where she also served as Executive Director of the Foundation. Reatha has led an amazing life -- she picked cotton as a girl and went to a one room school for seven years. She went on to get her PhD at the University of Chicago and her MBA at Columbia. She was a rocket scientist for the National Bureau of Standards and then became a college professor at York College in NY before coming to Minnesota. See above in the heading for airing times and days.
Week of February 27 -- Josie Johnson on Leadership -- Guest: Johnson got her doctorate at Amhearst, was a Vice President at the U of MN, developed a course for the U called “Black Families in White America,” was on the Board of Regents at the U of M, and was the Acting Director of the Mpls Urban League. This was the first of two interviews I did w/ Josie, and this one was taped in 2006. Both are on my YouTube Channel. Josie has some sobering thoughts about our country's lack of progress in race relationships. You can catch this at 9 PM every weeknight this coming week except Thursday
as well as at 4:30 PM on Sunday, March 5th.
In honor of March being Women's History Month - for our evening slots - see above for times.
Week of March 6 -- Polly Mann on Leadership -- Guest: Polly Mann, who just died at 103 this January was my guest in April of 2002. In this inteview we talked about WAMM, Women Against Military Madness, the non-profit she founded in 1981, and about her personal history. Another interesting fact: Polly ran for US Senate in 1988, the year Durenberger won.
Week of March 13 -- Ann Bancroft on Access Water -- Guest: Explorer/Environmentalist Ann Bancroft shares stories and information about her trip down the Ganges in India in 2015.
She and her exploring partner Liv Arnesen, traveled w/ young women from all the continents to learn more about water on our planet and to share ideas, too.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES - Legal Issues of Interest - Thursday - Saturdays
Thursdays – March 9, 16, 23, 30 – Elder Law: Be Proactive (The guest is Margaret Barrett, JD., an Elderlaw attorney)
Fridays – March 10, 17, 24, 31 – Deception, Intimacy & the Law (The guest is Jill Hasday, JD, U of MN Law School Professor)
Saturdays – March 11,18, 25 & April 1– Mike Ciresi on Judges As Gatekeepers
Week of March 20 -- Marion Etzwiler on Leadership -- Guest: Marion Etzwiler was a well respected and beloved Minnesota leader who was the President and CEO of the Minneapolis Foundation for years -- from the mid 80's to the mid-90's. She also was an influential leader with many non-profits outside her Foundation work including Planned Parenthood and the Minneapolis Women's Foundation among many others. She started out as a scientist w/ Bendix Aviation. Marion died in 2017 at the age of 88.
Week of March 27 - Amy Klobuchar on Leadership -- Guest: Amy's interview is being re-aired this week in honor of Women's History month. This was taped in 2010, and in it Amy talks about her early life, her early days as a Senator and ideas re. leadership.
Week of April 3 -- Working To End Gun Violence -- Guest: Marit Brock, the past Co-Founder of the MN Chapter of Moms Demand Action.
Week of April 10 -- Ron Daws on the Mind Body Connection -- The late Ron Daws was an Olympian (Mexico, 1968 marathoner) who lectured around the world about the mental benefits of exercise as well as training. He was married to Mary Hanson and died in 1992.
Week of April 17 -- The Mysteries of Sleep -- Guest: Samantha Anders, PhD, now in private practice in Minneapolis, formerly with the Regional Sleep Disorders Center at Hennepin Health Care
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES - Disabilites That Are Not Visible - Thursday - Saturdays
April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18 – Living with Dyslexia with Jim Bauer, a man living with dyslexia who has authored several books about it and Rachel Berger, a mother whose son deals w/ dyslexia which has led to Rachel’s work as an advocate.
April 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 – Brain Injuries, the Invisible Injury w/ Ric and Beth Johnson and David King, CEO of the Brain Injury Alliance. Ric had a traumatic brain injury, falling off a ladder, and Beth is his wife and speaks from the family’s perspective. David shares the mission of his organization and describes some of the many services.
April 22, 29, May 6,13, 20 – Dealing with Hearing Loss with AnthonyDavis, LISW, a specialist with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services in Mankato, MN, in the Minnesota Department of Human Services, and a man who is hard of hearing himself. Also joining us, Sharisse Leier, an interpreter w/ the Department of Human Services.
Week of April 24 -- End-of-Life Issues -- Guests: Rebecca Thoman, MD and David Plimpton, MD, both with with the non-profit organization, Compassion & Choices, talk with Mary about options and resources for those who are wanting to learn more about charting their end-of-life journey. Please see heading above for airing times on MCN6.
Week of May 1 -- Homelessness -- Guest: Michelle Perrin, Director of Outreach and Shelter at Agate Housing and Services answered a lot of basic questions about homelessness in Minnesota.
Week of May 8 -- Nonviolent Peaceforce Addresses Violence on the Northside -- Guests: Marna Anderson, Director of the Nonviolent Peaceforce, USA, talks about the mission of the organization to protect civilians around the world in hot spots through unarmed strategies. Will Wallace, Director of Community Peace Builders, a branch of the Nonviolent Peace Force, describes how he has begun working on the Northside of Minneapolis to reduce violence here at home, working with young adults from the area who are learning about de-escalation, listening, risk assessment, etc., and these young men are people who have overcome past issues tied to conflict and violence in the streets here. See above (scroll to top of ths page) for exact airing times.
Week of May 15 -- Anne Gearity on High Risk Kids -- Guests: Gearity, LICSC, is Mary's guest. She is one of the most well-known and respected social workers in the Midwest, and we thought it would be a good time to re-air an interview she did in 2017. You can see this interview every week night at 9 PM on MCN6, Cable Ch 6, except Thursday.
Week of May 22 -- Melvin Carter, III, on Leadership -- Guest: Saint Paul's Mayor talks about his family life, past and present; about his role as Mayor, including some of the challenges and his thoughts on leadership. This interview is part of Mary's on-going series, "Minnesota Leaders."
Week of May 29 -- Alan Page on His Foundation -- Guest: Former MN Supreme Court Justice and Vikings star Page talks w/ Mary about the Page Education Foundation which is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year! The mission of the foundation is to support young people of color w/ their post-secondary education. To date 8,000 students have been helped and 16 million dollars devoted to this. These students also then mentor younger kids, helping them get a step up. This interview, taped in 2017, will air at 9 PM on every WEEK night except Thursday this week. (See heading above.)
Week of June 5 -- To be announced - Note: Some technical issues w/ the website. Programming from June 5 up to November 19, 2023 will be restored soon.
Week of November 20 -- Patty Wetterling on Hope, 2023 -- Guest: Advocate, author and mother, Patty Wetterling is our guest this week talking about her new book that tells the story of her family’s search for Jacob who was abducted in 1989 as almost all the country remembers. Our interview was taped in June of 2023 and is one of the very first that Patty did this year introducing her new book published this October. In the interview Patty shares what the book also details - the abduction of Jacob and her family’s efforts nationally to eradicate future abductions. It is amazing how she used this most sad and frightening event and worked to change our systems. You can catch this interview on MCN6, Cable Channel 6, at 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday as well as next Sunday, November 26, at 4:30 PM. Patty was voted one of the top 100 most influential people in the US a few years ago for her major work to protect children. Dear Jacob, A Mother's Journey of Hope was co-written with Joy Baker who was a key person in the process of finding Jacob. The book is published by the MN Historical Press and brings the tragedy into more focus and also inspires w/ Patty’s ability to make the word “HOPE” into a verb as she views it. This interview is also on YouTube.
Week of November 27 -- Patty Wetterling on Hope -- We are re-airing this interview one more week due to lots of requests. Talking w/ Patty was so inspiring! She has pivoted from finding Jacob and preventing abductions to a broader focus on prevention and education. "I see "Hope" as a verb, "Patty states. You can catch this interview on Ch. 6 the week of Nov. 27. "The Mary Hanson Show" is broadcast at 9 PM every weeknight except Thursdays as well at Sundays at 4:30 PM. You can also see the interview on YouTube.
Week of December 4 -- Kids and Mental Health -- Guest: Emily Benson, LICSW, RPT-S, SEP ~~
The guest for the half hour this next week will be Emily Benson, LICSW, the founder and owner of of Beginnings and Beyond Counseling/Play Therapy Minnesota. Children and young people as we are recognizing are having a hard time these days with depression, eco and social anxiety, eating disorders, etc. They also are feeling the stress that their families are experiencing. Benson addresses these issues and brings resource ideas to the viewers. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Registered Play Therapist Supervisor as well as a Somatic Experiencing Professional.
Week of December 11 - The Lingering Effects of the Pandemic on Kids -- Guest: Tina Feigal, author, parent educator. Tina in her wise and practical ways gives parents lots of great tips and also talks about the reality of young people's brains developing more slowly than most would think and how that effects them. Among other things!
Week of December 18 -- Common Eye Diseases and Prevention
Tips -- Guest: Amy Maltry, MD, Ophthalmologist at Southdale Eye Clinic. Dr. Maltry, is with me for the half hour to talk about the most common eye diseases including cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. She also shares what we can do to take better care of our eyes. A very informative interview! MCN 6, Cable Ch. 6, on December 19th, 20th & 22nd as well as Sunday, the 24th, at 4:30 pm. The interview is also on YouTube now, too.
Week of December 25 -- Philip Brunelle on Leadership -- Guest: Brunelle, Founder of VocalEssence talks w/ Mary about his career. The internationally recognized musician has been a staple in MN and the US since 1969 and is going strong at 80. This interview was taped a few years ago but is so fitting for this season!
Week of January 1 -- To be announced! Happy New Year!
January 2022
Scroll down to see all the 2022 interviews.
January 3 -- REPEAT -- Osterholm for the Half Hour -- Guest: Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, talks with Mary about Covid 19, the Omicron variant, "vaccine hesitation and vaccine hostility, masking, etc. Michael as most of you know is one of the country's top infectious disease doctors. He is the Director of CIDRAP at the U of MN. (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) We are grateful that he was able to do this interview with us on December 13, 2021.
January 10th week -- Scott Davies, MD on Leadership -- Guest: Scott Davies, MD, is the guest this week, talking about his stellar career as Chief of Medicine at HCMC/Hennepin Healthcare and about the mission of this hospital system. This interview was taped in February of 2020 before news of Covid was very public. The interview is an insight into the heart and mind of a beloved doctor and health care leader. See above for airing times.
January 17th week -- A Hospice Nurse on the Dying Process -- Guest: Sheila Duddy, RN, M.Ed., former Allina Hospice and Palliative Care nurse, shares information about hospice and what people often experience as part of the dying process.
Thursdays, Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3 –Win Wallin, former Medtronic CEO
Fridays, Jan.21, 28, Feb. 4 – Chuck Denny, former CEO of ADC Telecommunications
Saturdays, Jan 22, 29, Feb. 5 – Dave Koch, former Graco CEO
All three were known for their focus on corporate responsibility, and all three are no longer living but live on via their values and work.
January 28 and Jan. 30 -- Steve Miles, MD, on Medical and Bioethics -- Guest: Steven Miles, MD, fields questions from Mary about Covid related issues related to medical ethics. He is a Professor Emeritus at the U of MN's Medical School and an internationally known expert and author. He also shares ideas about climate change as a public health issue, assisted suicide, genetic tests for Alzheimer's and medical privacy. This interview will air on MCN6 at 9 PM on January 28 and 4:30 PM on Sunday, January 30. Again our apologies that it didn't air earlier this week.
January 31st week -- Steve Miles, MD, on Medical and Bioethics -- See above for guest and topic. This interview will be on MCN6 at our regular times this week -- 9 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday as well as Sunday, the 6th, at 4:30 PM.
Week of February 7 -- BIG NEWS: Judge Wilhelmina Wright on Leadership -- Guest: Judge Wilhelmina Wright, one of the top contenders for the nomination to the US Supreme Court by President Biden is Mary's guest this week!
This very personal interview with Mary was taped in January of 2013 when Judge Wright was appointed to the MN Supreme Court by Governor Dayton, and Mary interviewed her as part of her ongoing series, "Minnesota Leaders." Since then Wilhelmina has more recently been a Judge in the US District Court for MN since 2016, nominated by President Obama. As mentioned above in the heading, this interview will be broadcast on MCN6, Cable Channel 6, at 9 PM on Mon., Feb. 7, Tues., Feb. 8, Wed., Feb. 9 and Fri., Feb. 11. It can also be seen on Sunday, the 13th, at 4:30 PM, and it has just been uploaded to YouTube.
In honor of Black History Month, my MORNING MINI-SERIES on MCN6 features these three stellar Minnesota leaders the mornings listed at 9 AM:
Thurs, Feb 10,17, 24 & Mar. 3 -- JOSIE JOHNSON
Fridays, Feb 11, 18, 25 & Mar. 4 -- ALAN PAGE
Saturdays, Feb 12, 19, 26 & Mar. 5 – W. HARRY DAVIS who died in 2006
Week of February 14 -- Judge Wilhelmina Wright on Leadership (repeat) -- Guest: Judge Wilhelmina Wright, one of the top contenders for the nomination to the US Supreme Court
This very personal interview with Mary was taped in January of 2013 when Judge Wright was appointed to the MN Supreme Court by Governor Dayton, and Mary interviewed her as part of her ongoing series, "Minnesota Leaders." Since then Wilhelmina has more recently been a Judge in the US District Court for MN since 2016, nominated by President Obama. As mentioned above in the heading, this interview will be broadcast on MCN6, Cable Channel 6, at 9 PM on these dates: Mon., Feb. 14, Tues., Feb. 15, Wed., Feb. 16 and Fri., Feb. 18. It can also be seen on Sunday, the 20th, at 4:30 PM, and it has just been uploaded to YouTube.
Week of February 21 -- Sondra and Don Samuels on Violence in the City -- Guests: Minneapolis Northside residents, Sondra and Don , about recent deaths that have rocked our city and also talk solutions and positive approaches. Sondra is the President and CEO of NAZ, the Northside Achievement Zone, and Don is the CEO of MicroGrants. This interview airs, as mentioned in our title area above, at 9 PM every weekday on MCN6 this week except Thursday, and it can also be seen at 4:30 pm on Sunday, Feb. 27. Hope you can catch this important interview!
Week of February 28 -- Sondra and Don Samuels on Violence in the City -- Repeat --See description above.
Week of March 7th -- Anton Treuer on Ojibwe Culture -- Guest: Ojibwe leader and Professor Anton Treuer, PhD, from Bemidji State University, talks with Mary about ideas from his latest book, The Cultural Toolbox, sharing personal stories as well as historical perspective. Treuer also talks about his efforts to revitalize the Ojibwe language. This brilliant leader and thinker has been invited to be on the United Nations Working Group on Energy. Anton says that the Ojibwe have a lot to share with the world in terms of sustainability. See heading above for times and dates.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES -- In Honor of Women's History Month
These women will be featured this week only at 9 AM on MCN6 with additional airings later this spring.
March 10 -- Ann Bancroft on Access Water
March 11 -- Reatha Clark King on Race Relations
March 12 -- Amy Klobuchar on Leadership
Week of March 14th -- 2021 Teacher of the Year -- Guest: Natalia Benjamin, Rochester HS
where she is a Multi Lingual and Ethnic Studies teacher -- With the strike going on in Minneapolis, it seems like a good time to share this interview again. We need to figure out how to keep our quality teachers and support staff teaching and working with our kids! See the heading at the top of this page for airing times on MCN6.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES -- Minnesota Teachers of the Year- Thurs thru Sat
Thursdays, March 17, 24, 31 – MN Teacher of the Year, 2013 -- Megan Olivia Hall
Megan teaches the sciences, mostly biology, at Open World Learning School, a public school for Middle and HS students in St. Paul, formerly called St. Paul Open
Fridays, March 18, 25 and April 1 –– MN Teacher of the Year, 2021 -- Natalia Benjamin, Rochester HS Natalia is at Rochester HS where she is a Multi Lingual and Ethnic Studies teacher
Saturdays, March 19, 26 and April 2 -- MN Teacher of the Year, 2015 -- Amy Hewett-Olatunde
Amy is an English teacher, LEAP High School, St. Paul
Week of March 21 -- Genocide: An Expert Discusses -- Guest: Ellen J. Kennedy, PhD, Founder and Executive Director of World Without Genocide, the non-profit Ellen founded. This interview was taped in 2015, but it is pertinent today in light of the Ukraine/Russia situation. This non-profit is "housed" at Mitchell Hamline School of Law where Ellen also teaches a course on genocide.
Week of March 28 -- War, Peace and Love: Irina Fursman, an “Enemy of the State” in Russia Guest: Irina Fursman, Ed.D., Relief Facilitator for Ukraine -- In the first of a four part mini-series on Ukraine (as it evolved), Mary talks with Irina Fursman Ed.D., who grew up in Russia and Ukraine and now lives in Minnesota where she co-founded Hue Life, a training and consulting firm AND Global Synergy Group, a non-profit that is helping Ukrainians today in various ways. Go to to learn how you might help. Taped on March 21, 2022. See above at top of page for airtimes.
Week of April 4 -- The Russian War in Ukraine: Dr. Mykola Megits and International Trade Guest: Mykola Megits, Ph.D. -- In the second part of a mini-series on the Russian war and invasion of Ukraine on "The Mary Hanson Show," Mary talks with Dr. Mykola (formerly Nikolay) Megits. Dr. Megits, who was born in Ukraine, is the International Trade Representative with the Minnesota Trade Office and serves the Governor. His work involves trade w/ both Ukraine and Russia. He is also an adjunct professor at Hamline University in the Twin Cities. Dr. Megits talks about several hot topics – sanctions and their effects, Putin’s goals, our relationship with China and the No Fly Zone principle. This interview was taped on March 21, 2022. See top of page for airtimes.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES on MCN6 -- Suicide- Thurs thru Sat
April 14, 21, 28 & May 5 & 12 - "Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection, Part IV" with guest, Mark Meier, LICSW, Founder of The Face It Foundation for men dealing w/ depression.
April 15, 22, 29 & May 6 & 13 – "Family Journey After Suicide" with widow, Rebecca Anderson, LCSW, who with her children wrote a series of books about how suicide affected the family.
April 16, 23, 30 & May 7 & 14 – "Bullying and Suicide" with boy who was a teen when we did the interview. Alec Fischer was my guest, and he produced a film on this topic after being bullied himself.
Week of April 11 -- Couples on the Brink -- Guest: Steven M. Harris, PhD, LMFT, Professor at the U of MN in the Department of Family Social Sciences -- Steve talks w/ Mary about couples who are split in terms of what they want -- one wants a divorce; the other wants to stay married, a common situation. Steve explains Discernment Therapy, a form of counseling that his colleague, Bill Dougherty developed. Steve is one of the authors of the book Should I Try To Work It Out? with Alan J. Hawkins and Tamara Fackrell. This interview airs at the times listed in the heading above -- at 9 PM on MCN6 on Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri as well as Sunday, at 4:30 PM.
Week of April 18 -- We are re-airing the interview w/ Dr. Steve Harris on "Couples on the Brink" due to popular demand. See directly above for details.
Week of April 25th -- The Raptor Center -- Guests: Gail Buhl, Naturalist, the Raptor Center and a Great Horned Owl, Eagle and Peregrine Falcon -- We are re-airing this interview due to the increased worrisome news about Bird Flu and the impact on our raptor population.
Week of May 2 -- Helping Ukrainians at the Polish Border -- Guest: Chris Kindler, Communications Director with Alight -- Chris describes the humanitarian work that the Alight staff are doing as well as their work distributing medical supplies in Ukraine. In this interview, taped on 4-4-22, Kindler also talks about how these families coming across the border differ from the earlier families and what safety measures are in place. You can catch this at 9 PM every night this week on MCN6 except Thursday plus Sunday, the 8th, at 4:30 PM as announced above in heading.
Week of May 9 -- Genocide in Ukraine -- Guest: Ellen Kennedy, Ph.D., Ex. Director of World Without Genocide -- Dr. Kennedy, who was the founder of World Without Genocide, defines the criteria for establishing genocide. She also talks about the other three human rights abuses that she feels Putin is committing – war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression. She feels that charging Putin and Russia with genocide is essential for helping bring some justice to the victims in Ukraine, and she explains the legal options. WWG is based at the William Hamline School of Law where Dr. Kennedy is also an adjunct professor. See the heading at the top of this section for exact times this interview airs. It is also now uploaded to YouTube.
Week of May 16 -- Genocide in Ukraine w/ Ellen Kennedy, the 4th in our series on the invasion of Ukraine -- We are repeating this interview an additional week. See May 9th listing above for details. This interview will air at 9 PM every weeknight this week except Thursday plus Sunday, the 23rd, at 4:30 PM all on MCN6.
Week of May 23 -- Paul Douglas on the Climate Crisis, Hope and Solutions -- Guest: Meterologist, Douglas. Paul Douglas is a nationally respected meteorologist and most Minnesotans know him from one or more of his roles in Minnesota -- at WCCO-TV or KARE 11 or as the weather source in the Star Tribune daily. In this interview Paul talks about the state of things in our environment, the main causes of the climate crisis (transportation and fossil fuels) and our need to balance reality and hope. His new book, A Kids’ Guide to Saving the Planet, It’s Not Hopeless and We’re Not Helpless, is also discussed. See airing times on MCN6 above (in heading).
Week of May 30 -- Ending Gun Violence w/ Marit Brock -- Guest: Marit Brock, Co-Founder of Moms Demand Action on Gun Violence is back. (This interview is from our archives.) Marit is one of the most active leaders in working to get background checks and more in Minnesota. The interview will be on every weeknight this wk except Thursday at 9 PM on MCN6, the Metro Cable Network.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES -- Our Fragile Environment- Thurs thru Sat
Our current mini-series for the 9 AM slot on MCN6 is focusing on "OUR FRAGILE ENVIRONMENT." Our ongoing mini-series runs every Thursday through Saturday, at 9 each morning. My guests this week and the next two (the weeks of June 6 and 13th) will be WILL STEGER, ANN BANCROFT and TERRY GIPS. These are not brand new interviews, but the information they share is important and maybe most of all their work inspires us to do better at taking care of our world. Big "THANK YOU'S" to each of these leaders! Will will be the Thursday guest; Ann the Friday and Terry the Saturday for this mini-series -- all at 9 AM on MCN6.
Week of June 6, (9 PM) -- 2022 Minnesota Teacher of the Year -- Guest: Sarah Lancaster, first grade teacher in Onamia. More details to follow.
Week of June 13 -- We will be repeating the interview w/ Sarah Lancaster, 2022 Teacher of the Year in Minnesota, due to requests. 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM, MINI-SERIES – MN's US Congressional Representatives - Thursdays thru Saturdays
With the current focus on our government and the January 6th Commission, it seemed a fitting time to re-air interviews w/ some of our past and present US Congressional Representatives.
June 16, 23, 30, July 7, 14 - Martin Sabo on Leadership
June 17, 24, July 1 & 8, 15 – Betty McCollum on Leadership
June 18, 25, July 2 & 9, 16 – Ilhan Omar on Leadership
For the EVE, 9 PM slots - Week of June 20 -- Jack Reuler on Leadership -- Guest: Jack Reuler, Founder and Artistic Director of the Mixed Blood Theatre. Jack recently announced his retirement, and so we wanted to honor his wonderful leadership, putting social justice front and center for most of his plays. Jack founded Mixed Blood in 1976.
Week of June 27 -- Indian Lands in Indian Hands -- Guest: Cris Stainbrook, the President of the Indian Land Tenure Foundation, one of two groups most involved in recent negotiations ending up restoring 28,000 acres back to the Native Americans, righting a broken treaty.There was a front page StarTrib article three weeks ago about “the largest Native American land restoration” which just occurred in Minnesota near Lake Vermillion. Cris is also the former Ex. Dir. of the Minnesota ACLU. This interview will be broadcast at 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday and at 4:30 PM on Sunday on MCN6, Cable Channel 6. The interview was taped in 2019.
Week of July 4 -- Understanding Ambiguous Loss -- Guest: Pauline Boss, PhD, Professor Emeritus, U. of MN and founder of the concept of ambiguous loss -- So many are feeling a sense of loss in terms of our country -- the divisiveness, the lack of feeling safe for many, the climate crisis, the Supreme Court decisions, etc. I thought this would be a good week to re-air this interview. The interview will be on at 9 PM on Cable Ch. 6 every weeknight except Thursday.
Week of July 11 -- Ambiguous Loss w/ Pauline Boss -- See description above.
Week of July 18 -- The Minnesota River Basin -- Guest: Richard Currie Smith, PhD, ecological anthropologist and Professor at Case Western and now Kent State. This is one of my favorite interviews in terms of learning new information! He shares a lot of fascinating information about the MN River which was formed about 10,000 yr. ago, so this interview is not dated in that sense! (taped in 2006). This river was formed when there was a break in Lake Agassiz which was a large glacial lake in central North America. Fed by glacial meltwater at the end of the last glacial period, its area was larger than all the great lakes combined. The break caused a “torrent” of water and River Warren that carved out the MN River Valley. See headings at top of this page for Ch. 6 airings.
Week of July 25 -- Repeat of interview on the MN River Basin. See directly above.
Thursdays thru Saturdays
July 28, Aug. 4, Aug. 11 & 18 – 100 Things To Do in the Twin Cities w/ Tom Weber, former MPR host July 29, Aug. 5, Aug. 12 & 19 – Barry Zevan, An Eclectic Career with the late Zevan, weatherman and movie/theatre actor/writer
July 30, Aug. 6, Aug. 13 & 20 – An Interview with Tom Lieberman, beloved Twin Cities musician
Week of Aug. 1 -- The MN ACLU -- Guests: John Gordon, former Ex. Director (2017-2021) and Mai Moua, who is on the Board of Directors of our ACLU, join Mary to talk about issues they have been focusing on including racial justice and immigration. This interview was taped in 2018, and we are re-airing it due to increased interest in our country in civil liberties.
Week of Aug. 8 -- John Cuningham on Leadership -- Guest: The award-winning architect joins Mary to talk about leadership in his field, including sharing thoughts about Modernism and urban design and some of his favorite projects. John founded The Cuningham Group in 1968, and this stellar firm has offices now around the country and has also worked abroad frequently. Among John's many awards is the prestigious AIA Minnesota Gold Medal, the highest individual architectural honor in the state. Catch this at our regular times listed above -- 9 PM every week night except Thursday.
Week of Aug. 15 -- John Cuningham on Leadership -- See above -- Due to viewer requests, we are re-airing this interview this week. Same airing times as last week (our regular airing times).
Week of Aug 22 -- The Energy of Forgiveness -- Guest: Mark Umbreit, PhD, Professor Emeritus from the U of MN, School of Social Work, talks about forgiveness and restorative justice. He has worked with 30 countries in implementing and evaluating Restorative Justice programs and is widely known for his focus on the use of restorative justice with cases of severe violence, community level conflict, and international conflict. You can catch this interview on Cable Channel 6 at 9 PM every weeknight this week except Thursday as well as on at 4:30 PM on Sunday, the 28th of August.
Week of August 29 -- Mark Seeley on Our Changing Climate -- Guest: Seeley, popular weather expert and retired Extension Climatologist and Meteorologist at the University of Minnesota, talks with Mary about our climate here in Minnesota and how it is changing. The interview was taped shortly before the Covid years. Mark has written and co-written a number of books on Minnesota's weather and climate, including MINNESOTA WEATHER ALMANAC (2nd edition). Mark is also the recipient of the prestigious Siehl Prize in Agriculture. See airing schedule at the top of this page on the 2022 interviews.
Thursdays thru Saturdays
Thursdays Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22 – Student Loan Debt – w/ Darryl Dahlheimer, LICSW, the former Program Director of Lutheran Social Services' Financial Counseling Department in MN; taped in 2014
Fridays Sept. 2, 9, 16, 23 – Selecting & Paying For College w/ Carol Stack, former Admissions Director at Augsburg and Macalester Colleges and the co-author with Ruth Vedvik of The Financial Aid Handbook (2017).
Saturdays Sept. 3, 10, 17, 24 – Handling Financial Stress w/ Dahlheimer, taped 2017
Week of September 5 -- Dudley Riggs: His Circus Days -- Guest: Riggs, the founder of Brave New Workshop and the nationally known founder of Improvisational Comedy, talks w/ Mary about his early days as a vaudville performer and then a circus performer w/ his family, including his years w/ Ringling Brothers where he performed in a trapeze act. After a terrible accident, he quit the circus and his career w/ comedy evolved here in Mpls. Dudley died in 2020, and this interview was taped a few years earlier.
Week of September 12 -- Due to a lot of requests, we are re-airing this interview w/ Dudley (see directly above) one more week. Same times -- every eve at 9 PM except Thursday this week plus 4:30 PM on Sunday, the 18th.
Week of September 19 -- Marcela Lorca, Artistic Director of the theatre, Ten Thousand Things, talks w/ Mary about her Chilean roots, her 20 years at the Guthrie Theatre and about her role w/ TTT. This was originally taped in early 2020. You can catch this at 9 PM on MCN6 every weeknight this week except Thursday as well as Sun., the 25th, at 4:30 PM. We are re-airing this as Marcela's new production, the Greek classic, "Iphigenia at Aulis," is getting rave reviews.
Week of September 26 -- Lonnie Dupre: His Return to Greenland After Two Decades -- Guest: Dupre, the Artic explorer, author and environmentalist joins Mary again to share his observations of his recent expedition back to Greenland. Some of the changes Lonnie saw now were the result of our climate change/crisis; some the result of modernization. This fascinating interview is enriched by video and photographs that have been taken by Lonnie's team members. This program airs at Mary's regular evening times -- 9 PM on every week night the week of the 26th except Thursday.
Week of October 3 -- Repeating last week's show due to requests. See above. Lonnie Dupre for the second week!
Week of October 10 -- Keith Ellison on Leadership -- We are re-airing this interview done w/ Keith when he was a US Congressman in light of the keen interest in the upcoming election for MN Attorney General now. (An invite has gone out to his opponent, Jim Schultz, and we will air this before 11-8 if we get that interview.) Ellison talks about his early days, his career and leadership in this 2012 interview.
Week of October 17 -- Jack Reuler on Passing the Baton -- Guest: Founder and Artistic Director for the past 46 years, Jack Reuler talks about his early days as an activist and the origin of the Mixed Blood Theatre. He also shares his excitement about his replacement, Mark Valdez, who started working a few months ago as Artistic Director. Mark has worked in theatre for over 20 years, and he also, as does Jack, have a national reputation. In 2021 he was recognized with the prestigious Zelda Fichandler Award. Jack talks about theatre as serving community needs, something that I believe is a view of Mark's, too. (I need to get him on sometime!)
Week of October 24 -- Easing the Pandemic's Lingering Effects on Children -- Guest: Tina Feigal, M.S.,Ed. Mary talks with Tina Feigal, Parent Coach and Trainer at Anu Family Services, about the repercussions of the pandemic on our children as well as several other important issues including screen addiction. Tina also helps parents see the value of being present in the moment with their kids and shares the concept of “Brain Privilege,” a term she recently came up, with to illustrate that adults can’t expect their kids to think rationally like they do when brains aren’t fully developed until about age 23 for young women and 25 for young men. You can see this at 9 PM every weeknight this week except Thursday on MCN6.
Week of October 31 -- Governor Elmer L. Andersen on Leadership -- Guest: Gov. Andersen talks about leadership, his life, his philosophy and his 71 year marriage. As a moderate Republican, he was a model for politicians today. You can catch this at the times mentioned at the top of this page -- 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday plus one afternoon time, 4:30 PM on Sunday, the 6th of November. This interview was taped in 2004 when Elmer was 94, and he died a few weeks later. He had wanted to do another interview which we were arranging. So sorry we didn't get this opportunity!
Week of November 7 -- Mike Wohnoutka, Children's Book Illustrator/Author -- Guest: Mike shares some about the process of illustrating and also writing children's books. He and his collaborating partner, David LaRochelle, are the recipients of the very prestigious Theodore Suess Geisel Award, an award given for the most distinguished American book for beginning readers published in English in the United States during the preceding year. You can see this interview at the times listed at the top of the 2022 airings list -- 9 pm every weeknight except Thursday as well as on Sunday, the 13th, at 4:30 pm. You will enjoy meeting Mike!
Week of November 14 -- An Interview w/ Lori Saroya, JD, newly elected City Council Member in Blaine, MN -- Guest: LORI SAROYA, JD, has a lot of "firsts"! In all the reporting about the big election this past week, one story didn't get much attention, but it was significant and local. Saroya became the "first Muslim and the first woman of color to be elected to a City Council in Anoka County (Blaine). The interview I did w/ Lori was taped in 2014 when she was the Ex. Dir. of CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the organization she co-founded. You can catch this interview at all the times listed above under 2022 Programming -- 9 PM every week night plus 4:30 PM next Sunday, the 20th of November.
Week of November 21 -- Jan Malcolm on Leadership -- Guest: Jan Malcolm, who just announced this week that she is leaving her post as Commissioner of Health, sat down w/ Mary a few weeks ago and talked about her life as a health care leader and about the current status of Covid. She shared some of her personal challenges as she had to help lead the Covid response for our state while dealing w/ the death of her spouse and mother. She also urged Minnesotans to continue being vigilant as Covid is still out there and the long term Covid can be very serious. It is now affecting 42% of those who get Covid, including people who have very minor symptoms. You can catch this interview at 9 PM on the 21, 22, 23, and 25 on MCN6, Cable Ch. 6. It will also air on Sunday, the 27th of November at 4:30 PM on Ch. 6. THANK YOU TO COMMISSIONER MALCOLM FOR HER STELLAR SERVICE TO OUR STATE!
Week of November 28 -- Repeat of interview w/ Jan Malcolm due to requests. See above for info.
Week of December 5 -- 40th Anniversary Retrospective! -- In this special, you will see clips from The Mary Hanson Show from the early 1980's (w/ Governor Perpich) up to the present. It's a fun look back that we think you will enjoy! The clips also make clear the program's relevance as we see a clip from the time of the AIDS crisis to clips on our climate crisis. Airing times: 9 PM on Dec. 5, 6, 7 and 9th plus 4:30 PM on Sunday, Dec. 11.
Week of December 12 -- 40th Annivesary Retrospective
Week of December 19 -- Repeating -- 40th Anniversary w/ clips from 1983 to the present and including clips from "The Screening Room" and "The Wishing Well," two other shows I hosted and co-hosted for years.
Week of December 26th -- Mindfulness -- Guest: Jeannine Myrvik, LICSW, is my guest, sharing the basics about the practice of mindfulness as well as the benefits. Jeannine teaches the practice and is a psychotherapist at the Minnesota Center for Psychology. Taking part in a brief demonstration is Georgia Becker, an Assistant Producer w/ "The Mary Hanson Show." I thought this would be a peaceful interlude for those who feel stressed or worried or just tired.Listening to Jeannine is peaceful and helpful!
Next week, week of Jan. 2 -- To be announced -- See above.
January 2021
Jan. 18 -- A Hospice Nurse on the Dying Process -- Guest: Sheila Duddy, RN, M.Ed, Allina Hospice and Palliative Care
Jan. 25 -- A Hospice Nurse on the Dying Process -- See above.
Feb. 1 -- Betty McCollum on Leadership -- Guest: McCollum, US Congresswoman representing the 4th District since 2001
__________________________________________________________________________________SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES - NON-PROFIT LEADERS - Thursday - Saturdays
Feb. 11, 18, 25 – Mel Duncan, Co-Founder of the Nonviolent Peace Force
Feb. 12, 19, 26 – Ellen Kennedy, Founder and Ex. Director of World Without Genocide
Feb. 13, 20, 27 – Daniel Wordsworth, the former President and CEO, of the American Refugee Committee, now known as Alight. Wordsworth just left Alight last month to return to his native Australia where he is running a humanitarian agency. Alight's former Board Chair, John Gappa, is the Interim President.
February 8 -- Selecting and Paying for College -- Guest: Carol Stack, Consultant, former Admissions Director at Augsburg University and Macalester College and co-author of The Financial Aid Handbook.
February 15 -- Lonnie Dupre, Arctic Explorer -- Guest: Dupre, talking about scaling Denali (Mt. McKinley) solo in January a few years ago, becoming the first person to do this. We chose this interview to tie in w/ the cold weather we are experiencing.....tho mild in the eyes of Lonnie Dupre.
February 22 -- Gun Violence -- Guest: Marit Brock, Co-Founder of Mothers Against Gun Violence
March 1 -- Will Steger on Global Warming -- Guest: Steger, explorer, author, activist, talks w/ Mary about the real dangers of global warming and climate change. This was taped several years ago, but we are re-airing it due to its continual relevance. (We are not taping this past year due to the Pandemic, and so that is why we are re-airing programs. Hopefully you are catching shows you didn't see earlier! We will be taping in the studio as soon as possible!
March 8 -- Larry Long on Social Issues -- Guest: Larry, singer, songwriter, educator, shares some of his of his favorite songs he has composed related to issues he is passionate about. Because several of these issues tie into the social issues rocking our country and state today, I thought this would be a fitting interview for this week.
Thursdays, March 11, 18, 25 - Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease with Eleanor Orehek, MD, Clinical Neurologist and Movement Disorder Specialist at the Noran Clinic in Minneapolis
Fridays, March 12, 19, 26 - Dementia and Parkinson’s with Okeanis Vaou, MD, Neurologist and Movement and Sleep Disorders Specialist, Noran Clinic, Minneapolis
Saturdays, March 13, 20, 27 - Parkinson’s Disease and Treatment with Eleanor Orehek, MD (see Thursday description)
March 15 -- Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection, Part I -- Special programming w/ Co-Host and Co-Producer, Psychiatrist, Jim Jordan, MD -- Guests: Mark Meier, LICSW, man who came very close to taking his own life and Anne Gearity, PhD, LICSW, Clinical Social Worker. This is the first of a five part series, and all five are on my YouTube Channel. The series is translated into Spanish and also on YouTube and on the MN NAMI website. NOTE: Monday night shows are repeated, also at 9 PM, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
March 22 -- Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection, Part IV -- Guest: Mark Meier, LICSW for the half hour -- Mark shares his struggle with depression and close call with suicide, almost taking his own life. After getting treatment, he founded an organization called Face It Foundation, focused on helping men deal with depression and that organization is thriving. Note that the Monday show is also on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the same time, 9 PM.
March 29 -- Brain Injuries, the Invisible Injury -- Guests: Ric and Beth Johnson talking about Ric's traumatic brain injury and the effect on the family and, in the second half of the show, David King, CEO of the Brain Injury Alliance in Minnesota, talks about the medical aspects of brain injuries and about services this stellar non-profit provide.
April 5 -- Our Endangered Ash Trees (also airing on the 6th, 7th, 9th and 11th -- see info at top of page) -- Guest: Karen Zumach, Tree Trust's Community Forestry Director, talks about the Emerald Ash Borer and how it is currently affecting the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro area and Minnesota. Karen talks about how we can learn from other major metropolitan areas that have already gone through this. She also helps us identify the Ash tree, a tree that is not as familiar to many as its numbers would suggest. For more information, you can go to
April 12 -- Sex Trafficking -- Guests: John Choi, Ramsey County Attorney, nationally known for his work in this field and Terry Williams, former VP at the Women's Foundation of MN, are the guests. The Foundation has done a lot to combat this problem.
Thursdays, April 15, 22, 29 plus May 6 & 13 -- Living and Leaving the Cycle of Abuse with Mary Havens, family member and author
Fridays, April 16, 23, 30 plus May 7 & 14 -- Sex Trafficking in MN, Part I with Ramsey County Attorney, John Choi and Terry Williams, former VP of the Women's Foundation of Minnesota
Saturdays, April 17, 24, May 1 plus May 8 and 15 -- Sex Trafficking in MN, Part II with Beth Holger-Ambrose, Executive Director of The Link and Quisha Stewart, Safe Harbor Division Director for The Link, two women who are on the front line.
April 19 -- Mike Ciresi on Judges as Gatekeepers -- Guest: Nationally known trial attorney, Mike Ciresi of Ciresi Conlin LLP (formerly w/ Robins Kaplin Miller & Ciresi) talks w/ Mary about the role of judges as gatekeepers in our American court system. He also discusses the history and present place of judges and juries.
April 26 (and also airing several other times...see specifics above in heading) -- Keith Ellison on Leadership -- Guest: MN's Attorney General now talks about his earlier life, his career, and leadership. Note that this was taped several years ago when he was a US Congressman. We thought it would important to air it again due to Ellison's pivotal role in the trial of D. Chauvin.
May 3 -- Ann Bancroft on Access Water -- Guest: Environmentalist/educator/adventurer, Bancroft joins Mary talking about her expedition to India and her Ganges River trip. This was taped a few years ago but is relevant due to our ongoing need to deal w/ water issues globally and the current hard news about India today. (Also airing several other times...airs every night each week at 9 pm except Thursdays.)
May 10 -- NAMI MN -- Guest: Sue Abderholden, Ex. Director of NAMI MN, talks about the services of this wonderful organization which is for families and friends of people dealing w/ mental illness. NAMI stands for National Alliance of Mental Illness. Sue describes their many services and talks about the importance of seeking help "because there is treatment!" She also talks about suicide and the importance of tunimg in to clues and intervening. She is one of the national leaders in this field. (Also airing several other times...airs every night each week at 9 pm except Thursdays.)
May 17 -- NAMI MN -- Re-airing. See above for details.
Thursdays, May 20, 27 & June 3 -- “Dealing with Hearing Loss” with guest Anthony Davis, MSW, LISW, Specialist, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Minnesota Department of Human Services and Interpreter, Sharisse Leier. Tony talks about communication tips, the importance of a diagnosis and new technology -- hearing aides and other helpful devices and equipment.
Fridays, May 21, 28, June 4 -- “Coping with Vision Loss” -- Lisa Larges, Outreach Coordinator for the MN State Services for the Blind is Mary's guest. She talks about issues affecting those w/ vision loss as well as new devices that are very helpful.
Saturdays, May 22, 29 & June 5 – “Parenting a Child w/ Disabilities” with Katie Sherman and Jennifer Hanson, parents of children with disabilities. They share their stories, including insights for other parents as well as resources available in our state.
May 24 -- Jim Klobuchar on Leadership - Guest: the late Jim Klobuchar who just died earlier this month is my guest. The interview was taped in 2009, and in it Jim talks about his early days in northern Minnesota where he grew up, the son of immigrants. He also talks about his wonderful career as a journalist in this very interesting, personal interview.
(In addition to the May 24th interview (9 PM on MCN6), it will also air at 9 PM on the 25, 26, 28 as well as 4:30 PM on the 30th.)
May 31 -- Josie Johnson on Leadership, Part II -- Guest: The legendary civil right leader, Josie Johnson from an interview in 2016
June 7, 8 -- Repeat of Josie Johnson interview
JUNE 9, 11 - Sondra Samuels - An Update on NAZ -- Guest: Sondra, founder of NAZ, talks about the mission and goals of the Northside Achievement Zone at 9 PM. Note: this interview will also air at 4:30 PM on Sunday, June 13th.
June 10, 17, 24 –– Alzheimer’s – What Do We Know w/ Debbie Richman
June 11, 18, 25 –– Impact of Alzheimer’s on Our Communities w/ Sue S. Pasrriott and Dawn Simonson
June 12, 19, 26 –– Alzheimer’s – The Ethnicity and Race Connection w/ Yoli Chambers and Robbin Frazier
June 14 -- An Interview w/ Paul Douglas -- Guest: Meterologist, Paul D, talks about weather in MN and his career. (In addition to the June 14th airing (9 PM on MCN6), it will also air at 9 PM on June 15th, 16th and 18th as well as 4:30 PM on the 20th.)
June 21 week -- Repeat schedule w/ Paul Douglas this week due to requests
June 28th week - Tom Swain on Leadership - Guest: Swain, elder statesman in Minnesota, turns 100 on July 4th! This is interiview is from 2019 and Tom is talking about his views of the Republican party, leadership and his time as Chief of Staff for Governor Elmer L. Andersen. Tom was touted by the Strib very recently for asking people to make pledges for climate change action as a birthday present.
(Catch this interview at 9 PM on the 28th, 29th, 30th, and July 2nd.)
July 5th week -- NOTE: Problem solved! TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES AT THE STATION RESOLVED - This show, Decisions: People, Place & Purpose, will air Friday, July 9, at 9 PM on MCN6 as well as Sun, the 11, at 4:30 PM. Guest: Elisa Korenne, Author, Songwriter/Singer who moved from NYC where she worked in international development to rural Minnesota where she was able to focus on her artistic career.
July 12th week -- Decisions: People, Place & Purpose, will re-air this week. Guest: Elisa Korenne, Author, Songwriter/Singer who moved from NYC where she worked in international development to rural Minnesota where she was able to focus on her artistic career.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM, MINI-SERIES – Legal Issues - Thursdays thru Saturdays
Thursdays, Jul 15, 22, 29 & Aug. 5 – “Deception, Intimacy & the Law” with Jill Hasday, JD, U of MN Law School Professor who has written the very first book about this subject, Intimate Lies and the Law.
Fridays, July 16, 23, 30 & Aug. 6 –-“Judges As Gatekeepers w/ Mike Ciresi” -- Mike is a nationally recognized trial attorney with Ciresi Conlin, LLP.
Saturdays, July 17, 24, 31 & Aug. 7 -- “Constitutional Issues: The Supreme Court” with constitutional scholars Heidi Kitrosser, JD, and Jill Hasday, JD, Professors at the U of MN Law School, discussing some of the implications of Justice Scalia's death and the Supreme Court. This was taped a couple years ago but is still relevant.
July 19th week, evening slots -- "DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS" are the focus for my 9 PM programming this week.My guests are well-known -- GREGORY PLOTNIKOFF, MD and MARK WEISBERG, PhD. They discuss chronic digestive conditions and new ways to deal with them, bringing in ideas from their book, Trust Your Gut. You can catch this interview at 9 PM on Mon, the 19th, as well as Tues, Wed and Fri also at 9 PM plus Sun, the 25th, at 4:30 PM.
July 26th week -- Lyndel King on Leadership -- Guest: Lyndel King, Director of the Weisman Art Museum from 1981 to 2020. She recently was honored for her "distinquished service" by the American Alliance of Museums, the first Minnesota museum director to receive this prestigous award.
Focus for the 9 PM interviews for the next two weeks -- CLIMATE CHANGE
August 2nd week -- Will Steger on Global Warming. -- Guest: Steger, environmentalist, author, explorer
August 9 week -- Terry Gips on Sustainability -- Guest: Founder of Sustainability Associates, author, environmentalist, Gips, talks about sustainability and practical things we as individuals can do.
SPECIAL 9 AM MINI-SERIES -- The Animal Connection -- Thurs thru Saturdays
August 12, 19, 26 & Sept 2 -- Wildlife in Our Midst w/ Phil Jenni, Ex. Dir., The Wildlife Refuge Center
August 13, 20, 27 & Sept 3 -- The Raptor Center w/ Education Director, Gail Buhl, and several raptors
August 14, 21, 28 & Sept 4 -- Monarchs in a Changing World w/ former U of M Professor, Karen Oberhauser, PhD, and honoree for being a "Champion of Change" by President Obama
August 16 - 100 Things To Do in the Twin Cities -- Guest: Tom Weber, former host of "MPR News" who shares ideas from his book of the same title as our interview. He also talks about journalism and interviewing.
August 23 -- An Interview With Barry ZeVan -- Guest: Barry Zevan is hard to define! He was an entertainer, whether doing weather news here in the Twin Cities or as an actor, producer, singer, friend to celebrities. Barry died in January of 2020. You can read more about his eclectic life in his book MY LIFE AMONG THE GIANTS.
Reminder: Each week, the 9 PM interview that airs on Monday is also aired on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday as well as 4:30 PM on Sunday.
August 30th week -- Mark Seeley on Minnesota's Changing Climate -- Guest: Climatologist and Meterologist, Seeley, talks about our changing climate and how it will affect us. Mark was in the Extension Dept. at the U of Minnesota for almost 40 years, retiring a couple years ago.
September 6th week -- David K. Roe on Leadership -- Guest: AFL-CIO President in MN from 1966 to 1984 is Mary's guest this week. This interview was taped in 2015 and is being re-aired in recognition of Labor Day and the labor movement. David talks about the movement and his leadership role, and he shares some fascinating memories about some of the well-known Minnesotans that he knew well, including Hubert Humphrey. Special thanks to SiebenCarey for making this show possible and to Nancy Kaiser and John See for their w/ Mary in developing this interview. Catch this show at 9 PM on Sept. 6, 7, 8 & 10th as well as 4:30 PM on Sept 12.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM MINI-SERIES -- Women Leaders -- Thurs thru Saturdays
For Sept. 9, 16, 23 – Sondra Samuels on the Achievement Gap
For Sept. 10, 17, 24 – Becky Roloff on Leadership -- Becky is the President of St. Cate’s
For Sept. 11, 18, 25 – Patty Wetterling on Leadership
Sondra is in the news lately as she and her husband, Don, just sued the City of Mpls over the ballot question re. policing, and I thought that for those don't know her, you will enjoy "meeting" her. All of these are from my archives. All stellar leaders!!
September 13th week (EVE programs) -- Richard Leider on the Purpose/Work Connection
Guest: Best-selling author, coach and Founder of Inventure -- The Purpose Company. Richard is the author of several books including two I love, Re-Packing Your Bags For the Rest of Your Life and The Power of Purpose.
September 20th week - Anxiety and Our Kids -- Guest: Tina Feigal, parent-child expert, author, & coach. We are featuring this interview because w/ school starting recently, a lot of kids are feeling anxious about school as well as about Covid, ETC. My guest has written several books about kids and parenting and issues including anxiety, and she is a columnist w/ Parent Magazine. She is full of practical ideas! See above (beginning of 2021 listings) for airing times.
September 27th week -- Marcela Lorca: The Evolution of An Artist -- Guest: The Artistic Director of the theater, Ten Thousand Things, Marcela Lorca, talks w/ Mary about her early days as a dancer in Chile and then her 20 years w/ the Guthrie Theater before becoming the Artistic Director at TTT. We are re-airing this interview in recognition of the opening up of theaters here as well as on Broadway. Currently, Marcela is directing "A Comedy of Errors" that opens this October! NOTE: Our
interviews air every Mon through Friday at 9 PM, excluding Thursday and plus Sun. at 4:30 PM....all on Cable Ch. 6.
October 4 week -- "Don Shelby on Leadership" -- Guest: Shelby, the beloved former anchor of WCCO Television's news, talks about his life, career and the state of television in this interview from 2014.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM MINI-SERIES -- -- Our Native American Leaders --Thurs thru Saturdays
For Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 -- Kelly Drummer, formerly President of the Tiwahe Foundation and now Ex. Director of MIGIZI (a non-profit serving Native youth)
For Oct. 8, 15, 22, 29-- Karen Diver, formerly Vice Chair of the Fond du Lac Tribal Board of Chippewa and now Senior Advisor to the U of MN President for Native American Affairs
For Oct. 9, 16,23, 30 -- Cris Stainbrook, President of the Indian Land Tenure Foundation (working to reclaim land for Indigenous people)
October 11th week -- Ranked Choice Voting -- Guest: Tom Kuhlman, PhD, who is writing a book on this big topic. ( Note: This interview was taped several years ago, but the information holds. References though to the specific Mpls election pertain, of course, to the past election that was held when the interview was done.)
October 18th week -- Mindfulness -- Guest: Jeannine Myrvik, LICSW, psychotherapist
October 25th week -- The Minneapolis Policing Decision - Ballot Question #2 -- Guests: JaNae Bates, from Yes4Minneapolis where she is the Communications Director and Don Samuels, former Mpls City Councilman (2003-2014) -- The guests are on separately presenting their case to either vote yes to create a Dept of Public Safety or No to maintain the MPD but with reforms. The country and world are watching this election coming up Nov. 2.
Nov. 1 week -- Re-airing last week's program due to high interest. See above.
Nov. 8 week -- Our Endangered Ash Trees -- Guest: Karen Zumach, Director of Community Forestry, Tree Trust. Karen talks about how we can learn from other major metropolitan areas that have already gone through through the Emerald Ash Borer infestation. She also helps us identify the Ash tree, a tree that is not as familiar to many as its numbers would suggest. For more information, you can go to To check times, see heading at top of page.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM MINI-SERIES -- Living With Challenges -- Thurs thru Saturdays
Nov. 11, 18, 25 --“Brain Injuries: The Invisible Injury” with David King, CEO of the MN Brain Injury Alliance, Ric Johnson who survived a traumatic brain injury and his wife, Beth.
Nov. 12, 19, 26 – “Living with Dyslexia” with James Bauer, author of The Runaway Learning Machine: Growing Up Dyslexic (writing about his life) and Rachel Berger, founder of Decoding Dyslexia, a grasssroots organization and mother of a child living w/ Dyslexia
Nov. 13, 20, 27 -- “Parenting a Child with Disabilities” with Katie Sherman and Jennifer Hanson, two mothers of children with complex disabilities
Nov. 15 week, EVENING INTERVIEW -- Randy Adamsick on Kidney Transplants -- Guest: Adamsick, former Ex. Director of the Minnesota Film Board, talks with Mary about his recent kidney transplant. He shares the scary time he had as he waited for a donor as his kidneys were beginning to fail due to Polycystic Kidney Disease. He talks, too, about the process of matching donor and recipient and how the transplant affected his life. Randy and Mary co-hosted "The Screening Room," a cable TV movie preview show back in the late 80's, early 90's.
Nov. 22 week -- MN Teacher of the Year, 2021 -- Guest: Natalia Benjamin, from Rochester's Century High School, is the MN Teacher of the Year for 2021. She teaches English learners and Ethnic studies there, and she is the first Latino educator to win this prestigious award. See heading above for times and dates!
Nov. 29 week -- MN Teacher of the Year, 2021 - Re-airing interview w/ Natalia Benjamin
Dec. 6 week -- Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman on Anti-Semitism -- Guest: Temple Israel's Senior Rabbi, Marcia Zimmerman, talks about the challenges as a leader in these difficult times. She also explains how several other religious groups are collaborating w/ Temple Israel. This interview was taped in September of 2019. Rabbi Zimmerman has been at Temple Israel for 33 years now!
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM MINI-SERIES -- Minnesota Musicians -- Thursdays through Saturdays -- MCN6
Dec. 9, 16, 23, 30 & Jan. 6 – An Interview w/ Tom Lieberman
Dec. 10, 17, 24, 31 & Jan. 7 – Stanislaw Skowaczewski on Conducting and Composing
Dec. 11, 18, 25, Jan. 1 & Jan. 8 – Philip Brunelle on Leadership
Dec. 13 week -- Richard Leider on Growing Into Elderhood -- Guest: The Founder of Inventure -- The Purpose Company and best selling author, Leider, talks aboiut ideas from the book he and David Shapiro have written called Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Old, The Path Towrd Purposeful Aging. He also shares important ideas about accepting our own death.
Dec. 20th week -- Governor Elmer Andersen on Leadership -- Guest: The late Governor Andersen visits w/ Mary in his home only weeks before he died in 2004. He looks back on his career and shares interesting observations.
Dec. 27th week -- Osterholm for the Half Hour -- Guest: Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, Director of CIDRAP, the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the U of MN, talking about the pandemic. This interview was taped on December 13, 2021. As most of you know, Dr. Osterholm has been a frequent guest medical expert on CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC the past 22 months.
Note: Catch this interview as noted in our heading at the top of this page at 9 PM on MCN6 on Mon., Tues., Wed. and Fri. as well as 4:30 PM on Sunday. Our apologies for the fact that this interview did not air on Tues., Dec. 28, as scheduled due to technical difficulties.
NOTE: If you miss a show, you can usually see it on YouTube. Go to Tube Channel. We have all the recently taped shows (over 200) uploaded. Our 23 seasons on public television, TPT 2.2, ended at the beginning of 2020 due to cutbacks at TPT. We thank them for a great run! CONTINUE FINDING THE SHOW ON CHANNEL 6 AS WELL AS ON SPNN, MTN AND PACT IN DULUTH/SUPERIOR.
January 2020
Thursdays - Saturdays
Here below are the teachers of the year and the exact dates for each interview in the series. Each interview is re-aired the following week at the same time and on the same day of the week. We will be having theme series during our 9 AM morning slots. Check here for future series. Remember the series will be on Ch. 6 at 9 AM! Note: We will include teachers of the year from 2010 - 2013 later. Watch for the next series with a different focus later in June!
June 4 – 2014 - Tom Rademacher, English teacher, FAIR School, Mpls
June 5 – 2015 - Amy Hewett - Olatunde, English teacher, LEAP High School, St. Paul
June 6 -- 2016 - Abdul Wright, 8th grade Language Arts teacher, BEST Academy, Mpls
June 11 & 18 - 2017 - Cory Bulman, Language Arts teacher, Mound Westonka High School
June 12 & 19 - 2018 - Kelly Holstine, English teacher, Tokata Learning Center in Shakopee
June 13 & 20 - 2019 - Jessica Davis, Math teacher, South St. Paul High School in St. Paul
January 2019
Feb. 24th week -- In honor of Black History Month: To be announced
Feb. 17th week -- In honor of Black History Month: To be announced
Feb. 10th week - In honor of Black History Month: Alan Page on His Foundation, the Page Educational Foundation
Feb. 3rd week -- In honor of Black HIstory Month: Vivian Jenkins Nelsen on Leadership
Jan. 27th week -- Re-airing "The Immigrant Law Center of MN, a great Resourece" w/ Julia Decker, JD, our guest -- See details below.
Jan. 20th week - The Immigrant Law Center of MN, a Great Resource
Guest: Julia Decker, JD -- Decker is an attorney who is the Policy Director at ILCM which is a wonderful resource here in our state. The Center provide services which are free and include visits w/ lawyers if eligible. During our half hour Julia helps us understand all the classifications of immigrants and dispels some of the misinformation that is out there. You can catch this on television at the times in our headings above or on YouTube.
Dec. 30th week -- Lonnie Dupre, explorer, environmentalist and educator, is our guest this week.
For airing times, see above in heading.
Dec. 23 -- Will Steger
Nov. 11th week -- An Unlikely Friendship: Lakota Chieftain & Homestead Cowboy Guest: John Hafnor, awarding winning author, joins Mary to talk about his latest book and debut novel, LAKOTA COWBOY. This book was a Gold Medal winner at the Will Rogers Literary Awards. It is a fascinating story of the friendship between two men whose lives intersect -- John's grandfather, one of the last open range cowboys, and James Stands For Them, one of the last of the nomadic Native American chieftains. Based on true events, it gives the reader great insight into the strengths, challenges and resilience of these two men as well as fascinating details about the history and cultures of this period, the late 1800's and early 1900's. The authors Native American consultant was Jhon Goes In Center, noted Ogala Lakota elder.
Nov. 4th week-- Four in Fifth -- Guests: Four boys who were 10 at the time of this interview -- Chris, Brady, Makai and Max. They talk about their world. We thought it would be a good escape from the tension of the election week. These four were so earnest, thoughtful and sincere! You can also find this on You Tube. This interview is on all this week at 9 PM on Cable Ch. 6, except Thursday as well as 4:30 PM on Sunday, the 10th.
Oct. 28th week - Dealing with Anxiety -- Guest: Tina Feigal, author, trainer, parent educator talks about anxiety in children, but her ideas are also very important and helpful for adults, too, so we are airing her interview this week as it is a tense time in our country.
Oct. 21st week - Attorney Lori Saroya, JD on Leadership -- Lori talks about her work as a City Councilwoman in Blaine, MN; on campaigning; on goals for the city of Blaine where she eo candidate again for the Council; and dealing w/ some "ism's" as a woman of color who is Muslim.
Oct. 14th week -- The Immigration Law Center of Minnesota, a Great Resource -- Guest: Julia Decker, JD -- Decker is an attorney who is the Policy Director at ILCM which is a wonderful resource here in our state. The Center provide services which are free and iinclude visits w/ lawyers if eligible. During our half hour Julia helps us understand all the classifications of immigrants and dispells some of the misinformation that is out there. You can catch this on television at the times above in the heading or on YouTube.
Oct. 7 week -- Pregnancy and Parenting After Loss -- Guests: Joann O’Leary, MS, MPH, PhD, and Cindy Diger -- Joann is an author, researcher and global consultant, and Cindy is a parent who gave birth after having child who lived w/ severe disabilities -- Joann shares new, important research and understanding of the depth of loss parents feel, and Cindy shares her family's story. They both also talk about a wonderful resource for families, the Star Legacy Foundation. You can catch this interview on Cable Channel 6, MCN6. See prime times above in the heading. It will also be available on YouTube. This interview is hot off the press, taped this summer.
Sept. 30 week - Conflict Resolution - Guest: Janet Rowles (Collins), Mediator and Author -
Janet shares ideas that are very helpful in terms of talking honestly w/ people with whom you disagree. Again, a timely topic!
Sept. 23 week - Mindfulness -- Guest: Jeannine Myrvick, LICSW, psycotheapist --
I chose this show as I found it to be stress reducing, and if you use practice this yourself, I bet you will agree. It is a pretty stressful time right now in our country, and I thought it was a good time to re-air this interview w/ Jeannine.
Sept. 16 week -- 40 Years and Counting -- This is a collection of clips showing some guests from the 80's up through 2020 -- Put together by my late editor, Greg Cassidy, in recognition of producing the show for 40 years. 44 now!
Sept. 9 week -- Water -- Our Precious Resource -- Guest: Angie Hong, Senior Water Resource Education Specialist for the East Metro Water Resource Education Program. She not only educates people in Minnesota but has a blog that is popular all over. She also has written a book which just was published this July, 2024, titled Exploring the St.Croix River Valley, and it is a beautiful, informative book for the public. She was a delightful guest to interview, and you will appreciate her positive approach and finding details and surprises in nature to enjoy and learn about! This interview will also be on YouTube. See the airing times for watching on television above.
Sept. 2 week -- Vivian Jenkins Nelsen on Leadership - Guest: the woman who personifies "leadership" is my guest this week. Vivian sits down for the half hour and shares stories about her life, her career and some thoughts about leadership. You can see this every weeknight except Thursday at 9 pm on MCN6 as well as next Sunday, the 8th, at 4:30 pm. This interview can also be found on my YouTube channel.
August 26th week -- George Latimer on State of the State -- Guest: the late George Latimer -- George just died this month, 2024, and in remembrance of him, we are re-airing an interview I did w/ him in 2014. For those who didn't know the former Mayor of Saint Paul who was also a U of MN Regent & a Macalester professor, I think you will see why he was loved by so many people! In this half hour, George talks about topics that are still front and center today in the arena of politics. You can catch this interview at 9 PM every weeknight this wk, except Thursday, plus Sun. afternoon, Sept. 1 at 4:30.
August 19th week -- Lonnie Dupre for the Half Hour -- Guest: In a new follow up interview to last week's show, Dupre is Mary's guest again. In this free wheeling interview, Lonnie talks about plans for his next expedition, his film, AMKA, his relationship w/ Will Steger and the "simple life -- life without indoor plumbing or electricity...."
August 12th week -- Lonnie Dupre Returns to Greenland After 23 Years -- Guest: Arctic expolorer, author and environmentalist, Dupre, shares stories about his return expedition to Greenland. A film has been produced about this trip, and it is called "AMKA." You will see a clip from it in this interview and learn more about how global warming is impacting this northern country's way of life.
July 22 week - Re-airing Larry Long's interview; see listing below.
July 15 week - Larry Long on Social Issues--Guest: Long, singer, songwriter, educator, activist Larry shares clips from some of his performances and talks about major social issues that he has focused on through the years. You will find the interview very timely, though it was taped in 2017. If you missed it, you will find this interview one very interesting and may want to share! Airing times are in the heading above, and note that it is also on YouTube.
July 8 week - HOT OFF THE PRESS - Thi Synavone on Domestic Violence -- Guest: Thi Synavone, Ex. Director of Standpoint MN. This non-profit, formerly known as the Battered Women's Legal Advocacy Project (BWLAP), exists to serve domestic and sexual violence survivors, advocates, attorneys, and other professionals in the state of Minnesota. Legal advice as well as help finding shelter is available for no charge, regardless of income, and Standpoint does training all over the state for advocates and attorneys. Thi herself is an immigrant to the US, fleeing Laos w/ her family, crossing the Mekong River at night. She shares how in her home country, domestic violence was not something people talk about and how that carries out for many in our country, too. Tune in to learn more about this wonderful resource! See the airing times above in the heading and note that it is also on YouTube.
July 1 -- Decisions About College Applications -- Guest: CAROL STACK, former Augsburg and Macalester Admissions Officer and now a consultnt w/ an enrollment consulting firm. Carol knows lots about this subject! I think parents and kids who are wanting to go to college and need to start thinking seriously about it OR need to start applying soon will find this helpful and or interesting. This interview will be on week on July 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th of July at 9 pm as well as on the 7th of July at 4:30 pm.
June 24 -- Zina Poletz Gutmanis interview (see below) this week, too due to "popular demand."
June 17th week - Zina Poletz Gutmanis on Understanding Ukraine's Holodomor Genocide -- Writer/ Director of new documentary titled "Holodomore: Minnesota Memories of Genocide in Ukraine" -- Zina has gathered actual footage from back in the early 1930's when Russia confiscated land from the Ukrainian farmers, killing millions, and exact numbers are still not known, but historians put the number at three to eight million. Zina shares more of this time period with us and talks about life today for Ukrainian Americans from her very personal point of view. This tragic chapter of Ukrainian history is not one that is well known here, and Zina talks some about this. Hopefully, this is Part I of a mini series.
June 10th week -- Marcela Lorca: Evolution of an Artist -- Guest: Lorca, the Artistic Director of the theatre group, Ten Thousand Things - Marcela shares some of her life history, including her early days in Chile, her years at the Guthrie and her relatively new position w/ TTT. She is a true creative force!
June 3rd week -- Mark Rosen is my guest for an additional week. See below.
May 27th week - Mark Rosen, a favorite sports journalist in Minnesota, is my guest this week. Since so many of us are thinking sports (HS and pro!) this week, Mark seemed like the perfect guest to bring back. This half hour was taped in February of 2019. I know you will enjoy hearing more from Mark again here. He is also a regular commentator on KFAN Radio (100.3 AM).
May 20th week - Part II with Will Steger -- DID YOU KNOW that Will received a very special award and joins these recipients -- AMELIA EARHART, Roald AMUNDSEN, ROB'T Peary and JACQUES-YVES COUSTEAU, the other honorees for the prestigious John Oliver La Gorce Medal for “accomplishments in geographic exploration, the sciences, and for public service" from the Nat'l Geographic Society.
In this interview, he vividly describes his most recent solo expedition summarized last wk. He describes the thrill of "living in the moment" almost every day for 60 days. He also talks about his bond w/ the Inuit people who are making huge changes in their lifestyle due to climate change. You can see this interview this week at 9 PM on MCN6, Cable Ch. 6, tonight, May 20th, as well as on Tues, Wed and Fri this week also at 9 PM. You can also find it on my YouTube channel.
May 13th week -- Will Steger's 600 Mile Solo Expedition in 2023 -- Will describes this amazing expedition he completed crossing 600 miles by skis, pulling 280 # of food and supplies on three sleds AND by raft as the temperatures warmed and he took to the rivers, piling his sleds on a raft. It was an unsupported trip across part of the NW Terriitories including Great Bear Lake.
May 6th week -- Will Steger, 2023 -- Guest: Arctic Explorer, Educator, Environmentalist Steger talks about his early life, what drives him and his current thinking about global warming.
April 29th week-- Re-airing interview w/ Dr. Amanda Maltry from this past week.
April 22nd week -- Common Eye Diseases and Prevention Tips -- Guest: Amanda Maltry, MD, ophthalmologist -- Dr. Maltry shared the latest information on the most common eye diseases -- macular degeneration (good news), glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. We also talked a lot about treatment and prevention. She has a wonderful way of explaining complex medical situations in understandable language. You will learn a lot I think. I know I did!
You also may want to check out legislation being discussed at the Capitol currently re. the potential expansion of the treatment options for optometrists. Dr. Maltry, the MMA and the Minnesota Academy of Ophthalmology are very concerned as they feel that only MDs should be doing surgery and eye injections, and optometrists are hoping to expand their options. There are two bills being discussed, HF# 4247 and SF# 4570.
April 15th week -- 40 Years and Counting -- This is a retrospective half hour program w/ clips from The Mary Hanson Show going back to the early days in the 1980's and up to current days. We also included a clip from a movie preview show Mary co-hosted for six years called The Screening Room and a clip from the children's television show she hosted once a week for 14 yr called The Wishing Well. This show was produced by Children's Hospital and Abbott Northwestern Hospital, and it was an hour in length, live and interactive plus the first hospital show in the country for children done so professionally. The Screening Room was started by Brian Lambert and Mary, and the other co-hosts were Randy Adamsick and Ed Staiger.
April 8th week -- The End of Life: Who Gets To Decide -- Guest: Ellen J. Kennedy, Ph.D., family member who has been testifying at the MN State Capitol, in favor of the End-0f-Life Bill (HF #1930 and SF #1813). Ellen is the wife of the late Leigh Lawton, Ph.D., who died in December of 2022 and had a painful and hard death. This bill would give an adult patient who is terminal and alert the right to have more choice in the way his/her life ends. Kennedy is the founder and Ex. Director of World Without Genocide and an Adjunct Professor the the Mitchell Hamline School of Law. PLease see the times in the above heading that this interview will be broadcast on MCN6, Cable Ch. 6.
April 1st week - A Survivor Speaks About the 35W Bridge Collapse -- It is deja vu for those of us who have lived in Mpls/MN the past several years.....thinking of the 35W Bridge tragedy in 2007. We are re-airing an interview I did w/ one of the survivors, Andy Gannon. I think Andy's experience, and ours vicariously, speak to several "layers" -- our fears, resilience, the the needs of our country to pay more attention to our infrastructure, ETC. If you missed it before, you can catch it now on MCN6 this week, the wk of April 1, at 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday. Thank you, Andy, for sharing your story.
March 25th week -- Terry Gips on Leadership -- Hot off the press! The nationally recognized environmentalist, author, consultant and speaker, Terry is the President of the Alliance for Sustainability, a non-profit based here in Minnesota that is now over 40 years old. In this interview Terry shares stories about his early days as an advocate, and he also shares his current thoughts about the fragility of the planet as well as positive ideas and policies we can put into effect.
March 18th week -- Sage Cowles is on this week also. See description from week prior.
March 11th week -- Sage Cowles on Leadership -- Guest: Sage Cowles, DANCER, philanthropist & activist was my guest in this interview taped several years ago. Sage, who died in 2013, had a fascinating career and would be dismayed to hear that the Cowles Center for Dance & the Performing Arts is possibly closing. You can catch this interview om MCN6, Cable Ch. 6, this Friday, the 15th of March at 9 PM or Sunday, the 17th, at 4:30 PM.
March 4 -- Vivian Jenkins Nelsen on Leadership -- Guest: Consultant, speaker and author, Vivian Jenkins Nelsen is our guest this week. In the half hour, Vivian shares stories about her mentors and family. She talks about her work that she has been passionate about, and we talk about racism that she has experienced as well as racism in a broader sense. Surprisingly, in spite of being honored by three different Presidents for her work, she stated that she does not think of herself as a leader, but the rest of us do! See above for airing times this week on MCN6. This interview is also now on YouTube.
February 26th week -- Guest: Civil Rights activist, Josie Johnson -- JOSIE was the subject of a wonderful TPT documentary last wk, and we thought that you might be interested in getting to know her even better, so we are sharing one of my interviews w/ her on MCN6 this wk, the wk of Feb. 26. This interview was taped in 2016, and in it she talks about where race relations have been and are now. The airing times on Ch. 6 are at 9 pm every weeknight except Thursday. You can also catch this at 4:30 pm on Sun, March 3, same channel. So here is “Josie Johnson on Leadership, Part II.” This is also on YouTube. Thank you, so much Josie, for all you have done!
February 19th week -- Reatha Clark King on Race Relations -- Guest: Former President of Metro State University and VP at General Mills shares stories of growing up picking cotton (200 lb/day) as a 12 yr. old, but going on to become a rocket scientist among her many other accomplishments. See above for the airing times.
February 12th week -- Also in honor of Black History Month -- Gen Z Leader: Zarion Irby -- Guest: Irby, HS Senior at Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis, MN, talks about the challenges of HS life and leadership goals he has for himself. The interview then shifts gears, and Mary asks Zarion about a spoken word piece he has written ....and recites in this interview.... a stunning poem called "Breathe." Zarion talks with Mary about the ongoing pressures he feels as a young, Black man today. I think you will find this half hour riviting. The airing dates and times are posted above at the top of this page.
February 5th week -- In recognition and honor of BLACK HISTORY MONTH - MN Teacher of the Year, 2023, Michael Houston
January 29th week -- "Common Challenges Couples Face" with guest, Ronald Asiime, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of MN's Dept of Family Social Science. In practical ways, Dr. Asiime shares ideas about dealing with what are probably considered the most challenging areas for couples -i- money, sex and parenting. Note airing dates and times above in heading. This interview is also now on YouTube.
January 22nd week -- "Will Steger, 2023" -- Due to "popular demand" this week we are re-aring Will's interview that was taped this past fall. See airing times and dates above.
January 15th week -- Will Steger, 2023 -- Guest: Will Steger, Arctic explorer, environmentalist and educator is our guest. In this interview he talks about what he is doing now; he shares values that guide him; some family history; and some stories. A fascinating interview. This will be broadcast at all the evening and late PM times listed above, (Later this winter we will air the second interview he taped w/ Mary recently, and it focuses on the solo, unsupported expedition he did last spring (2023) crossing 500 plus miles of the NW Territories by skis and a raft.
January 8th week -- William Cope Moyers on Addiction -- Guest: Moyers (son of Bill) talks about his struggles w/ addiction and its effect on the whole family, the treatment he utilized and his road to recovery. William is the Vice President of Public Affairs/Community Relations at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. This interview was taped several years ago, but is still very current and timely for those who are serious about making lifestyle changes.
January 1 week -- Patty Wetterling on Hope -- Guest: Patty talks in detail about how she has handled the last few years since Jacob's body was recovered, and she talks about the process that she and Joy Baker, the co-author of her new book, went through to write the book. Dear Jacob, A Mother's Journey of Hope, came out in October of '23, and it is riviting and inspiring. Thank you to Patty for all you have done to keep children safe in our world.
January 2023
January 2 week -- Chuck Slocum on the Suicide of His Son -- Guest: Chuck, well known Minnesota businessman and consultant to several Governors, sits down and talks w/ Mary about the death of his son Judson by suicide. He explains that there is treatment for depression, gives the new Lifeline phone # to call any hour of the day, 988, and gives viewers ideas on how to intervene and be supportive. See airing times directly above.
Week of January 9 -- A Hospice Nurse on the Dying Process -- Guest: Sheila Duddy, RN, M.Ed. -- Mary talks with Sheila, formerly with Allina Health Hospice and Palliative Care, on how to take care of loved ones who are in or will be in hospice. Sheila talks about the benefits of hospice and how it can help people live better during the end of life. She explains how communication changes and helps us know what to expect. See airing times above in heading. (My apologies for this rather late update! I have had the flu and am a bit behind the curve! This is a re-run, but when I saw how many had viewed it on YouTube (24,000 plus), I thought it would be good to re-air as it is a big topic, and Sheila was a great guest.
Week of January 16 -- Pauline Boss on Ambiguous Loss and the Pandemic -- Guest: Pauline Boss, PhD, sits down with Mary to share her ideas and theories about the losses that go along with the Pandemic, many of which are what she calls “ambiguous losses.” Pauline is Professor Emeritus at the U of Minnesota in the Dept of Family Social Science, and she is also an author and researcher. In this half hour, she shares fascinating ideas from her latest book, The Myth of Closure, Ambiguous Loss in a Tme of Pandemic and Change.
Week of January 23 -- Needing to postpone - technical difficulties.... "Polly Mann on Leadership" will be aired later.
Week of January 23 -- Plan B -- Re-Imagine Your Life -- Guest: Richard Leider, author, lecturer, consultant is the guest. This feels like a great topic for the beginning of our new year. Richard is the well known author of some big books including Re-Packing Your Bags For the Rest of Your Life.
For Black History Month:
Week of January 30 -- Violence in the Cities -- Guests: Sondra and Don Samuels -- These two leaders talk about the state of our city and share important ideas on MCN6 w/ Mary the evenings of Jan 30, 31, Feb 1, 3 at 9 PM. Sondra is the CEO of Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ), and Don is the CEO of MicroGrants, and they talk about the serious crime on the north side of Minneapolis, but also about crime all over the metro area. This interview was taped almost a year ago and kicks off Black History Month.
Week of February 6 -- Alan Page on His Foundation -- Guest: Page, one of our leaders who needs no introduction talks about his lifelong focus on education and about the Page Education Foundation that he and his late wife, Diane, founded. He also reminisces w/ Mary about his football and MN Supreme Court years. Please see the heading above to check the times.
Week of February 13 -- W. Harry Davis on Leadership -- Guest: Davis was a long-time Minneapolis School Board member, founder of the Urban Coalition and legendary boxer. Harry died in 2006, and the interview was taped in 2003. You can catch this on Sunday, the 19th, at 4:30 PM. It also aired at 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday this past week. My apologies for accidentally not listing this earlier. I do also post upcoming interviews regularly on my FaceBook page.
Week of February 20 -- Reatha Clark King on Race Relations -- Guest: Mary talks with Reatha Clark King in this interview about race, growing up in segregated Georgia and race relations today. Reatha is a former President of Metro State University and the former Vice President of General Mills where she also served as Executive Director of the Foundation. Reatha has led an amazing life -- she picked cotton as a girl and went to a one room school for seven years. She went on to get her PhD at the University of Chicago and her MBA at Columbia. She was a rocket scientist for the National Bureau of Standards and then became a college professor at York College in NY before coming to Minnesota. See above in the heading for airing times and days.
Week of February 27 -- Josie Johnson on Leadership -- Guest: Johnson got her doctorate at Amhearst, was a Vice President at the U of MN, developed a course for the U called “Black Families in White America,” was on the Board of Regents at the U of M, and was the Acting Director of the Mpls Urban League. This was the first of two interviews I did w/ Josie, and this one was taped in 2006. Both are on my YouTube Channel. Josie has some sobering thoughts about our country's lack of progress in race relationships. You can catch this at 9 PM every weeknight this coming week except Thursday
as well as at 4:30 PM on Sunday, March 5th.
In honor of March being Women's History Month - for our evening slots - see above for times.
Week of March 6 -- Polly Mann on Leadership -- Guest: Polly Mann, who just died at 103 this January was my guest in April of 2002. In this inteview we talked about WAMM, Women Against Military Madness, the non-profit she founded in 1981, and about her personal history. Another interesting fact: Polly ran for US Senate in 1988, the year Durenberger won.
Week of March 13 -- Ann Bancroft on Access Water -- Guest: Explorer/Environmentalist Ann Bancroft shares stories and information about her trip down the Ganges in India in 2015.
She and her exploring partner Liv Arnesen, traveled w/ young women from all the continents to learn more about water on our planet and to share ideas, too.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES - Legal Issues of Interest - Thursday - Saturdays
Thursdays – March 9, 16, 23, 30 – Elder Law: Be Proactive (The guest is Margaret Barrett, JD., an Elderlaw attorney)
Fridays – March 10, 17, 24, 31 – Deception, Intimacy & the Law (The guest is Jill Hasday, JD, U of MN Law School Professor)
Saturdays – March 11,18, 25 & April 1– Mike Ciresi on Judges As Gatekeepers
Week of March 20 -- Marion Etzwiler on Leadership -- Guest: Marion Etzwiler was a well respected and beloved Minnesota leader who was the President and CEO of the Minneapolis Foundation for years -- from the mid 80's to the mid-90's. She also was an influential leader with many non-profits outside her Foundation work including Planned Parenthood and the Minneapolis Women's Foundation among many others. She started out as a scientist w/ Bendix Aviation. Marion died in 2017 at the age of 88.
Week of March 27 - Amy Klobuchar on Leadership -- Guest: Amy's interview is being re-aired this week in honor of Women's History month. This was taped in 2010, and in it Amy talks about her early life, her early days as a Senator and ideas re. leadership.
Week of April 3 -- Working To End Gun Violence -- Guest: Marit Brock, the past Co-Founder of the MN Chapter of Moms Demand Action.
Week of April 10 -- Ron Daws on the Mind Body Connection -- The late Ron Daws was an Olympian (Mexico, 1968 marathoner) who lectured around the world about the mental benefits of exercise as well as training. He was married to Mary Hanson and died in 1992.
Week of April 17 -- The Mysteries of Sleep -- Guest: Samantha Anders, PhD, now in private practice in Minneapolis, formerly with the Regional Sleep Disorders Center at Hennepin Health Care
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES - Disabilites That Are Not Visible - Thursday - Saturdays
April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18 – Living with Dyslexia with Jim Bauer, a man living with dyslexia who has authored several books about it and Rachel Berger, a mother whose son deals w/ dyslexia which has led to Rachel’s work as an advocate.
April 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 – Brain Injuries, the Invisible Injury w/ Ric and Beth Johnson and David King, CEO of the Brain Injury Alliance. Ric had a traumatic brain injury, falling off a ladder, and Beth is his wife and speaks from the family’s perspective. David shares the mission of his organization and describes some of the many services.
April 22, 29, May 6,13, 20 – Dealing with Hearing Loss with AnthonyDavis, LISW, a specialist with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services in Mankato, MN, in the Minnesota Department of Human Services, and a man who is hard of hearing himself. Also joining us, Sharisse Leier, an interpreter w/ the Department of Human Services.
Week of April 24 -- End-of-Life Issues -- Guests: Rebecca Thoman, MD and David Plimpton, MD, both with with the non-profit organization, Compassion & Choices, talk with Mary about options and resources for those who are wanting to learn more about charting their end-of-life journey. Please see heading above for airing times on MCN6.
Week of May 1 -- Homelessness -- Guest: Michelle Perrin, Director of Outreach and Shelter at Agate Housing and Services answered a lot of basic questions about homelessness in Minnesota.
Week of May 8 -- Nonviolent Peaceforce Addresses Violence on the Northside -- Guests: Marna Anderson, Director of the Nonviolent Peaceforce, USA, talks about the mission of the organization to protect civilians around the world in hot spots through unarmed strategies. Will Wallace, Director of Community Peace Builders, a branch of the Nonviolent Peace Force, describes how he has begun working on the Northside of Minneapolis to reduce violence here at home, working with young adults from the area who are learning about de-escalation, listening, risk assessment, etc., and these young men are people who have overcome past issues tied to conflict and violence in the streets here. See above (scroll to top of ths page) for exact airing times.
Week of May 15 -- Anne Gearity on High Risk Kids -- Guests: Gearity, LICSC, is Mary's guest. She is one of the most well-known and respected social workers in the Midwest, and we thought it would be a good time to re-air an interview she did in 2017. You can see this interview every week night at 9 PM on MCN6, Cable Ch 6, except Thursday.
Week of May 22 -- Melvin Carter, III, on Leadership -- Guest: Saint Paul's Mayor talks about his family life, past and present; about his role as Mayor, including some of the challenges and his thoughts on leadership. This interview is part of Mary's on-going series, "Minnesota Leaders."
Week of May 29 -- Alan Page on His Foundation -- Guest: Former MN Supreme Court Justice and Vikings star Page talks w/ Mary about the Page Education Foundation which is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year! The mission of the foundation is to support young people of color w/ their post-secondary education. To date 8,000 students have been helped and 16 million dollars devoted to this. These students also then mentor younger kids, helping them get a step up. This interview, taped in 2017, will air at 9 PM on every WEEK night except Thursday this week. (See heading above.)
Week of June 5 -- To be announced - Note: Some technical issues w/ the website. Programming from June 5 up to November 19, 2023 will be restored soon.
Week of November 20 -- Patty Wetterling on Hope, 2023 -- Guest: Advocate, author and mother, Patty Wetterling is our guest this week talking about her new book that tells the story of her family’s search for Jacob who was abducted in 1989 as almost all the country remembers. Our interview was taped in June of 2023 and is one of the very first that Patty did this year introducing her new book published this October. In the interview Patty shares what the book also details - the abduction of Jacob and her family’s efforts nationally to eradicate future abductions. It is amazing how she used this most sad and frightening event and worked to change our systems. You can catch this interview on MCN6, Cable Channel 6, at 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday as well as next Sunday, November 26, at 4:30 PM. Patty was voted one of the top 100 most influential people in the US a few years ago for her major work to protect children. Dear Jacob, A Mother's Journey of Hope was co-written with Joy Baker who was a key person in the process of finding Jacob. The book is published by the MN Historical Press and brings the tragedy into more focus and also inspires w/ Patty’s ability to make the word “HOPE” into a verb as she views it. This interview is also on YouTube.
Week of November 27 -- Patty Wetterling on Hope -- We are re-airing this interview one more week due to lots of requests. Talking w/ Patty was so inspiring! She has pivoted from finding Jacob and preventing abductions to a broader focus on prevention and education. "I see "Hope" as a verb, "Patty states. You can catch this interview on Ch. 6 the week of Nov. 27. "The Mary Hanson Show" is broadcast at 9 PM every weeknight except Thursdays as well at Sundays at 4:30 PM. You can also see the interview on YouTube.
Week of December 4 -- Kids and Mental Health -- Guest: Emily Benson, LICSW, RPT-S, SEP ~~
The guest for the half hour this next week will be Emily Benson, LICSW, the founder and owner of of Beginnings and Beyond Counseling/Play Therapy Minnesota. Children and young people as we are recognizing are having a hard time these days with depression, eco and social anxiety, eating disorders, etc. They also are feeling the stress that their families are experiencing. Benson addresses these issues and brings resource ideas to the viewers. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Registered Play Therapist Supervisor as well as a Somatic Experiencing Professional.
Week of December 11 - The Lingering Effects of the Pandemic on Kids -- Guest: Tina Feigal, author, parent educator. Tina in her wise and practical ways gives parents lots of great tips and also talks about the reality of young people's brains developing more slowly than most would think and how that effects them. Among other things!
Week of December 18 -- Common Eye Diseases and Prevention
Tips -- Guest: Amy Maltry, MD, Ophthalmologist at Southdale Eye Clinic. Dr. Maltry, is with me for the half hour to talk about the most common eye diseases including cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. She also shares what we can do to take better care of our eyes. A very informative interview! MCN 6, Cable Ch. 6, on December 19th, 20th & 22nd as well as Sunday, the 24th, at 4:30 pm. The interview is also on YouTube now, too.
Week of December 25 -- Philip Brunelle on Leadership -- Guest: Brunelle, Founder of VocalEssence talks w/ Mary about his career. The internationally recognized musician has been a staple in MN and the US since 1969 and is going strong at 80. This interview was taped a few years ago but is so fitting for this season!
Week of January 1 -- To be announced! Happy New Year!
January 2022
Scroll down to see all the 2022 interviews.
January 3 -- REPEAT -- Osterholm for the Half Hour -- Guest: Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, talks with Mary about Covid 19, the Omicron variant, "vaccine hesitation and vaccine hostility, masking, etc. Michael as most of you know is one of the country's top infectious disease doctors. He is the Director of CIDRAP at the U of MN. (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) We are grateful that he was able to do this interview with us on December 13, 2021.
January 10th week -- Scott Davies, MD on Leadership -- Guest: Scott Davies, MD, is the guest this week, talking about his stellar career as Chief of Medicine at HCMC/Hennepin Healthcare and about the mission of this hospital system. This interview was taped in February of 2020 before news of Covid was very public. The interview is an insight into the heart and mind of a beloved doctor and health care leader. See above for airing times.
January 17th week -- A Hospice Nurse on the Dying Process -- Guest: Sheila Duddy, RN, M.Ed., former Allina Hospice and Palliative Care nurse, shares information about hospice and what people often experience as part of the dying process.
Thursdays, Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3 –Win Wallin, former Medtronic CEO
Fridays, Jan.21, 28, Feb. 4 – Chuck Denny, former CEO of ADC Telecommunications
Saturdays, Jan 22, 29, Feb. 5 – Dave Koch, former Graco CEO
All three were known for their focus on corporate responsibility, and all three are no longer living but live on via their values and work.
January 28 and Jan. 30 -- Steve Miles, MD, on Medical and Bioethics -- Guest: Steven Miles, MD, fields questions from Mary about Covid related issues related to medical ethics. He is a Professor Emeritus at the U of MN's Medical School and an internationally known expert and author. He also shares ideas about climate change as a public health issue, assisted suicide, genetic tests for Alzheimer's and medical privacy. This interview will air on MCN6 at 9 PM on January 28 and 4:30 PM on Sunday, January 30. Again our apologies that it didn't air earlier this week.
January 31st week -- Steve Miles, MD, on Medical and Bioethics -- See above for guest and topic. This interview will be on MCN6 at our regular times this week -- 9 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday as well as Sunday, the 6th, at 4:30 PM.
Week of February 7 -- BIG NEWS: Judge Wilhelmina Wright on Leadership -- Guest: Judge Wilhelmina Wright, one of the top contenders for the nomination to the US Supreme Court by President Biden is Mary's guest this week!
This very personal interview with Mary was taped in January of 2013 when Judge Wright was appointed to the MN Supreme Court by Governor Dayton, and Mary interviewed her as part of her ongoing series, "Minnesota Leaders." Since then Wilhelmina has more recently been a Judge in the US District Court for MN since 2016, nominated by President Obama. As mentioned above in the heading, this interview will be broadcast on MCN6, Cable Channel 6, at 9 PM on Mon., Feb. 7, Tues., Feb. 8, Wed., Feb. 9 and Fri., Feb. 11. It can also be seen on Sunday, the 13th, at 4:30 PM, and it has just been uploaded to YouTube.
In honor of Black History Month, my MORNING MINI-SERIES on MCN6 features these three stellar Minnesota leaders the mornings listed at 9 AM:
Thurs, Feb 10,17, 24 & Mar. 3 -- JOSIE JOHNSON
Fridays, Feb 11, 18, 25 & Mar. 4 -- ALAN PAGE
Saturdays, Feb 12, 19, 26 & Mar. 5 – W. HARRY DAVIS who died in 2006
Week of February 14 -- Judge Wilhelmina Wright on Leadership (repeat) -- Guest: Judge Wilhelmina Wright, one of the top contenders for the nomination to the US Supreme Court
This very personal interview with Mary was taped in January of 2013 when Judge Wright was appointed to the MN Supreme Court by Governor Dayton, and Mary interviewed her as part of her ongoing series, "Minnesota Leaders." Since then Wilhelmina has more recently been a Judge in the US District Court for MN since 2016, nominated by President Obama. As mentioned above in the heading, this interview will be broadcast on MCN6, Cable Channel 6, at 9 PM on these dates: Mon., Feb. 14, Tues., Feb. 15, Wed., Feb. 16 and Fri., Feb. 18. It can also be seen on Sunday, the 20th, at 4:30 PM, and it has just been uploaded to YouTube.
Week of February 21 -- Sondra and Don Samuels on Violence in the City -- Guests: Minneapolis Northside residents, Sondra and Don , about recent deaths that have rocked our city and also talk solutions and positive approaches. Sondra is the President and CEO of NAZ, the Northside Achievement Zone, and Don is the CEO of MicroGrants. This interview airs, as mentioned in our title area above, at 9 PM every weekday on MCN6 this week except Thursday, and it can also be seen at 4:30 pm on Sunday, Feb. 27. Hope you can catch this important interview!
Week of February 28 -- Sondra and Don Samuels on Violence in the City -- Repeat --See description above.
Week of March 7th -- Anton Treuer on Ojibwe Culture -- Guest: Ojibwe leader and Professor Anton Treuer, PhD, from Bemidji State University, talks with Mary about ideas from his latest book, The Cultural Toolbox, sharing personal stories as well as historical perspective. Treuer also talks about his efforts to revitalize the Ojibwe language. This brilliant leader and thinker has been invited to be on the United Nations Working Group on Energy. Anton says that the Ojibwe have a lot to share with the world in terms of sustainability. See heading above for times and dates.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES -- In Honor of Women's History Month
These women will be featured this week only at 9 AM on MCN6 with additional airings later this spring.
March 10 -- Ann Bancroft on Access Water
March 11 -- Reatha Clark King on Race Relations
March 12 -- Amy Klobuchar on Leadership
Week of March 14th -- 2021 Teacher of the Year -- Guest: Natalia Benjamin, Rochester HS
where she is a Multi Lingual and Ethnic Studies teacher -- With the strike going on in Minneapolis, it seems like a good time to share this interview again. We need to figure out how to keep our quality teachers and support staff teaching and working with our kids! See the heading at the top of this page for airing times on MCN6.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES -- Minnesota Teachers of the Year- Thurs thru Sat
Thursdays, March 17, 24, 31 – MN Teacher of the Year, 2013 -- Megan Olivia Hall
Megan teaches the sciences, mostly biology, at Open World Learning School, a public school for Middle and HS students in St. Paul, formerly called St. Paul Open
Fridays, March 18, 25 and April 1 –– MN Teacher of the Year, 2021 -- Natalia Benjamin, Rochester HS Natalia is at Rochester HS where she is a Multi Lingual and Ethnic Studies teacher
Saturdays, March 19, 26 and April 2 -- MN Teacher of the Year, 2015 -- Amy Hewett-Olatunde
Amy is an English teacher, LEAP High School, St. Paul
Week of March 21 -- Genocide: An Expert Discusses -- Guest: Ellen J. Kennedy, PhD, Founder and Executive Director of World Without Genocide, the non-profit Ellen founded. This interview was taped in 2015, but it is pertinent today in light of the Ukraine/Russia situation. This non-profit is "housed" at Mitchell Hamline School of Law where Ellen also teaches a course on genocide.
Week of March 28 -- War, Peace and Love: Irina Fursman, an “Enemy of the State” in Russia Guest: Irina Fursman, Ed.D., Relief Facilitator for Ukraine -- In the first of a four part mini-series on Ukraine (as it evolved), Mary talks with Irina Fursman Ed.D., who grew up in Russia and Ukraine and now lives in Minnesota where she co-founded Hue Life, a training and consulting firm AND Global Synergy Group, a non-profit that is helping Ukrainians today in various ways. Go to to learn how you might help. Taped on March 21, 2022. See above at top of page for airtimes.
Week of April 4 -- The Russian War in Ukraine: Dr. Mykola Megits and International Trade Guest: Mykola Megits, Ph.D. -- In the second part of a mini-series on the Russian war and invasion of Ukraine on "The Mary Hanson Show," Mary talks with Dr. Mykola (formerly Nikolay) Megits. Dr. Megits, who was born in Ukraine, is the International Trade Representative with the Minnesota Trade Office and serves the Governor. His work involves trade w/ both Ukraine and Russia. He is also an adjunct professor at Hamline University in the Twin Cities. Dr. Megits talks about several hot topics – sanctions and their effects, Putin’s goals, our relationship with China and the No Fly Zone principle. This interview was taped on March 21, 2022. See top of page for airtimes.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES on MCN6 -- Suicide- Thurs thru Sat
April 14, 21, 28 & May 5 & 12 - "Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection, Part IV" with guest, Mark Meier, LICSW, Founder of The Face It Foundation for men dealing w/ depression.
April 15, 22, 29 & May 6 & 13 – "Family Journey After Suicide" with widow, Rebecca Anderson, LCSW, who with her children wrote a series of books about how suicide affected the family.
April 16, 23, 30 & May 7 & 14 – "Bullying and Suicide" with boy who was a teen when we did the interview. Alec Fischer was my guest, and he produced a film on this topic after being bullied himself.
Week of April 11 -- Couples on the Brink -- Guest: Steven M. Harris, PhD, LMFT, Professor at the U of MN in the Department of Family Social Sciences -- Steve talks w/ Mary about couples who are split in terms of what they want -- one wants a divorce; the other wants to stay married, a common situation. Steve explains Discernment Therapy, a form of counseling that his colleague, Bill Dougherty developed. Steve is one of the authors of the book Should I Try To Work It Out? with Alan J. Hawkins and Tamara Fackrell. This interview airs at the times listed in the heading above -- at 9 PM on MCN6 on Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri as well as Sunday, at 4:30 PM.
Week of April 18 -- We are re-airing the interview w/ Dr. Steve Harris on "Couples on the Brink" due to popular demand. See directly above for details.
Week of April 25th -- The Raptor Center -- Guests: Gail Buhl, Naturalist, the Raptor Center and a Great Horned Owl, Eagle and Peregrine Falcon -- We are re-airing this interview due to the increased worrisome news about Bird Flu and the impact on our raptor population.
Week of May 2 -- Helping Ukrainians at the Polish Border -- Guest: Chris Kindler, Communications Director with Alight -- Chris describes the humanitarian work that the Alight staff are doing as well as their work distributing medical supplies in Ukraine. In this interview, taped on 4-4-22, Kindler also talks about how these families coming across the border differ from the earlier families and what safety measures are in place. You can catch this at 9 PM every night this week on MCN6 except Thursday plus Sunday, the 8th, at 4:30 PM as announced above in heading.
Week of May 9 -- Genocide in Ukraine -- Guest: Ellen Kennedy, Ph.D., Ex. Director of World Without Genocide -- Dr. Kennedy, who was the founder of World Without Genocide, defines the criteria for establishing genocide. She also talks about the other three human rights abuses that she feels Putin is committing – war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression. She feels that charging Putin and Russia with genocide is essential for helping bring some justice to the victims in Ukraine, and she explains the legal options. WWG is based at the William Hamline School of Law where Dr. Kennedy is also an adjunct professor. See the heading at the top of this section for exact times this interview airs. It is also now uploaded to YouTube.
Week of May 16 -- Genocide in Ukraine w/ Ellen Kennedy, the 4th in our series on the invasion of Ukraine -- We are repeating this interview an additional week. See May 9th listing above for details. This interview will air at 9 PM every weeknight this week except Thursday plus Sunday, the 23rd, at 4:30 PM all on MCN6.
Week of May 23 -- Paul Douglas on the Climate Crisis, Hope and Solutions -- Guest: Meterologist, Douglas. Paul Douglas is a nationally respected meteorologist and most Minnesotans know him from one or more of his roles in Minnesota -- at WCCO-TV or KARE 11 or as the weather source in the Star Tribune daily. In this interview Paul talks about the state of things in our environment, the main causes of the climate crisis (transportation and fossil fuels) and our need to balance reality and hope. His new book, A Kids’ Guide to Saving the Planet, It’s Not Hopeless and We’re Not Helpless, is also discussed. See airing times on MCN6 above (in heading).
Week of May 30 -- Ending Gun Violence w/ Marit Brock -- Guest: Marit Brock, Co-Founder of Moms Demand Action on Gun Violence is back. (This interview is from our archives.) Marit is one of the most active leaders in working to get background checks and more in Minnesota. The interview will be on every weeknight this wk except Thursday at 9 PM on MCN6, the Metro Cable Network.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES -- Our Fragile Environment- Thurs thru Sat
Our current mini-series for the 9 AM slot on MCN6 is focusing on "OUR FRAGILE ENVIRONMENT." Our ongoing mini-series runs every Thursday through Saturday, at 9 each morning. My guests this week and the next two (the weeks of June 6 and 13th) will be WILL STEGER, ANN BANCROFT and TERRY GIPS. These are not brand new interviews, but the information they share is important and maybe most of all their work inspires us to do better at taking care of our world. Big "THANK YOU'S" to each of these leaders! Will will be the Thursday guest; Ann the Friday and Terry the Saturday for this mini-series -- all at 9 AM on MCN6.
Week of June 6, (9 PM) -- 2022 Minnesota Teacher of the Year -- Guest: Sarah Lancaster, first grade teacher in Onamia. More details to follow.
Week of June 13 -- We will be repeating the interview w/ Sarah Lancaster, 2022 Teacher of the Year in Minnesota, due to requests. 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM, MINI-SERIES – MN's US Congressional Representatives - Thursdays thru Saturdays
With the current focus on our government and the January 6th Commission, it seemed a fitting time to re-air interviews w/ some of our past and present US Congressional Representatives.
June 16, 23, 30, July 7, 14 - Martin Sabo on Leadership
June 17, 24, July 1 & 8, 15 – Betty McCollum on Leadership
June 18, 25, July 2 & 9, 16 – Ilhan Omar on Leadership
For the EVE, 9 PM slots - Week of June 20 -- Jack Reuler on Leadership -- Guest: Jack Reuler, Founder and Artistic Director of the Mixed Blood Theatre. Jack recently announced his retirement, and so we wanted to honor his wonderful leadership, putting social justice front and center for most of his plays. Jack founded Mixed Blood in 1976.
Week of June 27 -- Indian Lands in Indian Hands -- Guest: Cris Stainbrook, the President of the Indian Land Tenure Foundation, one of two groups most involved in recent negotiations ending up restoring 28,000 acres back to the Native Americans, righting a broken treaty.There was a front page StarTrib article three weeks ago about “the largest Native American land restoration” which just occurred in Minnesota near Lake Vermillion. Cris is also the former Ex. Dir. of the Minnesota ACLU. This interview will be broadcast at 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday and at 4:30 PM on Sunday on MCN6, Cable Channel 6. The interview was taped in 2019.
Week of July 4 -- Understanding Ambiguous Loss -- Guest: Pauline Boss, PhD, Professor Emeritus, U. of MN and founder of the concept of ambiguous loss -- So many are feeling a sense of loss in terms of our country -- the divisiveness, the lack of feeling safe for many, the climate crisis, the Supreme Court decisions, etc. I thought this would be a good week to re-air this interview. The interview will be on at 9 PM on Cable Ch. 6 every weeknight except Thursday.
Week of July 11 -- Ambiguous Loss w/ Pauline Boss -- See description above.
Week of July 18 -- The Minnesota River Basin -- Guest: Richard Currie Smith, PhD, ecological anthropologist and Professor at Case Western and now Kent State. This is one of my favorite interviews in terms of learning new information! He shares a lot of fascinating information about the MN River which was formed about 10,000 yr. ago, so this interview is not dated in that sense! (taped in 2006). This river was formed when there was a break in Lake Agassiz which was a large glacial lake in central North America. Fed by glacial meltwater at the end of the last glacial period, its area was larger than all the great lakes combined. The break caused a “torrent” of water and River Warren that carved out the MN River Valley. See headings at top of this page for Ch. 6 airings.
Week of July 25 -- Repeat of interview on the MN River Basin. See directly above.
Thursdays thru Saturdays
July 28, Aug. 4, Aug. 11 & 18 – 100 Things To Do in the Twin Cities w/ Tom Weber, former MPR host July 29, Aug. 5, Aug. 12 & 19 – Barry Zevan, An Eclectic Career with the late Zevan, weatherman and movie/theatre actor/writer
July 30, Aug. 6, Aug. 13 & 20 – An Interview with Tom Lieberman, beloved Twin Cities musician
Week of Aug. 1 -- The MN ACLU -- Guests: John Gordon, former Ex. Director (2017-2021) and Mai Moua, who is on the Board of Directors of our ACLU, join Mary to talk about issues they have been focusing on including racial justice and immigration. This interview was taped in 2018, and we are re-airing it due to increased interest in our country in civil liberties.
Week of Aug. 8 -- John Cuningham on Leadership -- Guest: The award-winning architect joins Mary to talk about leadership in his field, including sharing thoughts about Modernism and urban design and some of his favorite projects. John founded The Cuningham Group in 1968, and this stellar firm has offices now around the country and has also worked abroad frequently. Among John's many awards is the prestigious AIA Minnesota Gold Medal, the highest individual architectural honor in the state. Catch this at our regular times listed above -- 9 PM every week night except Thursday.
Week of Aug. 15 -- John Cuningham on Leadership -- See above -- Due to viewer requests, we are re-airing this interview this week. Same airing times as last week (our regular airing times).
Week of Aug 22 -- The Energy of Forgiveness -- Guest: Mark Umbreit, PhD, Professor Emeritus from the U of MN, School of Social Work, talks about forgiveness and restorative justice. He has worked with 30 countries in implementing and evaluating Restorative Justice programs and is widely known for his focus on the use of restorative justice with cases of severe violence, community level conflict, and international conflict. You can catch this interview on Cable Channel 6 at 9 PM every weeknight this week except Thursday as well as on at 4:30 PM on Sunday, the 28th of August.
Week of August 29 -- Mark Seeley on Our Changing Climate -- Guest: Seeley, popular weather expert and retired Extension Climatologist and Meteorologist at the University of Minnesota, talks with Mary about our climate here in Minnesota and how it is changing. The interview was taped shortly before the Covid years. Mark has written and co-written a number of books on Minnesota's weather and climate, including MINNESOTA WEATHER ALMANAC (2nd edition). Mark is also the recipient of the prestigious Siehl Prize in Agriculture. See airing schedule at the top of this page on the 2022 interviews.
Thursdays thru Saturdays
Thursdays Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22 – Student Loan Debt – w/ Darryl Dahlheimer, LICSW, the former Program Director of Lutheran Social Services' Financial Counseling Department in MN; taped in 2014
Fridays Sept. 2, 9, 16, 23 – Selecting & Paying For College w/ Carol Stack, former Admissions Director at Augsburg and Macalester Colleges and the co-author with Ruth Vedvik of The Financial Aid Handbook (2017).
Saturdays Sept. 3, 10, 17, 24 – Handling Financial Stress w/ Dahlheimer, taped 2017
Week of September 5 -- Dudley Riggs: His Circus Days -- Guest: Riggs, the founder of Brave New Workshop and the nationally known founder of Improvisational Comedy, talks w/ Mary about his early days as a vaudville performer and then a circus performer w/ his family, including his years w/ Ringling Brothers where he performed in a trapeze act. After a terrible accident, he quit the circus and his career w/ comedy evolved here in Mpls. Dudley died in 2020, and this interview was taped a few years earlier.
Week of September 12 -- Due to a lot of requests, we are re-airing this interview w/ Dudley (see directly above) one more week. Same times -- every eve at 9 PM except Thursday this week plus 4:30 PM on Sunday, the 18th.
Week of September 19 -- Marcela Lorca, Artistic Director of the theatre, Ten Thousand Things, talks w/ Mary about her Chilean roots, her 20 years at the Guthrie Theatre and about her role w/ TTT. This was originally taped in early 2020. You can catch this at 9 PM on MCN6 every weeknight this week except Thursday as well as Sun., the 25th, at 4:30 PM. We are re-airing this as Marcela's new production, the Greek classic, "Iphigenia at Aulis," is getting rave reviews.
Week of September 26 -- Lonnie Dupre: His Return to Greenland After Two Decades -- Guest: Dupre, the Artic explorer, author and environmentalist joins Mary again to share his observations of his recent expedition back to Greenland. Some of the changes Lonnie saw now were the result of our climate change/crisis; some the result of modernization. This fascinating interview is enriched by video and photographs that have been taken by Lonnie's team members. This program airs at Mary's regular evening times -- 9 PM on every week night the week of the 26th except Thursday.
Week of October 3 -- Repeating last week's show due to requests. See above. Lonnie Dupre for the second week!
Week of October 10 -- Keith Ellison on Leadership -- We are re-airing this interview done w/ Keith when he was a US Congressman in light of the keen interest in the upcoming election for MN Attorney General now. (An invite has gone out to his opponent, Jim Schultz, and we will air this before 11-8 if we get that interview.) Ellison talks about his early days, his career and leadership in this 2012 interview.
Week of October 17 -- Jack Reuler on Passing the Baton -- Guest: Founder and Artistic Director for the past 46 years, Jack Reuler talks about his early days as an activist and the origin of the Mixed Blood Theatre. He also shares his excitement about his replacement, Mark Valdez, who started working a few months ago as Artistic Director. Mark has worked in theatre for over 20 years, and he also, as does Jack, have a national reputation. In 2021 he was recognized with the prestigious Zelda Fichandler Award. Jack talks about theatre as serving community needs, something that I believe is a view of Mark's, too. (I need to get him on sometime!)
Week of October 24 -- Easing the Pandemic's Lingering Effects on Children -- Guest: Tina Feigal, M.S.,Ed. Mary talks with Tina Feigal, Parent Coach and Trainer at Anu Family Services, about the repercussions of the pandemic on our children as well as several other important issues including screen addiction. Tina also helps parents see the value of being present in the moment with their kids and shares the concept of “Brain Privilege,” a term she recently came up, with to illustrate that adults can’t expect their kids to think rationally like they do when brains aren’t fully developed until about age 23 for young women and 25 for young men. You can see this at 9 PM every weeknight this week except Thursday on MCN6.
Week of October 31 -- Governor Elmer L. Andersen on Leadership -- Guest: Gov. Andersen talks about leadership, his life, his philosophy and his 71 year marriage. As a moderate Republican, he was a model for politicians today. You can catch this at the times mentioned at the top of this page -- 9 PM every weeknight except Thursday plus one afternoon time, 4:30 PM on Sunday, the 6th of November. This interview was taped in 2004 when Elmer was 94, and he died a few weeks later. He had wanted to do another interview which we were arranging. So sorry we didn't get this opportunity!
Week of November 7 -- Mike Wohnoutka, Children's Book Illustrator/Author -- Guest: Mike shares some about the process of illustrating and also writing children's books. He and his collaborating partner, David LaRochelle, are the recipients of the very prestigious Theodore Suess Geisel Award, an award given for the most distinguished American book for beginning readers published in English in the United States during the preceding year. You can see this interview at the times listed at the top of the 2022 airings list -- 9 pm every weeknight except Thursday as well as on Sunday, the 13th, at 4:30 pm. You will enjoy meeting Mike!
Week of November 14 -- An Interview w/ Lori Saroya, JD, newly elected City Council Member in Blaine, MN -- Guest: LORI SAROYA, JD, has a lot of "firsts"! In all the reporting about the big election this past week, one story didn't get much attention, but it was significant and local. Saroya became the "first Muslim and the first woman of color to be elected to a City Council in Anoka County (Blaine). The interview I did w/ Lori was taped in 2014 when she was the Ex. Dir. of CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the organization she co-founded. You can catch this interview at all the times listed above under 2022 Programming -- 9 PM every week night plus 4:30 PM next Sunday, the 20th of November.
Week of November 21 -- Jan Malcolm on Leadership -- Guest: Jan Malcolm, who just announced this week that she is leaving her post as Commissioner of Health, sat down w/ Mary a few weeks ago and talked about her life as a health care leader and about the current status of Covid. She shared some of her personal challenges as she had to help lead the Covid response for our state while dealing w/ the death of her spouse and mother. She also urged Minnesotans to continue being vigilant as Covid is still out there and the long term Covid can be very serious. It is now affecting 42% of those who get Covid, including people who have very minor symptoms. You can catch this interview at 9 PM on the 21, 22, 23, and 25 on MCN6, Cable Ch. 6. It will also air on Sunday, the 27th of November at 4:30 PM on Ch. 6. THANK YOU TO COMMISSIONER MALCOLM FOR HER STELLAR SERVICE TO OUR STATE!
Week of November 28 -- Repeat of interview w/ Jan Malcolm due to requests. See above for info.
Week of December 5 -- 40th Anniversary Retrospective! -- In this special, you will see clips from The Mary Hanson Show from the early 1980's (w/ Governor Perpich) up to the present. It's a fun look back that we think you will enjoy! The clips also make clear the program's relevance as we see a clip from the time of the AIDS crisis to clips on our climate crisis. Airing times: 9 PM on Dec. 5, 6, 7 and 9th plus 4:30 PM on Sunday, Dec. 11.
Week of December 12 -- 40th Annivesary Retrospective
Week of December 19 -- Repeating -- 40th Anniversary w/ clips from 1983 to the present and including clips from "The Screening Room" and "The Wishing Well," two other shows I hosted and co-hosted for years.
Week of December 26th -- Mindfulness -- Guest: Jeannine Myrvik, LICSW, is my guest, sharing the basics about the practice of mindfulness as well as the benefits. Jeannine teaches the practice and is a psychotherapist at the Minnesota Center for Psychology. Taking part in a brief demonstration is Georgia Becker, an Assistant Producer w/ "The Mary Hanson Show." I thought this would be a peaceful interlude for those who feel stressed or worried or just tired.Listening to Jeannine is peaceful and helpful!
Next week, week of Jan. 2 -- To be announced -- See above.
January 2021
Jan. 18 -- A Hospice Nurse on the Dying Process -- Guest: Sheila Duddy, RN, M.Ed, Allina Hospice and Palliative Care
Jan. 25 -- A Hospice Nurse on the Dying Process -- See above.
Feb. 1 -- Betty McCollum on Leadership -- Guest: McCollum, US Congresswoman representing the 4th District since 2001
__________________________________________________________________________________SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM SERIES - NON-PROFIT LEADERS - Thursday - Saturdays
Feb. 11, 18, 25 – Mel Duncan, Co-Founder of the Nonviolent Peace Force
Feb. 12, 19, 26 – Ellen Kennedy, Founder and Ex. Director of World Without Genocide
Feb. 13, 20, 27 – Daniel Wordsworth, the former President and CEO, of the American Refugee Committee, now known as Alight. Wordsworth just left Alight last month to return to his native Australia where he is running a humanitarian agency. Alight's former Board Chair, John Gappa, is the Interim President.
February 8 -- Selecting and Paying for College -- Guest: Carol Stack, Consultant, former Admissions Director at Augsburg University and Macalester College and co-author of The Financial Aid Handbook.
February 15 -- Lonnie Dupre, Arctic Explorer -- Guest: Dupre, talking about scaling Denali (Mt. McKinley) solo in January a few years ago, becoming the first person to do this. We chose this interview to tie in w/ the cold weather we are experiencing.....tho mild in the eyes of Lonnie Dupre.
February 22 -- Gun Violence -- Guest: Marit Brock, Co-Founder of Mothers Against Gun Violence
March 1 -- Will Steger on Global Warming -- Guest: Steger, explorer, author, activist, talks w/ Mary about the real dangers of global warming and climate change. This was taped several years ago, but we are re-airing it due to its continual relevance. (We are not taping this past year due to the Pandemic, and so that is why we are re-airing programs. Hopefully you are catching shows you didn't see earlier! We will be taping in the studio as soon as possible!
March 8 -- Larry Long on Social Issues -- Guest: Larry, singer, songwriter, educator, shares some of his of his favorite songs he has composed related to issues he is passionate about. Because several of these issues tie into the social issues rocking our country and state today, I thought this would be a fitting interview for this week.
Thursdays, March 11, 18, 25 - Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease with Eleanor Orehek, MD, Clinical Neurologist and Movement Disorder Specialist at the Noran Clinic in Minneapolis
Fridays, March 12, 19, 26 - Dementia and Parkinson’s with Okeanis Vaou, MD, Neurologist and Movement and Sleep Disorders Specialist, Noran Clinic, Minneapolis
Saturdays, March 13, 20, 27 - Parkinson’s Disease and Treatment with Eleanor Orehek, MD (see Thursday description)
March 15 -- Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection, Part I -- Special programming w/ Co-Host and Co-Producer, Psychiatrist, Jim Jordan, MD -- Guests: Mark Meier, LICSW, man who came very close to taking his own life and Anne Gearity, PhD, LICSW, Clinical Social Worker. This is the first of a five part series, and all five are on my YouTube Channel. The series is translated into Spanish and also on YouTube and on the MN NAMI website. NOTE: Monday night shows are repeated, also at 9 PM, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
March 22 -- Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection, Part IV -- Guest: Mark Meier, LICSW for the half hour -- Mark shares his struggle with depression and close call with suicide, almost taking his own life. After getting treatment, he founded an organization called Face It Foundation, focused on helping men deal with depression and that organization is thriving. Note that the Monday show is also on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the same time, 9 PM.
March 29 -- Brain Injuries, the Invisible Injury -- Guests: Ric and Beth Johnson talking about Ric's traumatic brain injury and the effect on the family and, in the second half of the show, David King, CEO of the Brain Injury Alliance in Minnesota, talks about the medical aspects of brain injuries and about services this stellar non-profit provide.
April 5 -- Our Endangered Ash Trees (also airing on the 6th, 7th, 9th and 11th -- see info at top of page) -- Guest: Karen Zumach, Tree Trust's Community Forestry Director, talks about the Emerald Ash Borer and how it is currently affecting the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro area and Minnesota. Karen talks about how we can learn from other major metropolitan areas that have already gone through this. She also helps us identify the Ash tree, a tree that is not as familiar to many as its numbers would suggest. For more information, you can go to
April 12 -- Sex Trafficking -- Guests: John Choi, Ramsey County Attorney, nationally known for his work in this field and Terry Williams, former VP at the Women's Foundation of MN, are the guests. The Foundation has done a lot to combat this problem.
Thursdays, April 15, 22, 29 plus May 6 & 13 -- Living and Leaving the Cycle of Abuse with Mary Havens, family member and author
Fridays, April 16, 23, 30 plus May 7 & 14 -- Sex Trafficking in MN, Part I with Ramsey County Attorney, John Choi and Terry Williams, former VP of the Women's Foundation of Minnesota
Saturdays, April 17, 24, May 1 plus May 8 and 15 -- Sex Trafficking in MN, Part II with Beth Holger-Ambrose, Executive Director of The Link and Quisha Stewart, Safe Harbor Division Director for The Link, two women who are on the front line.
April 19 -- Mike Ciresi on Judges as Gatekeepers -- Guest: Nationally known trial attorney, Mike Ciresi of Ciresi Conlin LLP (formerly w/ Robins Kaplin Miller & Ciresi) talks w/ Mary about the role of judges as gatekeepers in our American court system. He also discusses the history and present place of judges and juries.
April 26 (and also airing several other times...see specifics above in heading) -- Keith Ellison on Leadership -- Guest: MN's Attorney General now talks about his earlier life, his career, and leadership. Note that this was taped several years ago when he was a US Congressman. We thought it would important to air it again due to Ellison's pivotal role in the trial of D. Chauvin.
May 3 -- Ann Bancroft on Access Water -- Guest: Environmentalist/educator/adventurer, Bancroft joins Mary talking about her expedition to India and her Ganges River trip. This was taped a few years ago but is relevant due to our ongoing need to deal w/ water issues globally and the current hard news about India today. (Also airing several other times...airs every night each week at 9 pm except Thursdays.)
May 10 -- NAMI MN -- Guest: Sue Abderholden, Ex. Director of NAMI MN, talks about the services of this wonderful organization which is for families and friends of people dealing w/ mental illness. NAMI stands for National Alliance of Mental Illness. Sue describes their many services and talks about the importance of seeking help "because there is treatment!" She also talks about suicide and the importance of tunimg in to clues and intervening. She is one of the national leaders in this field. (Also airing several other times...airs every night each week at 9 pm except Thursdays.)
May 17 -- NAMI MN -- Re-airing. See above for details.
Thursdays, May 20, 27 & June 3 -- “Dealing with Hearing Loss” with guest Anthony Davis, MSW, LISW, Specialist, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Minnesota Department of Human Services and Interpreter, Sharisse Leier. Tony talks about communication tips, the importance of a diagnosis and new technology -- hearing aides and other helpful devices and equipment.
Fridays, May 21, 28, June 4 -- “Coping with Vision Loss” -- Lisa Larges, Outreach Coordinator for the MN State Services for the Blind is Mary's guest. She talks about issues affecting those w/ vision loss as well as new devices that are very helpful.
Saturdays, May 22, 29 & June 5 – “Parenting a Child w/ Disabilities” with Katie Sherman and Jennifer Hanson, parents of children with disabilities. They share their stories, including insights for other parents as well as resources available in our state.
May 24 -- Jim Klobuchar on Leadership - Guest: the late Jim Klobuchar who just died earlier this month is my guest. The interview was taped in 2009, and in it Jim talks about his early days in northern Minnesota where he grew up, the son of immigrants. He also talks about his wonderful career as a journalist in this very interesting, personal interview.
(In addition to the May 24th interview (9 PM on MCN6), it will also air at 9 PM on the 25, 26, 28 as well as 4:30 PM on the 30th.)
May 31 -- Josie Johnson on Leadership, Part II -- Guest: The legendary civil right leader, Josie Johnson from an interview in 2016
June 7, 8 -- Repeat of Josie Johnson interview
JUNE 9, 11 - Sondra Samuels - An Update on NAZ -- Guest: Sondra, founder of NAZ, talks about the mission and goals of the Northside Achievement Zone at 9 PM. Note: this interview will also air at 4:30 PM on Sunday, June 13th.
June 10, 17, 24 –– Alzheimer’s – What Do We Know w/ Debbie Richman
June 11, 18, 25 –– Impact of Alzheimer’s on Our Communities w/ Sue S. Pasrriott and Dawn Simonson
June 12, 19, 26 –– Alzheimer’s – The Ethnicity and Race Connection w/ Yoli Chambers and Robbin Frazier
June 14 -- An Interview w/ Paul Douglas -- Guest: Meterologist, Paul D, talks about weather in MN and his career. (In addition to the June 14th airing (9 PM on MCN6), it will also air at 9 PM on June 15th, 16th and 18th as well as 4:30 PM on the 20th.)
June 21 week -- Repeat schedule w/ Paul Douglas this week due to requests
June 28th week - Tom Swain on Leadership - Guest: Swain, elder statesman in Minnesota, turns 100 on July 4th! This is interiview is from 2019 and Tom is talking about his views of the Republican party, leadership and his time as Chief of Staff for Governor Elmer L. Andersen. Tom was touted by the Strib very recently for asking people to make pledges for climate change action as a birthday present.
(Catch this interview at 9 PM on the 28th, 29th, 30th, and July 2nd.)
July 5th week -- NOTE: Problem solved! TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES AT THE STATION RESOLVED - This show, Decisions: People, Place & Purpose, will air Friday, July 9, at 9 PM on MCN6 as well as Sun, the 11, at 4:30 PM. Guest: Elisa Korenne, Author, Songwriter/Singer who moved from NYC where she worked in international development to rural Minnesota where she was able to focus on her artistic career.
July 12th week -- Decisions: People, Place & Purpose, will re-air this week. Guest: Elisa Korenne, Author, Songwriter/Singer who moved from NYC where she worked in international development to rural Minnesota where she was able to focus on her artistic career.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM, MINI-SERIES – Legal Issues - Thursdays thru Saturdays
Thursdays, Jul 15, 22, 29 & Aug. 5 – “Deception, Intimacy & the Law” with Jill Hasday, JD, U of MN Law School Professor who has written the very first book about this subject, Intimate Lies and the Law.
Fridays, July 16, 23, 30 & Aug. 6 –-“Judges As Gatekeepers w/ Mike Ciresi” -- Mike is a nationally recognized trial attorney with Ciresi Conlin, LLP.
Saturdays, July 17, 24, 31 & Aug. 7 -- “Constitutional Issues: The Supreme Court” with constitutional scholars Heidi Kitrosser, JD, and Jill Hasday, JD, Professors at the U of MN Law School, discussing some of the implications of Justice Scalia's death and the Supreme Court. This was taped a couple years ago but is still relevant.
July 19th week, evening slots -- "DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS" are the focus for my 9 PM programming this week.My guests are well-known -- GREGORY PLOTNIKOFF, MD and MARK WEISBERG, PhD. They discuss chronic digestive conditions and new ways to deal with them, bringing in ideas from their book, Trust Your Gut. You can catch this interview at 9 PM on Mon, the 19th, as well as Tues, Wed and Fri also at 9 PM plus Sun, the 25th, at 4:30 PM.
July 26th week -- Lyndel King on Leadership -- Guest: Lyndel King, Director of the Weisman Art Museum from 1981 to 2020. She recently was honored for her "distinquished service" by the American Alliance of Museums, the first Minnesota museum director to receive this prestigous award.
Focus for the 9 PM interviews for the next two weeks -- CLIMATE CHANGE
August 2nd week -- Will Steger on Global Warming. -- Guest: Steger, environmentalist, author, explorer
August 9 week -- Terry Gips on Sustainability -- Guest: Founder of Sustainability Associates, author, environmentalist, Gips, talks about sustainability and practical things we as individuals can do.
SPECIAL 9 AM MINI-SERIES -- The Animal Connection -- Thurs thru Saturdays
August 12, 19, 26 & Sept 2 -- Wildlife in Our Midst w/ Phil Jenni, Ex. Dir., The Wildlife Refuge Center
August 13, 20, 27 & Sept 3 -- The Raptor Center w/ Education Director, Gail Buhl, and several raptors
August 14, 21, 28 & Sept 4 -- Monarchs in a Changing World w/ former U of M Professor, Karen Oberhauser, PhD, and honoree for being a "Champion of Change" by President Obama
August 16 - 100 Things To Do in the Twin Cities -- Guest: Tom Weber, former host of "MPR News" who shares ideas from his book of the same title as our interview. He also talks about journalism and interviewing.
August 23 -- An Interview With Barry ZeVan -- Guest: Barry Zevan is hard to define! He was an entertainer, whether doing weather news here in the Twin Cities or as an actor, producer, singer, friend to celebrities. Barry died in January of 2020. You can read more about his eclectic life in his book MY LIFE AMONG THE GIANTS.
Reminder: Each week, the 9 PM interview that airs on Monday is also aired on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday as well as 4:30 PM on Sunday.
August 30th week -- Mark Seeley on Minnesota's Changing Climate -- Guest: Climatologist and Meterologist, Seeley, talks about our changing climate and how it will affect us. Mark was in the Extension Dept. at the U of Minnesota for almost 40 years, retiring a couple years ago.
September 6th week -- David K. Roe on Leadership -- Guest: AFL-CIO President in MN from 1966 to 1984 is Mary's guest this week. This interview was taped in 2015 and is being re-aired in recognition of Labor Day and the labor movement. David talks about the movement and his leadership role, and he shares some fascinating memories about some of the well-known Minnesotans that he knew well, including Hubert Humphrey. Special thanks to SiebenCarey for making this show possible and to Nancy Kaiser and John See for their w/ Mary in developing this interview. Catch this show at 9 PM on Sept. 6, 7, 8 & 10th as well as 4:30 PM on Sept 12.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM MINI-SERIES -- Women Leaders -- Thurs thru Saturdays
For Sept. 9, 16, 23 – Sondra Samuels on the Achievement Gap
For Sept. 10, 17, 24 – Becky Roloff on Leadership -- Becky is the President of St. Cate’s
For Sept. 11, 18, 25 – Patty Wetterling on Leadership
Sondra is in the news lately as she and her husband, Don, just sued the City of Mpls over the ballot question re. policing, and I thought that for those don't know her, you will enjoy "meeting" her. All of these are from my archives. All stellar leaders!!
September 13th week (EVE programs) -- Richard Leider on the Purpose/Work Connection
Guest: Best-selling author, coach and Founder of Inventure -- The Purpose Company. Richard is the author of several books including two I love, Re-Packing Your Bags For the Rest of Your Life and The Power of Purpose.
September 20th week - Anxiety and Our Kids -- Guest: Tina Feigal, parent-child expert, author, & coach. We are featuring this interview because w/ school starting recently, a lot of kids are feeling anxious about school as well as about Covid, ETC. My guest has written several books about kids and parenting and issues including anxiety, and she is a columnist w/ Parent Magazine. She is full of practical ideas! See above (beginning of 2021 listings) for airing times.
September 27th week -- Marcela Lorca: The Evolution of An Artist -- Guest: The Artistic Director of the theater, Ten Thousand Things, Marcela Lorca, talks w/ Mary about her early days as a dancer in Chile and then her 20 years w/ the Guthrie Theater before becoming the Artistic Director at TTT. We are re-airing this interview in recognition of the opening up of theaters here as well as on Broadway. Currently, Marcela is directing "A Comedy of Errors" that opens this October! NOTE: Our
interviews air every Mon through Friday at 9 PM, excluding Thursday and plus Sun. at 4:30 PM....all on Cable Ch. 6.
October 4 week -- "Don Shelby on Leadership" -- Guest: Shelby, the beloved former anchor of WCCO Television's news, talks about his life, career and the state of television in this interview from 2014.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM MINI-SERIES -- -- Our Native American Leaders --Thurs thru Saturdays
For Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 -- Kelly Drummer, formerly President of the Tiwahe Foundation and now Ex. Director of MIGIZI (a non-profit serving Native youth)
For Oct. 8, 15, 22, 29-- Karen Diver, formerly Vice Chair of the Fond du Lac Tribal Board of Chippewa and now Senior Advisor to the U of MN President for Native American Affairs
For Oct. 9, 16,23, 30 -- Cris Stainbrook, President of the Indian Land Tenure Foundation (working to reclaim land for Indigenous people)
October 11th week -- Ranked Choice Voting -- Guest: Tom Kuhlman, PhD, who is writing a book on this big topic. ( Note: This interview was taped several years ago, but the information holds. References though to the specific Mpls election pertain, of course, to the past election that was held when the interview was done.)
October 18th week -- Mindfulness -- Guest: Jeannine Myrvik, LICSW, psychotherapist
October 25th week -- The Minneapolis Policing Decision - Ballot Question #2 -- Guests: JaNae Bates, from Yes4Minneapolis where she is the Communications Director and Don Samuels, former Mpls City Councilman (2003-2014) -- The guests are on separately presenting their case to either vote yes to create a Dept of Public Safety or No to maintain the MPD but with reforms. The country and world are watching this election coming up Nov. 2.
Nov. 1 week -- Re-airing last week's program due to high interest. See above.
Nov. 8 week -- Our Endangered Ash Trees -- Guest: Karen Zumach, Director of Community Forestry, Tree Trust. Karen talks about how we can learn from other major metropolitan areas that have already gone through through the Emerald Ash Borer infestation. She also helps us identify the Ash tree, a tree that is not as familiar to many as its numbers would suggest. For more information, you can go to To check times, see heading at top of page.
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM MINI-SERIES -- Living With Challenges -- Thurs thru Saturdays
Nov. 11, 18, 25 --“Brain Injuries: The Invisible Injury” with David King, CEO of the MN Brain Injury Alliance, Ric Johnson who survived a traumatic brain injury and his wife, Beth.
Nov. 12, 19, 26 – “Living with Dyslexia” with James Bauer, author of The Runaway Learning Machine: Growing Up Dyslexic (writing about his life) and Rachel Berger, founder of Decoding Dyslexia, a grasssroots organization and mother of a child living w/ Dyslexia
Nov. 13, 20, 27 -- “Parenting a Child with Disabilities” with Katie Sherman and Jennifer Hanson, two mothers of children with complex disabilities
Nov. 15 week, EVENING INTERVIEW -- Randy Adamsick on Kidney Transplants -- Guest: Adamsick, former Ex. Director of the Minnesota Film Board, talks with Mary about his recent kidney transplant. He shares the scary time he had as he waited for a donor as his kidneys were beginning to fail due to Polycystic Kidney Disease. He talks, too, about the process of matching donor and recipient and how the transplant affected his life. Randy and Mary co-hosted "The Screening Room," a cable TV movie preview show back in the late 80's, early 90's.
Nov. 22 week -- MN Teacher of the Year, 2021 -- Guest: Natalia Benjamin, from Rochester's Century High School, is the MN Teacher of the Year for 2021. She teaches English learners and Ethnic studies there, and she is the first Latino educator to win this prestigious award. See heading above for times and dates!
Nov. 29 week -- MN Teacher of the Year, 2021 - Re-airing interview w/ Natalia Benjamin
Dec. 6 week -- Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman on Anti-Semitism -- Guest: Temple Israel's Senior Rabbi, Marcia Zimmerman, talks about the challenges as a leader in these difficult times. She also explains how several other religious groups are collaborating w/ Temple Israel. This interview was taped in September of 2019. Rabbi Zimmerman has been at Temple Israel for 33 years now!
SPECIAL MORNING, 9 AM MINI-SERIES -- Minnesota Musicians -- Thursdays through Saturdays -- MCN6
Dec. 9, 16, 23, 30 & Jan. 6 – An Interview w/ Tom Lieberman
Dec. 10, 17, 24, 31 & Jan. 7 – Stanislaw Skowaczewski on Conducting and Composing
Dec. 11, 18, 25, Jan. 1 & Jan. 8 – Philip Brunelle on Leadership
Dec. 13 week -- Richard Leider on Growing Into Elderhood -- Guest: The Founder of Inventure -- The Purpose Company and best selling author, Leider, talks aboiut ideas from the book he and David Shapiro have written called Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Old, The Path Towrd Purposeful Aging. He also shares important ideas about accepting our own death.
Dec. 20th week -- Governor Elmer Andersen on Leadership -- Guest: The late Governor Andersen visits w/ Mary in his home only weeks before he died in 2004. He looks back on his career and shares interesting observations.
Dec. 27th week -- Osterholm for the Half Hour -- Guest: Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, Director of CIDRAP, the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the U of MN, talking about the pandemic. This interview was taped on December 13, 2021. As most of you know, Dr. Osterholm has been a frequent guest medical expert on CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC the past 22 months.
Note: Catch this interview as noted in our heading at the top of this page at 9 PM on MCN6 on Mon., Tues., Wed. and Fri. as well as 4:30 PM on Sunday. Our apologies for the fact that this interview did not air on Tues., Dec. 28, as scheduled due to technical difficulties.
NOTE: If you miss a show, you can usually see it on YouTube. Go to Tube Channel. We have all the recently taped shows (over 200) uploaded. Our 23 seasons on public television, TPT 2.2, ended at the beginning of 2020 due to cutbacks at TPT. We thank them for a great run! CONTINUE FINDING THE SHOW ON CHANNEL 6 AS WELL AS ON SPNN, MTN AND PACT IN DULUTH/SUPERIOR.
January 2020
- January 6 -- Brain Injuries, the Invisible Injury -- Guests: Ric Johnson, survivor of a traumatic brain injury, and Beth Johnson his spouse, talk with Mary for the first half of the show about causes of brain injuries and how they dealt with and are dealing with Ric's injury as a family. In the second half of the show David King, CEO of the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance, continues the talk on brain injuries, sharing other causes and functional changes. He also talks some about concussions and outlines services of the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance.
- January 13 -- Living With Dyslexia -- Guests: Jim Bauer and Rachel Berger talk with Mary about the most common of learning disabilities, dyslexia. Jim is a man who has dealt with dyslexia since childhood, and although he had a severe case, he sought out help and went on to get his Master's Degree. He is the author of several books about dyslexia including THE RUNAWAY LEARNING MACHING: GROWING UP DYSLEXIC. Rachel's son has dyslexia, and she is the Founder of Decoding Dyslexia, MN, a grassroots movement to impact policy and empower dyslexic students and their parents. Jim and Rachel talk about how to learn and adjust to this condition, one that can affect a person's life in multiple ways.
- January 20 -- Barry ZeVan and His Eclectric Career -- Guest: Barry ZeVan recently died, and we are re-airing an interview he taped with Mary in 2016. "The weatherman" came from a rich history in show business. In this interview Barry talks about his interesting career at KSTP and KARE 11 here as well as other ventures including his Emmy Awards as a documentary producer. He also shares fascinating stories about some of his famous friends and an interview w/ President Truman.
- January 27 -- Jean Wagenius on the Environment -- Guest: State Representative Wagenius talks mostly about water issues in Minnesota, including the fact that no state agency tests our drinking water at its' sources
- February 3 -- Amy Klobuchar on Leadership -- Guest: Our senator, who needs no introduction, talked w/ Mary about leadership and her personal history in this interview which was taped several years ago, not long after she became a senator.
- February 10 -- Surviving the Holocaust (in honor, a little late, of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 1-27) -- Guest: Judy Meisel, now of St. Louis Park, MN, survivor from the Kovno Ghetto in Lithuania and the Stutthof Concentration Camp in Poland. The story of her life is an amazing story of surviving horrors and hatred as well as resilience, hope and activism. An interesting part of Judy's life that we didn't get to talk about in the interview was that the FBI and German authorities interviewed Judy about a surviving Nazi guard whom she was able to identify, and now he has been charged as an accessory to thousands of murders.
- February 17 -- The Mysteries of Sleep -- Guest: Samantha Anders, PhD, Senior Psychologist with the MN Regional Sleep Disorders Center, Hennepin Healthcare -- NOTE: Our apologies for airing a different interview Mary did on sleep. The one that aired this week was w/ another sleep expert, Michel Cramer Bornemann, from Sleep Forensics. We will re-air the interview w/ Dr. Anders in the near future.
- February 24 --- Will Steger on His Wilderness Center -- Guest: Explorer, environmentalist, educator, Steger, talking about climate change and his new Center near Ely, MN, built with the purpose of convening groups (leaders and youth) to pursue solutions for dealing with climate change.
- March 2 -- Divorce: Understanding the Process -- Guest: Family Law Attorney, Joanie Moberg
- March 9 -- Caring For Yourself and Your Child Dealing With Mental Illness -- Guest: Kara Phillips, Certified Life Coach and parent w/ children who deal with mental illness
- March 16 -- Anxiety and Our Kids -- Guest: Tina Feigal, popular child educator, coach and author -- This was taped in 2018, but as I re-watched it, I thought it was timely (and timeless), so we are re-airing it.
- March 23 -- Scott F. Davies, MD on Leadership -- Guest: Dr. Davies, the widely known and respected Minnesota pulmonologist who was the Chief of the Department of Medicine at Hennepin Healthcare from 2002 to 2017 and is currently a Professor of Medicine at the University of Minnesota's Medical School as well as a clinic doctor at Hennepin Healthcare
- March 30 -- Refugees In Crisis -- Guest: Curt Rhodes, MD, Founder and International Director of Questscope which operates with Alight, formerly known as the American Refugee Committee. Questscope has implemented successful mentoring, education, and emergency aid initiatives for hundreds of thousands of disadvantaged youth in Syria, Jordan and other countries in the Middle East as well as Germany. NOTE: There is a slight chance this show cannot be aired tomorrow night. IF that is the case, we will post a new airing time as well as the substitute program.
- April 6 -- An Interview with Tom Lieberman -- Guest: Lieberman, the singer,songwriter, producer, director, all round creative guy, is my guest You will remember Tom as one of the musical trio, Rio Nido, and as a regular on "Prairie Home Companion." He was also the Musical Director and a Producer of "Sweet Land," the award-winning independent film.
- April 13 -- Marcela Lorca: Evolution of An Artist -- Guest: the Artistic Director of Ten Thousand Things, talks about her early days as a dancer in Chile, her work at the Guthrie Theater for 20 years as Movement Director and Acting Coach and her current role at the independent theater, Ten Thousand Things. She describes the passion and focus that successful artists have and shares information about TTT. In 2019 Marcela was the recipient of the very prestigious Zelda Fichandler Award recognizing choreographers and directors.
- April 20 -- Understanding Ambiguous Losses -- Guest: Pauline Boss, PhD, Author, Consultant and Professor Emeritus, Family Social Sciences, University of Minnesota -- NOTE: I am re-airing this show because I think that although this was taped before the pandemic, Pauline talks about something most of us are going through -- losses that are hard to categorize such as the loss of security, some losses of freedom, etc.
- April 27 -- Living Lightly on the Earth with Holly Jorgensen -- Guest: Writer, Speaker, Photographer, Singer, Holly Jorgensen, sharing ideas from her new book, Enchanted, Reflections From a Joyfully Green and Frugally Rich Life. If you missed this, it is on YouTube.
- May 4 -- Handling Financial Stress -- Guest: Darryl Dahlheimer, the former Program Director of Lutheran Social Services' Financial Counseling Department. This was taped in 2017 but has relevant, helpful information.
- May 11 -- A Hospice Nurse on the Dying Process -- Guest: Sheila Duddy, RN, M.Ed is with the Allina Health Hospice, and she has worked with the dying for 20 years. Although we are focused now on those who are sadly dying from Covid-19, people are still dying from other causes, and many families have lots of questions about hospice.
- May 18 -- CORRECTION -- My apologies if you were looking forward to this interview. Another interview was aired tonight instead of the one I had announced. What aired tonight was "Michael Osterholm on "Antibiotic Resistance..." A very important topic and great info from Mike but not the personal interview that I had promised. I am going to air the promised interview soon and will announce it here and on Face Book.
- May 19, 20 and 24th -- Michael Osterholm on Leadership -- Guest: Osterholm, PhD, MPH, the former MN State Epidemiologist and busy consultant with CNN and other broadcast stations, talks w/ Mary about his early life and his work w/ CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) at the U of MN. Although this interview was taped several years ago, it feels surprisingly current. You also get to know Mike in a more personal way in this interview. You can catch it yet on Sunday, May 24, at 7:30 PM or on You Tube.
- May 25 -- The Name "Lake Calhoun" Restored To Its Original, "Bde Maka Ska" -- Guests: Kate Beane and Carly Bad Heart Bull -- In this interview, taped in March of 2018, Mary talks with twin sisters, Carly Bad Heart Bull, the new Ex. Director of Native Ways Federation, Inc., and formerly with the Bush Foundation and Kate Beane from the Minnesota Historical Society about restoring the name of Lake Calhoun to it's original name, Bde Maka Ska. They put the restoration effort into historical perspective as well as talking about their family connection to the lake. We are re-airing this interview in light of the very recent legal decision restoring the original name.
- June 1 -- Josie Johnson on Racism -- Guest: Civil Rights leaders, Josie Johnson, talks w/ Mary about racism and her life. This was taped in 2016 but is very pertinent this week.
Thursdays - Saturdays
Here below are the teachers of the year and the exact dates for each interview in the series. Each interview is re-aired the following week at the same time and on the same day of the week. We will be having theme series during our 9 AM morning slots. Check here for future series. Remember the series will be on Ch. 6 at 9 AM! Note: We will include teachers of the year from 2010 - 2013 later. Watch for the next series with a different focus later in June!
June 4 – 2014 - Tom Rademacher, English teacher, FAIR School, Mpls
June 5 – 2015 - Amy Hewett - Olatunde, English teacher, LEAP High School, St. Paul
June 6 -- 2016 - Abdul Wright, 8th grade Language Arts teacher, BEST Academy, Mpls
June 11 & 18 - 2017 - Cory Bulman, Language Arts teacher, Mound Westonka High School
June 12 & 19 - 2018 - Kelly Holstine, English teacher, Tokata Learning Center in Shakopee
June 13 & 20 - 2019 - Jessica Davis, Math teacher, South St. Paul High School in St. Paul
- June 8 -- Keith Ellison on Leadership -- Guest: Minnesota Attorney General, Ellison, in an interview taped in 2012 talks about his family history and his views on service and leadership. Due to the intense scrutiny of Ellison now, we wanted to bring this interview back! It will also air at 9 PM on June 9, 10, and 12th as well as at 6 PM on June 14th.
- June 15 -- The Blue Code of Silence -- Guest: Tony Bouza, former Chief of Police in Minneapolis. This interview was taped in 2013 after Bouza's time as Chief. It focused on his life as an immigrant from Spain as well as the "Blue Code of Silence" and several of Bouza's experiences as an expert witness in cases related to lawsuits involving the police. To learn more: Expert Witness, Breaking the Policeman's Blue Code of Silence by Tony Bouza. This interview will be on Monday, June 15 (9 PM, MCN6) with reruns at 9 PM on June 16, 17 and 19th.
- June 22 -- Reatha Clark King on Race Relations -- Guest: The former President of Metro State University, rocket scientist, and executive w/ General Mills, Reatha talks about growing up in the deep South and her life breaking barriers as well as racism in our society. We are now doing re-runs of our Monday night interview at 9 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday the same week.
- _________________________________________________________________________________________
- Special Morning 9 AM Series -- Minnesota Musicians - Thursdays - Saturdays
- June 25 & July 2 - Stanislaw Skrowaczewski on Conducting and Composing
- June 26 & July 3 - Philip Brunelle on Leadership
June 27 & July 4 - An Interview with Tom Lieberman - _____________________________________________________________________________
- NOTE: Monday night shows are repeated, also at 9 PM, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
- June 29 -- Mindfulness -- Guest: Jeannine Myrvik, LICSW, is my guest, sharing the basics about the practice of mindfulness as well as the benefits. Jeannine teaches the practice and is a psychotherapist at the Minnesota Center for Psychology. Taking part in a brief demonstration is Georgia Becker, an Assistant Producer w/ the show.
- July 6 -- MarK Seeley on Minnesota's Changing Climate -- Guest: Meteorologist and climatologist, Mark Seeley, shares fascinating facts about our weather and land in Minnesota. Mark was on MPR and public television's "Almanac" as a guest for years. He retired recently but is still doing lots of public speaking.
- July 13 -- Elder Law: Be Proactive -- Guest: Margaret Barrett, JD, Estate and Elder Law Attorney -- If you have questions about our laws related to wills, Power of Attorney, transferring assets, Medical Assistance, ETC, Barrett shares important information about these legal issues and topics. I learned that even 18 yr. olds should have a POA or Power of Attorney in place.
- July 20 -- Indian Lands in Indian Hands -- Guest: Cris Stainbrook. Mary talks with Cris, President of the Indian Land Tenure Foundation and is re-airing this interview due to the recent Supreme Court decision. The Foundation provides grants and services to Indian nations and individuals focused on recovering land within reservation boundaries and off reservation sacred sites. Cris is the recent past President of the ACLU of Minnesota. He is also a former Senior Program Officer at Northwest Area Foundation as well as a former member of the Board of Directors of the St. Paul Foundation and the Minnesota Community Foundations and has had extensive involvement w/ other foundations.
- __________________________________________________________________________________________
- Special Morning 9 AM Series -- From the Arts - Thursdays - Saturdays
- July 23, 30th and Aug. 6 -- Charles Biederman -- The Artist, the Man (acclaimed modern artist)
- July 24, 31st and Aug. 7 -- An American Artist Abroad (Camille Hanson, award winningMN dancer based in Madrid, Spain)
- July 25, Aug. 1 and 8th -- Sage Cowles on Leadership (the late dancer and supporter of the arts)
- __________________________________________________________________________________________
- July 27 -- An Interview with Paul Douglas -- Guest: Meteorologist, Paul Douglas, our Strib weather columnist and former WCCO and KARE Television weatherman, talks about climate change, greenhouses gases, our dramatic Midwest weather and his career.
- August 3 -- Monarchs in a Changing World -- Guest: Karen Oberhauser, PhD, former U of MN professor and
- Director of the Monarch Lab at the U of MN. Karen is now the Director of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Arboretum, in Madison, Wisconsin.
- August 10 - Our Dying Honeybees -- Guest: Acclaimed entomologist, Marla Spivak, PhD, U of MN
- __________________________________________________________________________________________
- Special 9 AM Morning Series - Minnesota Journalists -- Thursdays - Saturdays
- August 13, 20, 27 -- Lori Sturdevant, Star Tribune former editorial writer, occasional columnist
- August 14, 21, 28 -- Gary Gilson, Star Tribune columnist
- August 15, 22, 29 -- James Lenfestey, former Star Tribune columnist, author
- __________________________________________________________________________________________
- August 17 (EVE, 9 PM) -- The Mysteries of Sleep -- Guest: Samantha Anders, PhD, Senior Psychologist with the MN Regional Sleep Disorders Center, Hennepin Healthcare
- August 24 -- Lonnie Dupre, Arctic Explorer -- Guest: Dupre talks to Mary about climbing Denali (Mt. McKinley) solo and in January in 2015, considered the toughest mountain in the world to climb due to the harsh conditions. He also talks about his other explorations and the fragility of our planet, noting that the health of the arctic area is directly connected to the health of our planet. We are airing this interview partly due to an article recently in the Star Tribune focusing on Lonnie's modeling of resilience, something we all need right now.
- August 31 -- Teachers, Our Heroes -- Guest: Abdul Wright, Minnesota's Teacher of the Year in 2016 talks w/ Mary about teaching at Best Academy where he teaches 8th graders. With all the pressures on our teachers this year, I thought it would be neat to meet one of them.
- __________________________________________________________________________
- Special 9 AM Morning Series - Race Relations -- Thursdays - Saturdays
- September 3, 10, 17 -- Sondra Samuels on the Achievement Gap
- September 4, 11, 18 -- Josie Johnson on Leadership, Part II
- September 5, 12, 19 -- Reatha Clark King on Leadership
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- September 7th -- Larry Long on Social Issues -- Guest: Long, singer/songwriter, activist and educator, shares stories about his career and involvement with social issues he has been passionate about. The Smithsonian Folkways recording artist's music has played an important part in bringing light to many social, economical and racial issues. There are several excerpts from musical performances within this interview.
- September 14 -- CORRECTION - Conflict Resolution is the topic this week. Brain Injuries will be on next Monday, the 21st. The guest this week is Janet W. Rowles, MA, mediator and author of The Tell Me More Gesture, How & Why To Welcome Conflict. Janet has very practical and helpful ideas re. handling differences for individuals, couples, and families as well as students, board members, employees, employers, etc. She was awarded the "Peacemaker of the Year Award" from the Minneapolis Public Schools a few years ago. (My apologies for the scheduling error. mh) Conflict Resolution will be aired at 9 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday this week - all at 9 PM as well as Sunday, the 20th of September at 6 PM.
- September 21 -- Brain Injuries, the Invisible Injury -- Guests: Ric Johnson, survivor of a traumatic brain injury and Beth Johnson his spouse, talk with Mary about causes of brain injuries and how they dealt with and are dealing with Ric's injury as a family. In the second half of the show David King, CEO of the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance, shares other causes and functional changes. He also talks about concussions and services of the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance. (My apologies for the scheduling error. mh)
- _____________________________________________________________________________________
- Special 9 AM Morning Series - Focus on Athletes -- Thursdays - Saturdays
- Thursday, Sept. 24, October 1, 8, 15 -- Alan Page, former Viking and Bear football player
- Friday, September 25, October 2, 9, 16 -- Roy Griak, legendary U of MN men's track and X-C coach
- Saturday, September 26, October 3,10, 17 -- Ron Daws, marathoner, 1968 Olympian
- _______________________________________________________________________________________
- September 28 -- Dudley Riggs on His Circus Days -- Guest: Since Dudley died this past week, we are re-airing an interview I did w/ him in 2011 about his fascinating early days w/ the circus. Dudley was the founder of what he liked to call "Instant Theatre." Others call it Improv. He founded Brave New Workshop in Minneapolis and launched the careers of many notable comedians such as Al Franken and Liz Winstead. Dudley was an icon in the state and country as well as an author and the husband of noted U of MN professor and author, Pauline Boss. Note that The MH Show now is on at 9 PM every evening, Monday through Friday, excluding Thursdays plus 6 PM Sundays.
- October 5 -- The Constitution and the Supreme Court -- Guests: My guests are two stellar, highly respected U of MN Law School professors, Heidi Kitrosser, JD, and Jill Hasday, JD. This interview was taped in March of 2016, but it is still very relevant and informational. Topics discussed include the influence of politics on the Court, what the Constitution says about filling vacancies on the Court, life terms of justices, etc. The interview will be broadcast at 9 PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and at a different time, 6 PM, on Sunday, the 11th of October.
- October 12 -- The Constitution and the Supreme Court -- See directly above for details.
- October 19 -- The Role of Judges as Gatekeepers -- Guest: Mike Ciresi, attorney, Ciresi Conlin, LLP, returns to the show. This interview dovetails with the current focus on our judicial system and has within it lots of interesting insights about lawyers, judges, scientific evidence and our history of the tension between judges and juries. Remember that the interview that is on at 9 PM Monday also airs at 9 PM on Tues, Wed, and Fri as well at at 6 PM on Sunday, the 25th.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Special 9 AM Morning Series - Depression and Suicide - Thursday - Saturday
- This mini series was one of two primarily taped at KSTP TV and co-hosted w/ psychiatrist, Dr. Jim Jordan, the former Medical Director of the Hamn Psyciatric Clinic. A Spanish translation of this series can be found on YouTube.
- Thursday, Oct. 22, 29 and Nov. 5 — Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection, Part I
- Friday, Oct 23, 30 and Nov 6 — Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection, Part II
- Saturday, Oct.24, 31st and Nov. 7 — Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection, Part IV
__________________________________________________________________________________ - October 26 - An Interview w/ Mark Rosen -- Guest: Mark Rosen, long time sports journalist on WCCO-TV in the Twin Cities, talks with Mary about his long career with local and national sports and sports' figures. He shares stories about his unlikely start at WCCO, some highlights as a sports journalist and his recent retirement from television. He also talks about his family and his work ethics. This interview was taped on 2-13-19.
- November 2 - Richard Leider on "Re-imagining Your Life" -- Guest: Author, consultant, speaker, Leider talks about changing focus
- November 9 - Re-airing November 2 interview w/ Richard Leider -- Remember that the Monday show each week is re-aired at the same time on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays on Channel 6 as well as 6 PM on Sundays.
- _____________________________________________________________________________________
- Special Morning, 9 AM Series - Our Kids - Thursday - Saturdays
- Nov. 12, 19, 26th - Children's Psychological Challenges with Tom Steinmetz, MA from the Washburn Center for Chlldren
Nov. 13, 20 and 27th - Bullying with guests, Alec Fischer who was bullied and is now an advocate and Julie Hertzog from the PACER Center and the National Bulllying Prevention Center
Nov. 14, 21, and 28 -- Anxiety and Our Kids with guest, Tina Feigal, parent child educator - ______________________________________________________________________________________
- November 16 - The late Jim Ramstad on Leadership - Guest: US Congressman Ramstad talked w/ Mary in 2009 about leadership, partisanship in Congress, his signature legislation on parity and mental health and some of his early history. Our sincere condolences to his family.
- November 23 - Re-airing Jim Ramstad's interview
- November 30 - Living Lightly on the Earth with Holly Jorgensen -- Guest: Writer, Speaker, Photographer, Singer, Holly Jorgensen, sharing ideas from her new book, Enchanted, Reflections From a Joyfully Green and Frugally Rich Life.
- December 7 - Surviving the Holocaust -- Guest: Judith Meisel, Holocaust survivor from the Kovno Ghetto in Lithuania and the Stutthof Concentration Camp in Poland. The story of her life is an amazing story of surviving horrors and hatred as well as resilience, hope and activism.
_________________________________________________________________________ - Special Morning, 9 AM Series - Holiday Guests - Thursday - Saturdays
- Dec. 10, 17, 24 – Stanislaw Skrowaczewski on Conducting and Composing
- Dec. 11, 18, 25 – Philip Brunelle on Leadership
- Dec. 12, 19, 26 – An Interview with Tom Lieberman
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- December 14 (9 PM slots) -- Surviving the Holocaust (repeating one more week) -- Guest: Judith Meisel, Holocaust survivor from the Kovno Ghetto in Lithuania and the Stutthof Concentration Camp in Poland. The story of her life is an amazing story of surviving horrors and hatred as well as resilience, hope and activism.
- December 21 -- Alan Page on Leadership -- Guest: Alan, former Viking and Bear's football player and MN Supreme Court Justice talks w/ Mary about his life and careers.
- December 28 -- Richard Leider on Work and Purpose -- Guest: Leider returns to the set to talk about the importance of finding work you love. He is an internationally known author, lecturer and coach.
- NOTE: If you miss a show, you can see it on YouTube. Go to Tube Channel. We have all the recently taped shows (over 240) uploaded.
January 2019
- January 7 -- Decisions: People, Place, Purpose -- Guest: Elisa Korenne, songwriter, singer and author of One Hundred Miles To Nowhere talks about her big decision to move from NYC to a small MN town. This feels like a timely show for the new year when many are looking inward and perhaps wanting to make some changes.
- January 14 -- Parkinson's Disease and Treatment -- Guest: Eleanor Orehek, MD, Neurologist and Movement Disorders Specialist at the Noran Neurological Clinic in Minneapolis. She is also the Medical Director of the American Parkinson's Disease Association, the MN chapter. Dr. Orehek answers many questions about this common neurological disease, focusing in this interview on treatment options.
- January 21 -- Lori Sturdevant on Leadership and Politics -- Guest: Sturdevant, Recently retired editorial writer and columnist at the Star Tribune
- January 28 -- Mindfulness - Guest: Jeannine Myrvik, LICSW, Psychotherapist at the Minnesota Center for Psychology
- February 4 -- Understanding Ambiguous Loss -- Guest: Pauline Boss, PhD, Author, Consultant and Professor Emeritus, Family Social Sciences, U of MN
- February 11 -- Amy Klobuchar on Leadership -- Guest: Senator Amy Klobuchar who just announced she is running for President of the US. (We are re-airing this interview which was taped several years ago.)
- February 18 -- Distracted Driving -- Guests: Frank Hornstein, MN State Representative and Vijay Dixit, whose daughter, Shreya, was killed in a car accident due to distracted driving. They both have worked on legislation regarding this issue for years, and we are re-airing this interview due to the focus currentlly at our state legislature.
- February 25 -- An Interview with Paul Douglas -- Guest: Former TV weather man, Paul Douglas, now Star Tribune writer with a daily column on our weather. (This interview is being re-aired. Note -- It was not taped in the winter months.
- March 4 -- Jean Wagenius on Our Environment -- Guest: MN State Representative, Jean Wagenius, a long time major supporter of legislation affecting the environment
- March 11 -- Daniel Wordsworth on Leadership -- Guest: the President and CEO of the American Refugee Committee, based here in Minneapolis, in an interview on refugees and his life. We are re-airing this interview (taped in the fall of 2015) in recognition of the AMC's recent prestigious award from Fast Company for being one of the "World's Most Innovative Companies." The list honors the businesses making the most profound impact on culture and industry.
- March 18 -- Selecting and Paying for College -- Note: (This is an interview taped about six years ago but really relevant today.) Guest: Carol Stack, former Admissions Director at Augsburg and Macalester Colleges and the co-author with Ruth Vedvik of The Financial Aid Handbook (2017 2nd edition). Carol gives us really helpful and important tips about this dual subject matter in the interview.
- March 25 -- The Mysteries of Sleep -- Guest: Samantha Anders, PhD, Senior Psychologist with the MN Regional Sleep Disorders Center, Hennepin Healthcare
- April 1 -- Dealing with Hearing Loss -- Guests: Anthony Davis, MSW, LISW, Specialist, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Minnesota Department of Human Services, Mankato branch, and Interpreter, Sharisse Leier also from the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Tony talks about communication tips, the importance of a diagnosis and new technology -- hearing aides and other helpful devices and equipment.
- April 8 -- Relationships and the Brain -- Guest: Thomas Wright, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist n private practice as well as former Dean of the Alfred Adler Institute.
- April 15 -- Relationships and the Brain (see above)...repeating due to the big championship game on the 8th.
- April 22 -- Al Milgrom on Film and Society -- Guest: Milgrom, founder of the Film Society of Minneapolis St. Paul (in 1962. then called the University Film Society) and a leader in the US in bringing in foreign films and a focus on independent film to our country. Al is still creating documentaries himself at age 90 something, and he has a documentary in this year's International Film Festival which is going on right now in the Twin Cites. His entry is "Singin' in the Grain," screening April 23.
- April 29 -- Elder Law: Be Proactive -- Guest: Margaret Barrett, JD, Estate and Elder Law Attorney -- If you have questions about our laws related to wills, Power of Attorney, transferring assets, Medical Assistance, ETC, Barrett shares important information about these legal issues and topics. I learned that even 18 yr. olds should have a POA or Power of Attorney in place.
- May 6 -- Lake Calhoun's Name Restored to Bde Maka Ska (re-airing) -- Guests: Kate Beane, PhD, Minnesota Historical Society and Carly Bad Heart Bull, J.D., Bush Foundation Native Nations Activities Manager. Kate and Carly are the sisters who led the push to restore the name. Note: This was taped a couple years ago. It gives more context to the push to change this name.
- May 13 -- Reatha Clark King on Race Relations -- Guest: Former President of Metro State University and also former Vice President of General Mills, Reatha Clark King, talks about growing up in the deep South where she picked cotton as a young girl and dealt with racism but then achieved high goals in her careers.
- May 20 -- Lonnie Dupre on His Expeditions and Climate Change -- Guest: Dupre, Arctic Explorer and Mountain Climber, talks more about climbing Denali solo in January of 2015, other dramatic stories from his book, Life At thr Top, and his next expedition to Greenland, "Pulling For the Planet."
- May 27 -- Lonnie Dupre on His Expeditions and Climate Change - See above for details.
- June 3 -- Mark Seeley on Minnesota's Changing Climate -- Guest: Meteorologist and climatologist, Mark Seeley, shares fascinating facts about our weather and land in Minnesota. Mark was on MPR and public television's "Almanac" as a guest for years. He retired recently but is still doing lots of public speaking.
- June 10 -- 2019 Minnesota Teacher of the Year -- Guest: Recently announced! Jessica Davis, South St. Paul High School math teacher and advisor to the Black Pride Organization at that school
- June 17 -- Randy Adamsick on Kidney Transplants -- Guest: Adamsick, former Executive Director of the Minnesota Film Board, talking w/ Mary about his kidney transplant from a live donor. (Randy and Mary worked together back in the late 80's/early 90's when they co-hosted the cable show, "The Screening Room.")
- June 24 -- Larry Long on Social Issues -- Guest -- Singer, songwriter, educator, Larry Long shares some of his favorite songs related to issues he is passionate about.
- July 1 -- Glenn Gordon on "Charles Biederman, the Man, the Artist" -- Guest: Glenn Gordon who died recently. In his honor, we are re-airing this interview from 2014 in which he was the guest. Glenn was a friend of the famous modernist painter and spent many hours with him in his Red Wing home -- archiving his work, photographing him, etc. Gordon himself was a master furniture craftsman and writer.
- July 8 -- Tom Swain on Leadership -- Guest: Swain, elder statesman in Minnesota talking about his views of the Republican party today, leadership and his time as Chief of Staff for Governor Elmer L. Andersen. Tom also talks about his years as Mayor of Lillydale when he was in his late 80's..
- July 15 -- Richard Hruby on Osteopathic Medicine -- Guest: Richard Hruby, D.O. Dr. Hruby is an osteopath who works mostly in manipulative osteopathy, helping patients deal with many conditions, especially pain. In the interview he also talks about other interests of his including nutrition. He has worked in the field of osteopathic medicine for 35 plus years now.
- July 22 -- Paul Douglas on Our Weather -- Guest: Meteorologist, Paul Douglas, is the guest, talking about his favorite topic, the weather!
- July 29 -- Our Dying Honeybees -- Guest: Marla Spivak, PhD, internationally acclaimed bee expert and entomologist, from the U of Minnesota. Marla explains that three out of four of our crops depend on bees. It will be a public health and economic crisis if we don't save our honeybees. A major key element is narrowing the use of our pesticides. Tune in to learn more.
- August 5 -- The 35W Bridge Collapse -- Guest: Survivor, Andy Gannon -- Andy shares his story, and although this interview was taped several years ago, it reminds us that we need to pay attention to our infrastructure.
- August 12 -- Ann Bancroft on Access Water -- Guest: Ann Bancroft, Explorer/Educator -- We are re-airing this interview in light of today's news in the NY Times informing us that "One-fourth of the world faces looming water crises." This interview was done after Ann and fellow explorers traveled the Ganges River in India.
- August 19 -- Jodi Harpstead on Leadership -- Guest: The newly appointed MN State Commissioner of the Dept of Human Services, Jodi Harpstead, is my guest. We are re-airing an interview Jodi did w/ us after she started working as the CEO of Lutheran Social Services in 2012. In this interview Jodi talks about her early life, her experiences at Medtronic where she also had a executive position for years, her vision for LSS and her views on leadership.
- August 26 -- Alan Page on His Foundation -- Guest: Former Viking/Bear football player and former Associate Justice of the MN Supreme Court, Page talks about his foundation, the Page Education Foundation, that provides scholarships to minority youth.
- September 2 -- Richard Leider on Purpose and Work -- Guest: Author, Consultant, Career Coach, Leider, talks about the importance of having a sense of purpose that enriches your work life. A favorite guest, Richard fills the half hour w/ insightful ideas.
- September 9 -- Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman on Anti-Semitism -- Guest: Rabbi Zimmerman talks about this big topic that unfortunately is a bigger problem in our country than many of us thought. She talks about her role as a leader at Temple Israel and in the community at large, sharing hopes and fears.
- September 16 -- An Interview with James Lenfestey -- Guest: Poet, author, former Strib columnist and environmental activist, Lenfestey, shares some of his ideas, some of his philosophy and updates on the climate crisis.
- September 23 -- An Interview with Tom Lieberman -- Guest: Songwriter, singer, writer, and producer Lieberman. Tom talks w/ Mary about his ten years as a writer and performer on "Prairie Home Companion," his work w/ the jazz trio, Rio Nido, and his work as Executive Producer & Music Supervisor of "Sweet Land," the independent film which garnered high level critical praise and awards. He also sings one of well known songs, "Common Denominator" and shares news of one of his current projects, "Luke, the Uke." (If you missed the interview when it aired, it is on YouTube, along with all our other interviews from the past several years.)
- September 30 -- Pauline Boss on Ambiguous Loss -- Guest: U of MN Professor Emeritus from the Dept. of Family Social Sciences, Pauline Boss, PhD, shares ideas about this challenging kind of loss. She coined the term "ambiguous loss" back in the 70's and has written and consulted extensively around the world on this big topic. Pauline explains that this loss is the most stressful as there is no closure." Pauline, though, sheds helpful light on this subject.
- October 7 -- An Interview w/ Tom Lieberman (re-airing) - See Sept. 23 note above.
- October 14 -- Barbara Forster on Leadership -- Guest: Community leader, Barbara Forster, was honored this past week w/ the "Legacy of Leadership Lifetime Achievement Award" from the Junior League of Minneapolis, and in addition, Mayor Frey designated October 5 as "Barbara Forster Day" in Minneapolis. As you view the interview, you will realize why she deserves these honors. She has been a major supporter in all ways of so many important non-profits in our state and country.
- October 21 -- Governor Arne Carlson on Leadership -- Guest: Former Governor Carlson joins Mary to talk about his life, politics and leadership. This interview was taped in 2007, but because he is in the news so much now in MN representing the moderate Republicans, we are re-airing it.
- October 28 -- Terry Gips on the Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet -- Guest: Gips, CEO and President of Sustainability Alliance, ecologist, economist and author. Terry packs the 30 minutes with important research about our health as individuals and the health of our planet.
- November 4 -- Terry Gips on the Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet -- See directly above. Lots of requests to re-air this interview.
- November 11 -- A Family's Journey After Suicide --- Guest: Rebecca Anderson, ,LPN, LCSW, author and Co-Founder of the Suicide Survivor's Club. She talks about her husband and how she and her children dealt with his death. She also shares ideas from the set of books that she and her three children wrote about the suicide of their father and husband. The set is called Suicide Survivors' Club, and it was beautifully illustrated by artist, Laurie Phillips.
- November 18 -- Charles Denny on Leadership -- Guest: We are re-airing this interview as we remember Chuck Denny, the Minnesota leader who died October 4, 2019. Chuck was the former CEO of ADC Telecommunications and an executive before this at Honeywell. He was also a very busy volunteer in his retirement years and spoke out for corporate responsibility. This interview was taped in 2003, one of the first in the Minnesota Leaders series.
- November 25 -- Mike Ciresi on the Role of Judges As Gatekeepers -- Guest: Well known trial attorney, Mike Ceresi from Ciresi Conlin, LLP, discusses this legal role, sharing how cases are moved from one level of the court system to another, explaining how expert witnesses fit into the big picture.
- December 2 -- A Family's Journey After Suicide --- Guest: Rebecca Anderson, ,LPN, LCSW, author and Co-Founder of the Suicide Survivor's Club - See details under November 11th listing above.
- December 9 -- Gary Gilson on His Journalism Career -- Gilson, current Star Tribune columnist, Emmy Award winning broadcaster and former Executive Director of the Minnesota News Council talks about journalism and his career.
- December 16 -- Deception, Intimacy and the Law -- Guest: Professor Jill Elaine Hasday, J.D. from the U of MN Law Schooll, talks about how our legal system in the US has not provided remedies for those who were deceived in any way in intimate relationships. It is a fascinating look at how those who deceive have almost been encouraged to deceive again without consequences legally. Hasday has written the first book about this complex topic, Intimate Lies and the Law. She also talks about possible ways to make changes in the legal system and how changes would make for prevention of deceit.
- December 23 --Mark Rosen on Leadership -- Guest: Rosen, former Sports Anchor and reporter at WCCO Television and current KFAN radio host, reminisces about his career and talks about his personal history.
- December 30 -- Randy Adamsick on Kidney Transplants -- Guest: Adamsick, former Executive Director of the Minnesota Film Board, talking w/ Mary about his kidney transplant from a live donor and the pressing need for donors. (Randy and Mary worked together back in the late 80's/early 90's when they co-hosted the cable show, "The Screening Room.") Re-airing this interview.
- NOTE: If you miss a show, you can see it on YouTube. Go to Tube Channel. We have all the recently taped shows (over 180) uploaded.
- JANUARY 2018
- January 1 -- Ann Bancroft on Access Water - Guest: Ann, explorer, educator, talks about her plan to travel with expeditions to every continent to explore their problems and solutions re. water as well as her recent expedition to India. (re-airing)
- January 8 -- Four in Fifth -- Guests: Four fifth grade boys, Chris'Sean, Brady, Makai and Max, talk about their lives in fifth grade. They talk honestly and thoughtfully about what they worry about, about their schedules, bullying, etc.
- January 15 -- Leadership Under Pressure -- Guest: Donna Harris, PhD, President of Minnehaha Academy who talks about leading the private school in Minneapolis after the gas explosion at their Upper School this past August
- January 22 -- Decisions: Person, Place and Purpose -- Guest: Elisa Korenne, Singer, songwriter and author of One Hundred Miles To Nowhere about her decision to move from NYC to a small town in Minnesota
- January 29 - Alan Page on His Foundation -- Guest: Former MN Supreme Court Justice and football player with the Vikings and Bears, Alan Page, talks about his current focus, the Page Education Foundation.
- February 5 -- Alan Page on His Foundation -- re-run of show described above
- February 12 -- The ACLU of MN -- Guests: John Gordon, Ex. Director and board member, Mai Moua
- February 19 -- Sex Trafficking, Part I -- Guests: John Choi, Ramsey County Attorney and national expert on sex trafficking and Terry Williams, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at the Women's Foundation of Minnesota
- February 26 -- Sex Trafficking, Part II -- Guests: Beth Holger-Ambrose, Executive Director, and Quisha Stewart, Safe Harbor Division Director, both working at The Link, professionals on the front line
- March 5 -- Preventing Gun Violence -- Guest: Marit Brock, Co-Founder of Moms Demand Action in MN
- March 12 -- Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, An Update -- Guest: Eleanor Orehek, MD, Neurologist with the Noran Clinic
- March 19 -- Mental Illness -- An Interview w/ the Ex. Director of NAMI, Sue Abderholden (NAMI stands for the National Alliance on Mental Illness.) Guest: Sue Abderholden is the head of the MN Chapter of NAMI.
- March 26 -- Jean Wagenius on the Environment -- Guest: Jean Wagenius, MN State Representative from District 63B. Jean is a 30 year plus veteran of the Minnesota Legislature and has focused on environmental issues.
- April 2 -- William Cope Moyers on Addiction -- Guest: Moyers, who talks personally and professionally about his life as an addict and a recovering addict as well as treatment. He is the Vice President of Public Affairs and Community Relations for the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. He has appeared on Larry King Live, the Oprah Winfrey show, Good Morning America and National Public Radio. Moyers is the author of several books including Broken: My Story of Addiction and Redemption, a New York Times best-selling memoir. This interview was taped in 2012 and is being re-aired because of increased interest in addiction and the opioid crisis.
- April 9 -- Digestive Problems -- Guests: Nationally known integrative health professionals, Greg Plontnikoff, MD, Internist, and Mark Weisberg, PhD, Clinical Health Psychologist. They talk about their book, Trust Your Gut, and the important connections between our digestive system and the rest of our body.
- April 16 -- Decisions: Person, Place and Purpose -- Guest: Elisa Korenne, Singer, songwriter and author of One Hundred Miles To Nowhere who shares the story of her decision to move from NYC to a small town in Minnesota
- April 23 -- Exploring the Arctic with Lonnie Dupre -- Guest: Explorer, Dupre, who has spent 25 years exploring the Arctic and has been honored by the National Geographic Society, Greenpeace and many others
- April 30 -- Physical Punishment -- Guest: Libby Bergman, LICSW, Co-Founder of the Family Enhancement Center in south Minneapolis. Libby has been a sought after expert on child abuse.
- May 7 -- Anxiety and Our Kids -- Guest: Tina Feigel, parent educator and author
- May 14 -- Jane Freeman on Leadership -- Guest: The late Jane Freeman who recently died this Spring. Jane was the First Lady of Minnesota when her husband, Orville, was Governor. She was a leader in many areas, including being at the helm of the National Girl Scouts. This interview was taped in 2009.
- May 21 - Distracted Driving -- Guests: Vijay Dixit, Founder of the Shreya R. Dixit Memorial Foundation, and Frank Hormstein, MN State Representative. Shreya, Vijay's daughter, was killed when she was riding in a car that was driven by a driver who got distracted. Frank has worked on legislation regarding this issue for years.
- May 28 -- Dudley Riggs and His Circus Days -- Guest: Founder of Improvisational Theatre, Riggs, shares stories from his early (fascinating!) life as a circus performer with his family.
- June 4 -- Living and Leaving the Cycle of Abuse -- Guest: Mary Havens, survivor of abuse and author of Shadows in My Heart. along with Lynn Wiese Sneyd. Havens shares her family story of abuse including her daughters' sexual abuse by their father. She also describes the long struggle to get out of the marriage and begin a new life, something she also shared on "Oprah."
- June 11 -- Anne Gearity on High Risk Kids -- Guest: Premier clinical social worker, Anne Gearity, LICSW, talks about her nationally known work with high risk kids.
- June 18 -- Lake Calhoun's Name Restored to Bde Maka Ska -- Guests: Kate Beane, PhD, Minnesota Historical Society and Carly Bad Heart Bull, J.D., Bush Foundation Native Nations Activities Manager -- Kate and Carly are the sisters who led the push to restore the name.
- June 25 -- Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection -- Mark Meier on Choosing Life -- Guest: Mark Meier, LICSW, a clinical social worker who came within seconds of taking his own life. Mark talks about his depression and journey after his near suicide. He is the founder of Face It Foundation, a non-profit for men who are dealing with depression. The foundation complements traditional therapy and medication and helps people know they are not alone.
- July 2 -- Lyme Disease and Other Infectious Diseases -- Guest: Frank Rhames, MD, Infectious Disease Specialist
- July 9 -- The ACLU of Minnesota -- Guests: John Gordon, JD, Ex. Director of the MN ACLU and Mai Moua, JD, board member of the organization here. They discuss the role of the ACLU as well as some current issues, including some on immigration. This was taped several months ago, in January of 2018.
- July 16 -- Conflict Resolution -- Guest: Janet W. Rowles, MA, mediator and author of book which is hot off the press titled The Tell Me More Gesture, How & Why To Welcome Conflict. Janet has very practical and helpful ideas re. handling differences for individuals, couples, and families as well as students, board members, employees, employers, etc. She was awarded the "Peacemaker of the Year Award" from the Minneapolis Public Schools a few years ago.
- July 23 -- To be announced - (Sorry for not listing last week. Mary had a bad bike accident.) Lyme Disease and Other Infectious Diseases with guest, Frank Rhames, MD, was re-aired.
- July 30 -- Conflict Resolution -- Guest: Janet W. Rowles, MA, mediator and author of book which is hot off the press titled The Tell Me More Gesture, How & Why To Welcome Conflict. (Re-airing....Note from Mary -- I have learned new things each time I have heard Janet speak.)
- August 6 -- The ACLU of Minnesota -- Guests: John Gordon, JD, Ex. Director of the MN ACLU and Mai Moua, JD, board member of the organization here. They discuss the role of the ACLU as well as some current issues, including some on immigration. This was taped several months ago, in January of 2018 -- re-airing due to requests
- August 13 -- Alan Page on His Foundation -- Guest: Former MN Supreme Court Justice and football player with the Vikings and Bears, Alan Page, talks about his current focus, the Page Educational Foundation.
- August 20 -- Ann Bancroft on Access Water - Guest: Ann, explorer, educator, talks about her plan to travel with expeditions to every continent to explore their problems and solutions re. water as well as her recent expedition to India. (re-airing)
- August 27 -- Minnesota Teacher of the Year, 2018 -- Guest: Kelly Holstine, English teacher at the Tokata Learning Center in Shakopee, MN.
- September 3 -- Ron Daws on the Mind Body Connection -- Guest: the late Olympian, Ron Daws, who was featured in the August 24, 2018 Star Tribune in a two page spread focusing on the Alamosa Trials before the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City as well as the early days of running in MN. What happened in MN greatly influenced the beginning of the running movement in the United States.
- September 10 -- Indian Lands in Indian Hands -- Guest: Cris Stainbrook, President of the Indian Land Tenure Foundation (ILTF) based in Little Canada, MN. The Foundation provides grants and services to Indian nations and individuals focused on recovering land within reservation boundaries and off reservation sacred sites. Cris is the recent past President of the ACLU of Minnesota. He is also a former Senior Program Officer at Northwest Area Foundation as well as a former member of the Board of Directors of the St. Paul Foundation and the Minnesota Community Foundations and has had extensive involvement w/ other foundations.
- September 17 -- Nonviolent Peace Force -- Guest: Mel Duncan, Co-Founder and former Executive Director of the nonpartisan, unarmed civilian peace force that is international in scope
- September 24 -- Ellen Kennedy on Human Rights -- Guest: Kennedy, Founder and Executive Director of World Without Genocide
- October 1 -- Philip Brunelle on Leadership -- Guest: Philip Brunelle, the founder and Artistic Director of the internationally choral group, VocalEssence is the guest. We are re-airing this interview in honor of the 50th anniversary of the group and their upcoming anniversary concert on October 7th.
- October 8 -- Alan Page on the Page Education Foundation - In honor of Diane Sims Page, the Co-Founder of the foundation who died very recently, we are re-airing this interview.that was taped in 2017. The foundation provides college scholarships to minority youth.
- October 15 -- Living and Leaving the Cycle of Abuse -- Guest: Mary Havens, survivor of abuse and author of Shadows in My Heart along with Lynn Wiese Sneyd. Havens shares her family story of abuse including her daughters' sexual abuse by their father. She also describes the long struggle to get out of the marriage and begin a new life, something she also shared on "Oprah."
- October 22 -- The Wallins' Legacy -- Wallin Education Partners -- Guests: Susan Basil King, Executive Director of Wallin Education Partners, Stephen R. Lewis, Board Member and former President of Carleton College and Kelly Rodriguez, Wallin graduate. Win and Maxine Wallin started the non-profit which provides four year scholarships to high potenial low income and/or students of color and has an impressive six year graduation rate of 90 per cent or more.
- October 29 -- Win Wallin on Leadership -- Guest: Former CEO of Medtronic and Co-Founder, with Maxine Wallin, his wife, of the Wallin Education Partners college scholarship program for deserving students who are supported through graduation.
- November 5 -- Josie Johnson on Leadership, Part II -- Guest: Civil rights leader, Josie Johnson, talks in this interview, taped in 2016, about racism in our country which she feels is "deeply etched" in our country and has gotten worse. She also talks about how she has stayed hopeful and about the Voting Rights Act. Congratulations to Josie for her very recent award from the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs and the establishment of the Josie Robinson Johnson Fellowship. In her honor Civil Rights Activist Vernon Jordan spoke saying, “Josie, you are the Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman of our time."
- November 12 -- Ilhan Omar on Leadership -- Guest: Our new Congresswoman talks about her life in Somalia and a refugee camp before coming to the US at age 13. She becomes now one of the two first Muslim women elected to Congress.This interview was taped in 2017.
- November 19 -- Richard Proudfit on Leadership -- Guest: The founder of Feed My Starving Children talked w/ Mary about the evolution of this wonderful non-profit in 2012, and we are re-airing the interview in his honor because he died last week on 11-13-18.
- November 26 -- Lonnie Dupre, Arctic Explorer -- Guest: Explorer, Dupre, who has spent 25 years exploring the Arctic and has been honored by the National Geographic Society, Greenpeace and many others
- December 3 -- Michael Osterholm on Antibiotic Resistance and Superbugs -- Guest: Osterholm, PhD, MPH, Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research at the U of MN and former MN State Epidemiologist. (See Smithsonian Magazine's major article on antibiotics that featured Osterholm.)
- December 10 -- Living Lightly on the Earth with Holly Jorgensen -- Guest: Writer, Speaker, Photographer, Singer sharing ideas from her new book, Enchanted, Reflections From a Joyfully Green and Frugally Rich Life
- December 17 -- Keith Ellison on Leadership -- Guest: MN's new Attorney General talks about his early life, his career as a US Congressman and his thoughts on leadership. (Re-airing)
- December 24 -- An Update on the Non-Violent Peace Force -- Guest: Mel Duncan, Co-Founder of the Peace Force
- December 31 -- Four in Fifth -- Guests: Four 5th grade boys share their feelings about being this age, about time pressures, bullying and future plans. You will enjoy meeting Chris, Brady, Makai and Max.
- January 7th and ongoing -- See above.
- NOTE: If you miss a show, you can see it on YouTube. Go to Tube Channel. We have all the recently taped shows (over 180) uploaded.
- January 2 -- Kelly Drummer on the Tiwahe Foundation - Guest: Drummer, president and CEO of the Tiwahe Foundation which is giving micro grants to individuals and working to preserve American Indian culture
- January 9 -- Re-imagine Your Life - Guest: Richard Leider, author, coach, speaker
- January 16 - Wildlife in Our Midst - Guest: Phil Jenni, Ex. Director of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
- January 23 -- An American Artist Abroad - Guest: Camille Hanson, Choreographer, dancer in Madrid, Spain, an artist working on environmental issues via dance
- January 30 - Deep Brain Stimulation - Guest: Okeanis Vaou, Neurologist and former Medical Director of the American Parkinson's Disease Association
- February 6 - Josie Johnson on Leadership, Part II - Guest: Josie is the nationally known civil rights activist who is MN based but nationally recognized.
- February 13 --Alan Page on Leadership (re-run)
- February 20 -- the late W. Harry Davis on Leadership (re-run)
- February 27 - David Roe on Leadership (in honor of his recent death) Guest: Roe, the former head of the AFL-CIO in MN
- March 6 - Richard Leider on Reimagining Your Life - Guest: Author, consultant, Richard Leider
- March 13 - Stanislaw Skrowaczewski on Conducting and Composing -- (in memory of) Guest: The esteemed former Conductor of the MN Orchestra taped this interview w/ me in 2012.
- March 20 - Larry Long on Social Issues -- Guest: Troubador, educator Larry Long
- March 27 - Amy Klobuchar on Leadership -- Guest: Senator Klobuchar
- April 3 -- Jim Klobuchar on Leadership -- Guest: former Star Tribune columnist and author (as well as father of Amy)
- April 10 - Constitutional Issues: The Supreme Court, Part I -- Guests: Jill Hasday and Heidi Kitroller, Constitutional Scholars and University of MN Law School professors
- April 17 - The Impact of Alzheimer's on Our Communities -- Guests: Sue Spaulding, Executive Director of the Alzheimer's Association of Minnesota-North Dakota and Dawn Simonson, Executive Director of the Metro Area Agency on Aging
- April 24 - Dudley Riggs on Flying Funny -- Guest: Founder of Improvisational Theatre and the Brave New Workshop, comedian and author
- May 1 - Betty McCollum on Leadership -- Guest: Congresswoman McCollum from the 4th District
- May 8 - Mindfulness -- Guest: Jeannine Myrvik, LICSW, Psychotherapist at the Minnesota Center for Psychology
- May 15 - Dudley Riggs on Flying Funny (re-airing due to popular demand -- Guest: Founder of Improvisational Theatre and the Brave New Workshop, comedian and author
- May 22 - Lynn Gordon on Leadership - Guest: Lynn Gordon, Pioneer in the Organic Food Industry
- May 29 - Ilhan Omar on Leadership - Guest: Representative Omar was recently elected as the Minnesota House Representative for District 60B, making her the highest-elected Somali-American public official in the United States. Ilhan is also the Assistant Minority Leader in the MN House.
- June 5 - Anne Gearity on High Risk Kids - Guest: Gearity, LICSW, therapist in private practice and University of Minnesota faculty member in the Departments of Psychiatry, Social Work, and the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Certificate Program. Anne is also a consultant and a popular workshop leader. She is the author of a treatment manual on Developmental Repair which she discusses on the show.
- June 12 - Lyme Disease and Other Infectious Diseases - Guest: Frank Rhame, MD, Infectious Diseases Expert with Abbott Northwestern Hospital and Allina Health
- June 19 - Understanding Ambiguous Losses - Guest: Pauline Boss, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Family Social Sciences, University of Minnesota and consultant, researcher. Pauline is the author of the well-known book, Ambiguous Loss: Learning to Live With Unresolved Grief and her newest book, Loss, Trauma, and Resilience: Therapeutic Work with Ambiguous Loss.
- June 26 - Don Shelby on Leadership -- Guest: Former Twin Cities anchorman, actor, environmentalist, Shelby, talks w/ Mary about his personal history and career. We are re-airing this, tying in to "Minnesota Good Age's recent cover story on Don.
- July 3 -- Working To End Gun Violence -- Guest: Marit Brock, Co-Founder of Moms Demand Action in MN
- July 10 -- Coping with Hearing Loss -- Guests: Anthony Davis, MSW, LISW, Specialist, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Minnesota Department of Human Services, Mankato branch, and Interpreter, Sharisse Leier also from the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Tony talks about communication tips, the importance of a diagnosis and new technology -- hearing aides and other helpful devices and equipment.
- July 17 -- Will Steger on His Wilderness Center -- Guest: Explorer, environmentalist, educator, Steger, talking about climate change and his new Center near Ely, MN, built with the purpose of convening groups (leaders and youth) for the purpose of discussing solutions for dealing with climate change. We are re-airing this interview due to the interest in the collapse recently of the Larsen ice shelf in the Antarctic.
- July 24 -- Ilhan Omar on Leadership -- Guest: MN State Representative Omar talking about her early life in Somalia, living in a refugee camp and her work now as Minority Leader. (We are re-airing this because of Ilhan's recent appearance on the national talk show, "The Daily Show," on Comedy Central and her invite to President Trump to come to MN for a cup of tea and visit people from our Somali community.)
- July 31 -- Parenting a Child with Disabilities, Heartbreak and Hope -- Guests: Katie Sherman and Jennifer Hanson, parents of children with disabilities. They share their stories, including insights for other parents as well as resources available in our state.
- August 7 -- The 35W Bridge Collapse --- It has been 10 years! - Guest: Andy Gannon, a man who was on the bridge that August day, the 1st, in 2007. (re-airing)
- August 14 --100 Things to Do in the Twin Cities Before You Die -- Guest: MPR NEWS, host, Tom Weber, author of fun book by this title (re-airing)
- August 21 -- Michael Osterholm on Antibiotic Resistance and Superbugs - Guest: Osterholm, PhD, MPH, Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research at the U of MN (re-airing)
- August 28 -- Alan Page on His Foundation -- Guest: Retired MN Supreme Court Associate Justice, Page, who was also a celebrated football player. Alan talks in this interview about the work of his foundation, providing scholarship help to minority students who then mentor younger children
- September 4 -- Larry Long on Social Issues -- Guest: Singer, songwriter, educator, Larry shares his music via clips and his passion for reform.
- September 11 -- Minnesota Teacher of the Year, 2017 -- Guest: Corey Bulman, Language Arts Teacher at Mound Westonka High School
- September 18 -- Stanislaw Skrowaczewski on Conducting and Composing -- Guest: The former Conductor of the Minnesota Orchestra (re-airing) This show was taped in 2012 when Stanislaw was 88. He died in February of 2017.
- September 25 -- Surviving the Holocaust -- Guest: Judy Meisel, Survivor from the Kovno Ghetto in Lithuania and the Stutthof Concentration Camp in Poland. The story of her life is an amazing story of surviving horrors and hatred as well as resilience, hope and activism.
- October 2 -- Reatha Clark King on Race Relations -- Guest: Former Vice President of General Mills and former President of Metro State University, Reatha Clark King. Reatha has had a most unique life -- she grew up getting up early as a young girl to pick cotton and went on to not only become the VP of General Mills and President of Metro State, but she also contributed as a scientist w/ the space program prior to these positions.
- October 9 -- Coping with Financial Stress -- Guest: Darryl Dahlheimer, LICSW, former Program Director, LSS Financial Counseling
- October 16 -- In honor of Marion who just died September 24 -- "Marion Etzwiler on Leadership" -- Guest: Former President and CEO of the Minneapolis Foundation (1984-94), Marion Etzwiler. She was a true leader and an advocate for women and justice. This interview was taped in February of 2004.
- October 23 -- Alzheimer's Risk: The Ethnicity and Race Connection -- Guests: Robbin Frazier, Director of Diversity and Inclusion from the Alzheimer's Association, MN-NDak and Yoli Chambers, Administrator, Health and Wellness Department, Centro Tyrone Guzman.
- October 30 -- Ranked Choice Voting -- Guest: Tom Kuhlman, PhD, author of upcoming book on RCV
- November 6 -- Divorce: Understanding the Process -- Guest: Family Law Attorney, Joanie Moberg
- November 13 -- An Interview with Paul Douglas -- Guest: Weatherman, meteorologist Douglas talking about weather and his career. He currently writes daily about our weather for the Star Tribune.
- November 20 -- Richard Leider on Work and Purpose -- Guest: Author, coach and consultant Leider
- November 27 -- Exploring the Arctic with Lonnie Dupre -- Guest: Explorer, Dupre, who has spent 25 years exploring the Arctic and has been honored by the National Geographic Society, Greenpeace and many others.
- December 4 -- Michael Osterholm on Antibiotic Resistance and Superbugs -- Guest: Osterholm, PhD, MPH, Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research at the U of MN and former MN State Epidemiologist. (Re-airing in connection w/ recent Smithsonian Magazine's major article on antibiotics that featured Osterholm.
- December 11 -- Dealing with Hearing Loss -- Guest: Anthony Davis, MSW, LISW, Specialist, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Minnesota Department of Human Services, Mankato branch, and Interpreter, Sharisse Leier also from the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Tony talks about communication tips, the importance of a diagnosis and new technology -- hearing aides and other helpful devices and equipment.
- December 18 -- Philip Brunelle on Leadership -- Guest: Brunelle, Artistic Director of Vocal Essence
- December 25 -- Mindfulness -- Guest: Jeannine Myrvik, LICSW, Psychotherapist at the Minnesota Center for Psychology
- January 4 -- Lori Saroya on Leadership -- Guest: Co-founder of CAIR-MN, the Council on American Islamic Relations, a leading civil rights and advocacy organization. Lori Saroya, JD, is a Bush Fellow.
- January 11 -- When Committed Couples Drift Apart -- Guest: John Driggs, LICSW, Therapist in private practice and "Phoenix Spirit" feature writer
- January 18 -- Stanislaw Skrowaczewski on Conducting and Composing -- Guest: The former Conductor of the Minnesota Orchestra (re-airing)
- January 25 - Will Steger on His Wilderness Center -- Guest: Explorer, educator, Will Steger -- for more information go to
- February 1 -- Don Shelby on Leadership -- Guest: Former TV anchorman, actor, environmentalist, Shelby
- February 8 and on -- Don Shelby on Leadership (repeat)
- February 15 -- RT Rybak -- Looking Back and Looking Forward (repeat) -- Guest: Former Mayor of Minneapolis, RT Rybak
- February 22 - Charles Biederman, the Man, the Artist (repeat) -- Guest: Glenn Gordon, writer/photographer, reminiscing about Biederman, the nationally acclaimed modern artist who lived in Red Wing, MN, much of his life. Gordon had photographed and interviewed Biederman.
- February 29 -- Wilhelmina Wright on Leadership -- Guest: Former Associate Justice on the MN Supreme Court and newly appointed United States District Judge of the US District Court for the District of Minnesota
- March 7 -- Terry Gips on Sustainability - Guest: Gips, author and President of Sustainability Associates
- March 14 -- Re-Imagine Your Life -- Guest: Author, coach and founder of the Inventure Group, Richard Leider who is the co-author of Life Reimagined and author of The Power of Purpose.
- March 21 -- Martin Sabo on the Income Gap -- Guest: the late US Congressman Martin Sabo in an interview we did in 1998.
- March 28 -- Martin Sabo on Leadership -- Guest: Martin Sabo, in an interview on his life and leadership that was taped in 2006
- April 4 -- Update: NAZ and the Achievement Gap -- Guest: Sondra Samuels, President and CEO of the Northside Achievement Zone, which has the goal of preparing low-income North Mpls children to graduate from HS and be ready for college.
- April 11 - American-Islamic Relationships -- Guest: Jaylani Hussein, Executive Director of CAIR-MN, the Council on American-Islamic Relationships
- April 18 -- Ann Bancroft on Access Water -- Guest: Explorer/Educator Ann Bancroft who shares the account of her most recent expedition to India to bring awareness to the global water crisis
- April 25 -- Preparing for End-of-Life Healthcare Decisions -- Guest: Anne Denny, Consultant, Speaker and Author of My Voice, My Choice, A Practical Guide to Writing a Meaningful Healthcare Directive
- May 2 -- Barry ZeVan: An Eclectic Career -- Guest: The Weatherman, Actor, Documentary Filmaker, Consultant and author of Barry ZeVan, My Life Among the Giants, A Memoir
- May 9 -- Distracted Driving -- Guests: Vijay Dixit, parent of Shreya Dixit who died as a result of distracted driving and Frank Hornstein, State Representative, DFL-Minneapolis, who is working on bills related to distracted driving (Re-airing)
- May 16 -- Working To End Gun Violence -- Guest: Marit Brock, Co-Founder of Moms Demand Action in MN
- May 23 -- Our Dying Honeybees -- Guest: Marla Spivak, PhD, Entomologist at the University of Minnesota and national expert on bees. Marla won a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, a "genius grant," for her work with bees.
- May 30 -- The Wonder of Monarchs -- Guest: Karen Oberhauser, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Fisheries, Wlldlife and Conservation Biology, University of MN. Karen won a White House Champion of Change award for her work with the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, a national project she started.
- June 6 -- Re-Imagine Your Life -- Guest: Author, coach and founder of the Inventure Group, Richard Leider who is the co-author of Life Reimagined and author of The Power of Purpose.
- June 13 -- Constitutional Issues: The Supreme Court, Part I -- Guests: Professors Heidi Kitroller, JD, and Jill Hasday, JD, from the University of Minnesota Law School. Hasday is a Distinguished McKnight University Professor and teaches and writes in the field of constitutional law among several other specialties. Professor Kitrosser is an expert on the constitutional law of federal government secrecy and speaks, writes and consults. She is the author of Reclaiming Accountability: Transparency, Executive Power, and the U.S. Constitution, a book published in 2015.
- June 20 -- Constitutional Issues: The Supreme Court, Part II -- Guests: Professors Heidi Kitroller, JD, and Jill Hasday, JD, from the University of Minnesota Law School
- June 27 -- Working To End Gun Violence -- Guest: Marit Brock, Co-Founder of Moms Demand Action in MN (re-airing)
- July 4 -- Our Endangered Ash Trees -- Guest: Karen Zumach, Community Forestry Manager, Tree Trust
- July 11 - Our Endangered Ash Trees (re-airing)
- July 18 -- Love of the Written Word, The Life of a Writer -- Guest: Candace Simar, author of Shelterbelts, her most recent book, and winner of the Spur Award in 2012
- July 25 -- Wendell Anderson on Leadership -- Guest: Former Governor Wendy Anderson. This interview was taped in November of 2008, and we are re-airing it in his honor of his life and contributions to Minnesota.
- August 1 -- Michael Dennis Browne on Writing -- Guest: Poet and writer, Michael Dennis Browne, talking about the process of writing, his work w/ composer, Stephen Paulus, and his 39 years of teaching at the University of Minnesota where he is Professor Emeritus. Michael reads a poem from his most recent book, The Voices, and also shares some about his writing for children.
AND OTHER Past programs
A SAMPLING OF OTHER PROGRAMS -- From the Archives Dating Back to 1980
- Interviews w/ former Governors Perpich, Elmer Andersen, Wendall Anderson, Arne Carlson, Harold Stassen, Al Quie
- Ralph Rapson on Leadership
- James Shannon on Leadership
- Ann Bancroft on Leadership
- Keith Ellison on Leadership
- Amy Klobuchar on Leadership
- Jim Ramstad on Leadership
- Ron Daws on the Mind Body Connection
- U of M and Mayo Team Up To Defeat Diabetes with Mayo Clinic’s Robbert Rizza, MD. Ex. Dean for Research and University of MN’s Aaron Friedman, MD, Dean of U of MN Medical School